Kentucky vs the Vatican

Isn't it about time that someone, some country hold the Vatican accountable for their actions or lack thereof!!!!
My question is why is the Vatican now trying to hide behind the fact that it is a 'foreign country' and not a church? Vatican claims priests were not employees of the Vatican and as the Head of State of a 'country' not as his status of the 'Holy See', the Pope is claiming immunity against this lawsuit.
If the Vatican is now claiming that priests are not considered employees of the church, then the IRS needs to be investigating the status of the Catholic church and organizations as to their 501(c) status for tax exemption.
If the Vatican is now claiming that priests are not considered employees of the church, then the U.S. Attorney General for the Department of Justice should join Kentucky's lawsuit as the Vatican knowingly harbored and withheld criminal activities of people within its facilities thoughout the US. If, as the church claims they were not employees, why move them from one church to another church in an attempt to coverup their activities.
For the church to state 'those without sins cast the first stone'. The church needs to understand the difference between the afterlife and the here and now. We are talking about the condoned practice of raping children over long periods of times. Not one child, not one incident, not one priest, a condoned practice of allowing the rape of children at their pleasure. A practice in which priest violated their bodies and their spirits. The Vatican, a foreign country who knowingly allowed priest to violate church teaching and then offer protection to the very same priests who distorted God's teaching to manipulate children into believing that rape was God's will.
I hope the State of Kentucky doesn't settle this case and holds the Vatican [a foreign country] accountable to the rape of U.S. children.
My question is why is the Vatican now trying to hide behind the fact that it is a 'foreign country' and not a church? Vatican claims priests were not employees of the Vatican and as the Head of State of a 'country' not as his status of the 'Holy See', the Pope is claiming immunity against this lawsuit.
If the Vatican is now claiming that priests are not considered employees of the church, then the IRS needs to be investigating the status of the Catholic church and organizations as to their 501(c) status for tax exemption.
If the Vatican is now claiming that priests are not considered employees of the church, then the U.S. Attorney General for the Department of Justice should join Kentucky's lawsuit as the Vatican knowingly harbored and withheld criminal activities of people within its facilities thoughout the US. If, as the church claims they were not employees, why move them from one church to another church in an attempt to coverup their activities.
For the church to state 'those without sins cast the first stone'. The church needs to understand the difference between the afterlife and the here and now. We are talking about the condoned practice of raping children over long periods of times. Not one child, not one incident, not one priest, a condoned practice of allowing the rape of children at their pleasure. A practice in which priest violated their bodies and their spirits. The Vatican, a foreign country who knowingly allowed priest to violate church teaching and then offer protection to the very same priests who distorted God's teaching to manipulate children into believing that rape was God's will.
I hope the State of Kentucky doesn't settle this case and holds the Vatican [a foreign country] accountable to the rape of U.S. children.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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Plus the fact that the Catholic Church has been interfering in politics for the longest time. (The recent fight over Prop 8 in CA just one example among many. )
Not sure what would come of this though. Americans don't like government interfering in religion, plus the Vatican enjoys diplomatic immunity so you can't arrest the Pope. Would seizure of Catholic Church assets go over well with the millions of Carholics here and abroad?
Hold the phone there, wasn't the mormons the ones going against the prop 8 in California. The fact that there was a high turnout of African American voters in the past presidental election and lack of support for gay marriage is what really messed up prop 8. You see most black people I know are very religous and yes they supported a liberal president they did not support gay marriage.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
I had them in the Finals of my NCAA Tournement office pool.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yes, the Mormons were very much the public face of the opposition, but the Catholic Church was very much involved also.
Plus, it's short sighted to blame African american voters for its failure. It was the anti-Prop 8 movement that screwed up, big time. They for some reason decided not to have any outreach to the substantial Latino, African-American and Asian Catholic (Filipino, Vietnamese) populations in California, for instance. They allowed the bigots to frame the debate with outright lies and misinformation. They didn't put forward real faces who would be affected by the discriminatory ballot measure.
Plus remember, a similar proposition passed much more readily in 2000, but Prop 8 only made it by a 3% margin. The tide is turning.
I am not blaming jus saying what you did is that noone reached out to campaign to black, hispanic voters.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
Seriously though, People in power, even those that claim to love Jesus, will abuse that power to benefit themselves or their kind. I do not care for organized religion, especially the catholic church. Papal infallibility means that the pope is NEVER wrong. He can declare dogma and it becomes part of the church's tenet (Mary's own virgin birth, for example). I was once molested by a teacher, then found out it had happened at other schools. He was booted from our school, very hush-hush, and I have no doubt that he went on to molest other girls. I've recently read about boy scout troop leaders that had to be moved to other lodges, again on the down-low, only to prey on other boys. How many little lives have been ruined? How dark are the nightmares in their little minds? Fucking hell, it makes me sick.
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
1. The State of Kentucky is not involving itself in religion, the State of Kentucky is involving itself in the pursuant of 'crimes against its citizens'. The criminals just so happen to be priests. Maybe it won't be a RICO case, however, if Kentucky is successful in obtaining documents, maybe other countries pursuing these same claims of prolonged rape of children by Catholic priest, will be worst than a RICO case.
2. Yes, the Pope is claiming immunity as Head of State which is his right. Yet, on the other hand, the Pope as the Holy See has claimed that priests are not Vatican employees, therefore, the IRS has every right to review their 501(c) status and where appropriate apply tax penalties in accordance to any other earned wage employee and their business operations.
3. So because a religion has millions of followers we can't hold them accountable for their actions. If that's the case, we don't need to be in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, or Yemen. We don't need to be telling Iran, Syria and Libya what to do. Seems like we've based the action of a few to go after the many, yet the Catholic church is suppose to be treated differently because the crime is the condone raping of children under their care. WHY!!!
4. Just because people donate to a religious organization engaged in criminal activities does not mean that law enforcement forfeits it right to prosecute criminal activity that comes to their attention committed by such religious organization.
Another example of an institution corrupting when given it state, religious, local, humanitarian... ANY institution when given power corrupts, however benign their goals. From a religion based on peace to PETA to the most participatory go'vt in history, power corrupts, every time. And its so fucking obvious i wonder why they are still around.