What if the US didn't watch israels back?

badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
edited April 2010 in A Moving Train
I'm really curious to know peoples thoughts on this? What do u guys think would happen if Israel DIDNT have free rein from the US??? I've always wondered that.....I got my opinions but I'd love to hear everybody elses...so Byrnzie, start it up bro..... :D
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  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    badbrains wrote:
    I'm really curious to know peoples thoughts on this? What do u guys think would happen if Israel DIDNT have free rein from the US??? I've always wondered that.....I got my opinions but I'd love to hear everybody elses...so Byrnzie, start it up bro..... :D

    I think Israeli's would be a lot better off if their leaders were forced to conduct themselves in a more civilized manner. If the U.S joined the rest of the world in implementing U.N 242 instead of vetoing it every year, and Israel was forced to cease conducting itself like a dangerous rogue state then that could only be a good thing for both Israel and it's neighbours.

    I'd very much like to see the U.S end it's bankrolling of Israels militarism.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    As for America, I think Michael Neumann makes a sound case here:

    Michael Neumann:

    '...America would be far better off on the other side of the Israel/Palestine conflict. It would instantly gain the warm friendship of Arab oil producers and obtain far more valuable allies in the war on terror: not only the governments of the entire Muslim world, but a good portion of the Muslim fundamentalist movement. The war on terror, which seems so un-winnable, might well be won at nominal cost, and quickly. Perhaps, the most likely scenario would simply involve an embargo on Israel. Sponsored by the U.S in cooperation with the United Nations. There is a chance that Israel would prove intransigent; it has great military resources and could probably buy the materials it needs through sales of military technology. If this happens, Israel might have to be made the object of the kind of coalition forged against Iraq in the first Gulf war. Of course, against Israel the coalition would be far broader and stronger, including all the countries of the former Soviet Union, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, and many others. And though Israel is quite strong enough to persist in it's policies without U.S support, it could not stand up to such a coalition. Israel would be forced to follow it's own best interests and make peace.
    Perhaps most important, switching sides would revitalize America's foundering efforts at non-proliferation. There are two man reasons why other countries resist these efforts: fear of American attack, and the outrageous exemption of Israel from non-proliferation initiatives. It is simply absurd to suppose that any serious effort to stem the development of nuclear weapons can proceed in the absence of any attempt to disarm Israel, which is estimated to possess between 200 and 500 nuclear warheads. Having launched it's own satellites, it clearly has the capacity to hit targets anywhere in the world, and it possesses cruise missiles that have hit targets 950 miles away. Until it is forced either to disarm or to establish good relations with it's neighbours, the pace of proliferation will simply increase. On the other hand, U.S efforts to neutralize the Israeli nuclear threat would win support for non-proliferation efforts from Pakistan and Iran. In these circumstances, in a radically different political environment, the problem of North Korea would no longer seem intractable. Meanwhile, the U.S contents itself with hollow victories such as Libya's recent gesture, the nuclear disarmament of a country that never had nuclear weapons in the first place.
    In short, one has only to conceive the end of the U.S-Israel alliance to be overwhelmed with the benefits of such a move - very likely, even to Israel itself. That once-beneficial alliance, a legacy of the Cold War, has turned poisonous to America's security and it's future.'
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    I wonder if Israel would continue to turn a deaf ear to the international community. I wonder if there would be sanctions leveled against Israel. I wonder if aipac would continue to exist. I wonder how much more money America would have for it's OWN citizens. I wonder if Iran would "wipe them off the map" (doubt it). I wonder if Israel would do fly overs over other countries without there permission (Poland). I wonder if that rat
    netyn-kookoo would walk around all cocky with that dumb ass smirk on his face. I wonder if the bad ass ITF soldier would smack an old grandma walking on the streets of Palestine. I wonder what the Israelis would think about having to share 50% of the water in the region. I wonder how great it would feel for the young Palestinians to have NO FEAR in sleeping, going to school, playing on the streets soccer, going to the beach for a swim, or even going to a park for a picnic with there ENTIRE family. Oh wait, I don't think they're allowed to even have trees or grass. I wonder how that feeling would be to be able to return to your fathers fathers land after 60 years away. I wonder, yet I wonder, but who am I kidding? Dreams DONT come true, ask any palestinian child........
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    I wonder what would happen if the Palestinians would just agree to the peace proposals Israel has repeatedly made to them over the last 20 years. Oh wait, I do know. There would be peace. There would be a state of Palestine in all of Gaza and virtually the entire West Bank. East Jerusalem would be the capital of Palestine. The occupation would be over. The settlements would be gone. And finally, finally Israelis and Palestinians might just get to live in peace.

    Byrnzie, I know you're going to trot out the same old quotes from your stockpile about how the deals weren't really what every sane person who was actually in the room says they were. We've been over this already a thousand times, so in the interest of saving space let's just say that I've already seen your quotes and your maps and I disagree and could bring quotes and maps of my own, and not go through this whole pointless dance again.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Yosi, I say this with the utmost respect to YOU, the only peace Israel wants is "PIECES" of MORE & MORE land. There was absolutely NOTHING WRONG with ANYTHING I wrote....Israel DOESNT want peace, if it did, the would of had it by now and YOU KNOW IT.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    yosi wrote:
    I wonder what would happen if the Palestinians would just agree to the peace proposals Israel has repeatedly made to them over the last 20 years. Oh wait, I do know. There would be peace. There would be a state of Palestine in all of Gaza and virtually the entire West Bank. East Jerusalem would be the capital of Palestine. The occupation would be over. The settlements would be gone. And finally, finally Israelis and Palestinians might just get to live in peace.

    Byrnzie, I know you're going to trot out the same old quotes from your stockpile about how the deals weren't really what every sane person who was actually in the room says they were. We've been over this already a thousand times, so in the interest of saving space let's just say that I've already seen your quotes and your maps and I disagree and could bring quotes and maps of my own, and not go through this whole pointless dance again.

    You disagree? You disagree with what? Israel has never proposed anything resembling a legitimate Palestinian state. It has merely offered the Palestinians the chance to live like dogs in a South African Bantustan style system of rule.
    Again, it's not what Israel wants that we should consider, but what Israel is entitled to under international law. Israel and the U.S stand alone in the world in blocking a two-state settlement under Resolution 242, as I've shown already. They stand alone in the world in rejecting a peaceful settlement every year.
  • satansbedsatansbed Posts: 2,139
    well what would happen is obama would lose the next election, there are over 6 million jews in america, obama won 70 percent of their vote, that would be a huge swing to the republicans
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