U.S Militia Attempts Anti-Government Uprising

ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
edited April 2010 in A Moving Train
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ma ... death-plot

Christian militia members held for plot to kill policeman and bomb funeral

Michigan-based militia members may have been trying to provoke anti-government uprising

* Chris McGreal in Washington
* The Guardian, Tuesday 30 March 2010

Nine members of a rightwing Christian militia in the US were charged yesterday with plotting to murder a policeman and then bomb his funeral in an attempt to provoke an anti-government uprising.

Eight of the Michigan-based group, which includes one woman, were arrested at the weekend in raids in three states, amid warnings from civil rights groups of a surge in the number of extremist militias and "patriot" organisations that see the government as the enemy. A ninth person remained at large as charges of sedition and the planned use of weapons of mass destruction were issued.

The members of the group, called Hutaree, allegedly planned to kill the policeman and plant improvised bombs – modelled on those used by insurgents in Iraq – along the route of his funeral, to murder other officers and mourners.

Hutaree, which the group says means Christian warrior, is described by prosecutors as advocating attacks on law enforcement agencies as the "foot soldiers" of the federal government.

"This is an example of radical and extremist fringe groups which can be found throughout our society," said Andrew Arena, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation in Michigan. "The FBI takes such extremist groups seriously."

Hutaree describes its doctrine as based on the testimony of Jesus and warns of a looming battle with the antichrist. "The Hutaree will one day see its enemy and meet him on the battlefield, if so God wills it," the group says in its literature.

Among the forums on the group's website is one dealing with weapons, and another called the "evil Jew forum".

According to prosecutors, the accused Hutaree members spent 18 months planning the killings. After attacking the funeral, militia members planned to retreat to fortified sites and begin a war against the government. The prosecution says the attacks were intended to "intimidate and demoralise law enforcement".

"It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more widespread uprising against the government," the indictment said.

Prosecutors say the accused conspirators were led by David Stone, 45, known as Captain Hutaree. He is alleged to have used the internet to find information on improvised bombs in Iraq and to have told his son to obtain the materials. The prosecution also alleges that Stone taught Hutaree members to make bombs.

Stone's former wife Donna was among those arrested. One of his sons, Joshua, is the ninth person being sought by police.

Last month, a prominent civil rights group warned of a surge in the number of anti-government extremist groups and armed militias, driven by deepening hostility on the right to Barack Obama, anger over the economy, and the increasing propagation of conspiracy theories.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre identified Michigan as one of the states with the highest number of rightwing militias and extremist "patriot" groups. The number of such organisations rose by nearly 250% to more than 500 last year.

The centre said police officers were a favoured target of extreme rightwing groups, with six murdered by militias since Obama became president.

The Conservative Political Action Conference this February was cosponsored by groups such as the John Birch Society, which believes Dwight Eisenhower was a communist agent, and the Oath Keepers, which suggests that the government has secret plans to declare martial law and intern "patriotic Americans in concentration camps," the SPLC said.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    what else is new? we are going to be hearing more and more about these militias before the elections in november...the batshit crazies are on the prowl.. then when the dems keep control of both houses they will become more angry and emboldened...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    what else is new? we are going to be hearing more and more about these militias before the elections in november...the batshit crazies are on the prowl.. then when the dems keep control of both houses they will become more angry and emboldened...

    Expect to see roving bands of Ted Nugent fans wielding Confederate Flags and pitchforks coming to a town near you!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Byrnzie wrote:
    what else is new? we are going to be hearing more and more about these militias before the elections in november...the batshit crazies are on the prowl.. then when the dems keep control of both houses they will become more angry and emboldened...

    Expect to see roving bands of Ted Nugent fans wielding Confederate Flags and pitchforks coming to a town near you!
    we have had that for years....just not so out in the open....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • StarfallStarfall Posts: 548
    Remember this report by the Department of Homeland Security that was heavily criticized by the right wing echo chamber, even though it was the Bush Administration that originally commissioned it?
    Notice how the teabaggers never mention it nowadays?
    "It's not hard to own something. Or everything. You just have to know that it's yours, and then be willing to let it go." - Neil Gaiman, "Stardust"
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    "prominent civil rights group " Has this group been identified?
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Starfall wrote:
    Remember this report by the Department of Homeland Security that was heavily criticized by the right wing echo chamber, even though it was the Bush Administration that originally commissioned it?
    Notice how the teabaggers never mention it nowadays?
    no they did initially mention it and call it lies, but they have bigger things to complain about now, like health care that has already been signed into law...i like how we are supposed to forget about their lies like "death panels" now that the debate and voting has ended...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aerial wrote:
    "prominent civil rights group " Has this group been identified?

    Yes, it has:

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ma ... ist-groups
    'The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the US's most prominent civil rights group.'
  • CorsoCorso so poor I can't afford to comment on the PJ forum Posts: 201
    Byrnzie wrote:
    what else is new? we are going to be hearing more and more about these militias before the elections in november...the batshit crazies are on the prowl.. then when the dems keep control of both houses they will become more angry and emboldened...

    Expect to see roving bands of Ted Nugent fans wielding Confederate Flags and pitchforks coming to a town near you!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Byrnzie wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    "prominent civil rights group " Has this group been identified?

    Yes, it has:

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ma ... ist-groups
    'The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the US's most prominent civil rights group.'
    Figures :roll:
    http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti ... Law_Center
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • timctimc Posts: 664
    thought some might like this article

    Militias supported Bush’s anti-terror laws, now being used against them
    March 29, 2010 by supermario
    By Mario Andrade
    March 29, 2010
    I still remember when the Homeland Security and Patriot Acts were passed by our treasonous government. It was the year of 2002 and it was very unpopular to question the official story of 9/11, as well as the decisions made by George W. Bush to go about ‘fighting terrorism.’ I used to talk to militia members in the Northeast, and I used to say to them that the anti-terror laws put in place by Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft will be used against them in the future. I would say to them that these provisions were downright tyrannical, and the next time a Democrat would take office, the government would use them to round up the so-called ‘rightwing extremist groups’ and militias. Almost every time that I would bring the subject up, they would laugh at me and say: “you know what? I trust Bush with my life” or they would say something like “that will NEVER happen; these laws will only be used against Al-Qaeda.”
    Well, this time, it didn’t take very long. With less than two years after -their lord and savior- George W. Bush left office, Obama and Janet Napolitano are already using these same unconstitutional laws to go after them. Last weekend, hundreds of federal and local law enforcement agents arrested about a dozen militia members in Michigan and Ohio. They are describing them as ‘domestic rerrorists.’ Sadly, it was just like I predicted.
    Of course, the lame-stream media coverage of these events has been sickening. They are reporting that the militias are trying to use WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION (Nukes? Nerve Gas? Anthrax?). I sh*t you not! Can you imagine the reaction of the dumbed-down public when they hear the word ‘militia’ now? The event is being used as a psychological warfare instrument to neutralize any criticism of Obama. Terrorism ‘experts’ on CNN and MSNBC are making far-fetched claims that the Tea Party sympathizes with these ‘extremist groups.’ And that ‘if you criticize Obamacare (a horrific piece of legislation which the majority of Americans opposed), you must be a right-wing militia member.’ One of such ‘experts’ on CNN said that “the federal government has been tracking every militia group since they began forming in the 1980’s and 1990’s,” as if militias were only a recent phenomenon resulting from anti-government sentiment. What this ‘expert’ blatantly ignores or failed to mention is the fact that militias have been around since the American Revolution. In fact, this country won its independence from Great Britain thanks to the militias. Or did anyone think that the colonists requested permission from King George to form an official army to fight against him?
    Perhaps what the CNN ‘expert’ was trying to say was that the federal government has been infiltrating militias since the 80’s and 90’s. That would actually make more sense because it is a known fact that the FBI and the BATF have infiltrated these groups. I used to hear stories from militia members about how some of the individuals from their groups would suddenly snap and come up with whacky ideas like going out and shoot people at a McDonalds. Of course, these guys would later be exposed as federal agent provocateurs trying to lure the group members into an entrapment.
    Nevertheless, till this day, I would be willing to bet that most of these militia members believe that if America would only elect someone like Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney or Dick Cheney, then everything would be alright. The fact is that these neocons would probably expand the anti-terror laws even further; they would also escalate the ‘War on Terror’ to kill some more cave people in countries where the average American can’t find on the map –or pronounce- in order to keep their neocon base happy. Then finally, another Democrat will be elected to office and use the anti-terror laws against the right wing over and over again –in order to keep the left-wing base happy. This is a small example of the proverbial ‘vicious cycle’ in American politics, to which Americans keep falling for time and time again.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    aerial wrote:
    Byrnzie wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    "prominent civil rights group " Has this group been identified?

    Yes, it has:

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ma ... ist-groups
    'The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the US's most prominent civil rights group.'
    Figures :roll:
    http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti ... Law_Center
    what is your problem with SPLC??? do you have a problem with organizations that work for civil rights for all??
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Here's the story pulled from the AP Wire:
    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100330/ap_ ... _fbi_raids
    "Prosecutors said David Stone had identified certain law enforcement officers near his home as potential targets. He and other members discussed setting off bombs at a police funeral, using a fake 911 call to lure an officer to his death, killing an officer after a traffic stop, or attacking the family of an officer, according to the indictment.

    After such attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to "rally points" protected by trip-wired explosives for a violent standoff with the law.

    "It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more widespread uprising against the government," the indictment said."
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    why would anyone pick a fight with the federal government?....i mean they only have to deploy the cops, the swat team, the fbi, then the national guard, and then the army to come beat your little uprising down...there is no way some homeland militia is going to hold its own against the forces of this government...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Looks like there Dirty

    Illegal government surveillance
    Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. In May of 2009, Ms. Friedman published an article entitled Americans Divided by Hate Crimes Bill , in the Khaleej Times (Persian Gulf), which included the following:

    "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is already heavily involved in Homeland Security's locally based 'fusion centres, 'which collect personal data for intelligence databases that synchronise national intelligence collection with local police. ADL and SPLC have a record of illegally spying on American citizens and providing false information to law enforcement officials." [35]
    In response to Mark Potok's demand for a retraction of "libelous and defamatory" statements, Ms. Friedman responded:

    The U.S. Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal."
    In The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups, [36] Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings and compiling files on people they consider offensive:

    “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”
    Mark Potok admitted that the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. In response to complaints by Friends of Animals president, Pricilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations about the group, he responded that:

    “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot.”
    In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the SPLC linked videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes. Many organizations and individuals have accused the SPLC of publishing false and misleading information as well as manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers have been issued a warning against relying on their erroneous and politicized "reports".

    The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. [37]

    Fund raising, assets & program expenses
    As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Mr. Dees was paid an annual $273,132 and the SPLC’s president and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [38]

    According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Richard Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[39]

    SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [40]

    Illegal government surveillance
    Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. In May of 2009, Ms. Friedman published an article entitled Americans Divided by Hate Crimes Bill , in the Khaleej Times (Persian Gulf), which included the following:

    "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is already heavily involved in Homeland Security's locally based 'fusion centres, 'which collect personal data for intelligence databases that synchronise national intelligence collection with local police. ADL and SPLC have a record of illegally spying on American citizens and providing false information to law enforcement officials." [35]
    In response to Mark Potok's demand for a retraction of "libelous and defamatory" statements, Ms. Friedman responded:

    The U.S. Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal."
    In The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups, [36] Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings and compiling files on people they consider offensive:

    “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”
    Mark Potok admitted that the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. In response to complaints by Friends of Animals president, Pricilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations about the group, he responded that:

    “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot.”
    In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the SPLC linked videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes. Many organizations and individuals have accused the SPLC of publishing false and misleading information as well as manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers have been issued a warning against relying on their erroneous and politicized "reports".

    The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. [37]

    Fund raising, assets & program expenses
    As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Mr. Dees was paid an annual $273,132 and the SPLC’s president and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [38]

    According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Richard Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[39]

    SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [40]
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aerial wrote:
    Byrnzie wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    "prominent civil rights group " Has this group been identified?

    Yes, it has:

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ma ... ist-groups
    'The Southern Poverty Law Centre, the US's most prominent civil rights group.'
    Figures :roll:
    http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?ti ... Law_Center

    Do you have a point?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aerial wrote:
    Looks like there Dirty

    Illegal government surveillance
    Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. In May of 2009, Ms. Friedman published an article entitled Americans Divided by Hate Crimes Bill , in the Khaleej Times (Persian Gulf), which included the following:

    "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is already heavily involved in Homeland Security's locally based 'fusion centres, 'which collect personal data for intelligence databases that synchronise national intelligence collection with local police. ADL and SPLC have a record of illegally spying on American citizens and providing false information to law enforcement officials." [35]
    In response to Mark Potok's demand for a retraction of "libelous and defamatory" statements, Ms. Friedman responded:

    The U.S. Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal."
    In The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups, [36] Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings and compiling files on people they consider offensive:

    “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”
    Mark Potok admitted that the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. In response to complaints by Friends of Animals president, Pricilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations about the group, he responded that:

    “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot.”
    In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the SPLC linked videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes. Many organizations and individuals have accused the SPLC of publishing false and misleading information as well as manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers have been issued a warning against relying on their erroneous and politicized "reports".

    The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. [37]

    Fund raising, assets & program expenses
    As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Mr. Dees was paid an annual $273,132 and the SPLC’s president and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [38]

    According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Richard Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[39]

    SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [40]

    Illegal government surveillance
    Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. In May of 2009, Ms. Friedman published an article entitled Americans Divided by Hate Crimes Bill , in the Khaleej Times (Persian Gulf), which included the following:

    "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is already heavily involved in Homeland Security's locally based 'fusion centres, 'which collect personal data for intelligence databases that synchronise national intelligence collection with local police. ADL and SPLC have a record of illegally spying on American citizens and providing false information to law enforcement officials." [35]
    In response to Mark Potok's demand for a retraction of "libelous and defamatory" statements, Ms. Friedman responded:

    The U.S. Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal."
    In The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups, [36] Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings and compiling files on people they consider offensive:

    “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”
    Mark Potok admitted that the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. In response to complaints by Friends of Animals president, Pricilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations about the group, he responded that:

    “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot.”
    In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the SPLC linked videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes. Many organizations and individuals have accused the SPLC of publishing false and misleading information as well as manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers have been issued a warning against relying on their erroneous and politicized "reports".

    The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. [37]

    Fund raising, assets & program expenses
    As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Mr. Dees was paid an annual $273,132 and the SPLC’s president and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [38]

    According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Richard Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[39]

    SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [40]

    Firstly, why did you post the article twice? Did you even read it?

    Secondly, do you have a problem with the SPLC spying on the perpetrators of the Oklahoma bombings? In light of what transpired, it looks like they were on the right trail.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ap ... 5-years-on

    Oklahoma: the day homegrown terror hit America

    When war veteran Timothy McVeigh bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, the US was stunned. Why did Americans like him hate their country? And, as the rightwing militias rise again, what lessons does that fateful day hold?

    Ed Vulliamy
    The Observer, Sunday 11 April 2010

    Next Sunday, 18 April, will be Baylee Almon's 16th birthday. There will be a party and cakes, and her younger half-sister Bella and half-brother Brooks will be there. A place will be set for Baylee, but she will attend in spirit only, not in body. The day after her first birthday, on 19 April 1995, six years before 11 September 2001, Baylee was one of 168 people – including 19 children and babies – who died in a bomb attack on American soil.

    The Alfred P Murrah building in Oklahoma City was bombed at 9.01 in the morning, as a normal working day on the Great Plains was getting under way – not by Islamic fundamentalists plotting in Afghan caves, but by a paramilitary unit of Americans who called themselves "patriots", led by a former serviceman and 1991 Gulf war veteran, Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh was executed in 2001, and his principal accomplice, Terry Nichols, is serving life.

    "McVeigh was one of us," says Baylee's mother, Aren Almon-Kok, now remarried to a military veteran of Dutch descent who was wounded in that same Gulf war. "McVeigh was an American, like me and Baylee," she says, "and he walked into the building and saw the daycare centre where the children played – he knew they were there. Why did he do it? What was the point? There is no answer, and I've always said that the reason I wanted to see him die was nothing to do with closure, because there ain't no closure. It was so I'd never have to hear him explain himself, and justify what he'd done."

    The fact that the 168 deaths at Oklahoma were the result of Americans killing Americans in the name of America has made the incident in some ways harder for the nation to process than 9/11 and the less complicated enemy, al-Qaida. "It made a terrible difference that this was homegrown terrorism," says Almon-Kok. "It left you with nothing to trust or believe in, apart from my faith that this city did everything it could in the aftermath, and that we have a legal system which, for the most part, works. But that doesn't answer why fellow Americans wanted to come killing our kids."

    Perhaps this is why the Oklahoma bomb is not as centre stage in America's collective memory as it should be. When Al Gore was interviewed about the extreme right by Larry King recently, there was no mention of Oklahoma. Coverage of last month's arrests of militants belonging to an offshoot of the same Michigan militia that McVeigh belonged to omitted to mention the bomb, days away from its 15th anniversary. There is extreme awkwardness around this enemy within, but also current concern about reverberations of McVeigh's cause: war against the American government.

    "What scares me," says Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma National Memorial and museum, "is that society now is configured much as it was in 1995. The militias are back, there's a language of extremism out there, of hatred against the government, threats of violence." Monday 19 April will mark the 15th anniversary of the bomb, but it is also the date chosen by the Tea Party, a right-wing activist organisation, for national protest, in all state capitals, against the current administration. In Oklahoma the Tea Party has bowed to the solemnity of the date, so that two events will occur on different days: one on 15 April, howling abuse at the government, and another on 19 April solemnly honouring the lost and the survivors. Nevertheless, there is local outrage. "I don't know how they dare," says Keith Simonds, a police officer at the core of the rescue operation in 1995, "spewing their hatred on a day of remembrance." No one is saying that the Tea Parties or their protest are comparable to McVeigh, "but all it takes is a few dangerous extremists out there to hear things the wrong way," says Watkins.

    The Great Plains of America's heartland are no strangers to disaster: tornados, drought, prairie fires and of course the red plains turning to dust bowl in 1938, causing the "Okie" exodus west, registered into epic history by John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath and the songs of Oklahoma's greatest son, Woody Guthrie.

    But by 1995, Oklahoma City had become a reasonably but not ostentatiously prosperous state capital with an economy based on natural energy, in which the largest employers were the state and federal governments. So there was nothing in the universe to prepare Almon-Kok, the day after Baylee's first birthday party, for what followed. Nor Kathleen Treanor, who lost her four-year-old daughter, Ashley Eckles, and both her parents, Luther and LeRue. Reporting on the bombing for this newspaper, I met Treanor wandering beside the rubble on the night of the explosion, holding a picture of little Ashley, in vain hope. There was nothing to alarm Claude Medearis, a customs officer, as he popped by the office to make a phone call – which he would never make – on his way to an appointment elsewhere. Nothing to indicate that Florence Rogers' meeting with her staff at the Federal Employees Credit Union savings co-operative would be disturbed and 18 of her employees killed. The sky was deep blue above the prairie, until contaminated by a plume of black smoke at 9.01am.

    Something had been festering in the American undergrowth. Calling themselves a militia, gatherings of extremely right-wing men (and some women) were crawling around the backwoods in camouflage fatigues playing war games against a loosely termed "federal government". Absurd, certainly, but the movement had a seriously dangerous core. Back then I explored this group and some of its more (preposterous) propositions: there should be an uprising against "The New World Order", of which the US government was a puppet; there was a site in Nevada where the militias believed a crashed UFO had been taken, the government plotting with aliens. The movement's leadership in Indiana were apparently preparing for armed insurrection, and a training compound in Arizona was headed by a man Timothy McVeigh knew, William Cooper, who threatened me when I tried to visit. In Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, he insisted that the prison transfer centre in Oklahoma City was a "concentration camp" for those resisting the New World Order of the Antichrist. In November 1994, on his radio station, Cooper issued a call to arms: the militias should be ready, he said, to "fight a war" within six months. Closer to hand, at another compound called Elouhim City – visited by McVeigh – the leader of the Oklahoma militia, Robert Millar, urged his followers to "take whatever action necessary against the US government". A few weeks later, McVeigh and Nichols parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 2.15 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil outside the Murrah Building, lit a fuse and walked away.

    Baylee Almon had a smile like a spring daisy, and before she and the 167 others were killed by the ensuing explosion, this city of the plain was wrapped in glorious pear blossom, as it is this Eastertide, time of Resurrection in this deeply religious city, and of birth on the land beyond. In 1995, 19 April followed Easter Sunday by three days. But that smiling infant was not the child the world came to know – it was the baby cradled in a fireman's arms, lifeless, in what emerged as the enduring image of the attack. "That photo took on its own life," says Almon-Kok in her official video-recording at the memorial, "which was horrible for me, because after a while I couldn't ever remember Baylee being alive." Now, says Almon-Kok, "we tried to get a handle on it in the courts, get it off of T-shirts and things, but we were turned down because the judge said Baylee was not a public figure before the attack" – thereby not protected by privacy laws. "If she'd been Michael Jordan, we'd have been OK," says her husband, Stan Kok. "That is not my child, in the picture," insists Almon-Kok. "My child was a beautiful little girl who loved to play."

    But the picture was not the only obstacle on Almon-Kok's road of reckoning. "People kept saying: 'She's in paradise, a better place', and I said 'NO, she should be here with me'. Others asked: 'Why were you a single mother? Who's the father?'" There was even "a weirdo in California who became obsessed with Baylee, sent letters to her grave and moved to Oklahoma to be 'near her'. He knew where we lived". The family took a court injunction to ban the grave-stalker from the state of Oklahoma. Aren Almon was lucky to meet a fine man in Stan Kok, who says of these supplementary tribulations: "I've got to the point when nothing surprises me any more, and that's a sad world, when nothing surprises you."

    But of all the endurances, says Almon-Kok, none struck harder than "people asking me why I left my child in a nursery in a federal building. I said I expected my daughter to be safe in a federal building." And it was this which took Mrs Almon-Kok on a remarkable crusade: to ensure the installation of reinforced, shatterproof glass in all federal nurseries and eventually all federal buildings.

    In September 2000, President Bill Clinton signed into law congressional bill number HR 4159, better known as Baylee's Law, which ensured glass protection that might have saved an incalculable number of lives on 19 April. "I suppose I believe that bad things happen for a reason," says Almon-Kok, "and that my loss could save other lives." So that "when 9/11 happened, I watched those people carrying their pictures of their loved ones, looking, and thought: 'I've so been there.'" But it was only later, visiting New York and Washington, that staff from the Pentagon came to thank Almon-Kok for their lives: "Their section of the Pentagon, near where the plane came in, was the only section where the new glass had been installed."

    But Almon-Kok's grief is now more private, at home near Choctaw, on open prairie. "Things had to change for me and the children. Bella was used to being with me on the road campaigning – eating at 2am meant nothing to her. She grew up climbing all over furniture in the White House. But Brooks wanted to be in bed at 8 o'clock, and that calmed things down for all of us. Some people kept what happened from their children, but I wanted them to know. They feel her presence: Brooks had a project at school called I Have a Dream, and he wrote: 'My wish is that Baylee didn't have to die.'"

    By 1995, 23-year-old Catherine Alaniz had tried her level best to recover from her husband's death in the 1991 Gulf War. When Andy Alaniz was killed by "friendly fire" on the day of the ceasefire in Iraq (which the Pentagon initially denied), Catherine, aged only 19, had been six months pregnant with her daughter, whom she called Andee. Inevitably, her mother Sharon and father Claude, a US customs agent, had been bedrocks of strength for the young widow.

    On the morning of 19 April Catherine took a call: "Did you feel that?" There had been an "explosion downtown": the caller mentioned the federal courthouse. "My dad worked downtown," Catherine recalls thinking, with a shudder. "I called his office number, but it was switched through to Houston, like happens at night, even though it was after 9am." Catherine rushed to her parents' house, to find "my mom sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth with the phone in her hand, waiting for my dad to call. I sat down next to her, wrapped my arms around her and I told her, 'Dad is going to be OK. God wouldn't do this to both of us.'"

    It took several days for both women to learn that another husband and father, aged only 41, had now been lost. "Evidence had to be collected," says Catherine. "Then a woman in hospital who'd survived, her name was Priscilla, told us dad had gone by the office to make a call. That he'd been there at the time of the bomb. So we knew, but not officially. Next day, we went to the funeral of the other customs officer killed, Paul Ice, and the pastor said, 'Hope for the best', but we already knew, and next day it was confirmed."

    "I've thought this through," says Catherine, "and I've decided that the only reason God would take my husband would be so I could help when Mom lost hers. Mom wanted to get involved immediately, in the committees, and the trial, to separate herself, emotionally."

    The trial of Timothy McVeigh in Denver, and the long road to his execution was a Calvary for the victims and survivors. At one point, the judge ruled that victims could not observe the proceedings if they wanted to make impact statements in the event of a guilty verdict. As McVeigh neared his execution, media developed a grotesque fascination with him. Gore Vidal corresponded with the mass murderer, and a book came to be ghost-written in which McVeigh dubbed the dead children "collateral damage" and those he had bereaved "the woe-is-me crowd".

    For Catherine Alaniz, the trial was at times too much: "McVeigh sitting there, smirking at us, and we not being allowed to cry, show emotion or wear buttons and ribbons", in guidance from the judge. "Sometimes I had to leave the courtroom. But I stayed on in Denver with Mom and got involved in a local Catholic church, making hundreds of ham and cheese sandwiches for the homeless. And they had a programme visiting people dying of Aids, and I met a man, a Hispanic man, who was dying and I hugged him and he said he hadn't been hugged for years – it turned out he was from Oklahoma City." Of course, there was also downtime for the bereaved families to talk: with each other, with survivors and with those who had rescued them.

    Police officer Keith Simonds was among them, anxious to give his impact statement after the verdict. Officer Simonds of the Oklahoma Swat team had clocked on for duty at 7am on 19 April 1995 and was answering a call north of the city when he heard the explosion, saw the plume of smoke and rows of his colleagues' cars parked near the federal building. He took a radio call "from the east side of the building: 'We've got wounded here,' it said. 'I'm in the basement. You need to shut off the water, it's flooding down here.'" After failing to persuade a fireman to accompany him or give up a flashlight, Simonds descended into the water: "It was a wreckage, the whole thing had come down, and we were crawling over debris to our victim, a lady called Sharon Littlejohn, trapped. Tyres were exploding, the water rising, and I said to my colleague, you take the legs, I'll take the upper torso. The water had been ankle-deep, now it was knee-deep. As we reached the surface I told her, 'Can you see the light, ma'am? It's going to be OK', and her arm suddenly hit me – I'd been holding onto exposed bone."

    Officer Simonds' rescue of Ms Littlejohn became another iconic photo-image of that day. "[But] I had to keep working, I had to keep going," says Simonds, unaware then that the picture had been taken. "I was walking through the children's playground, that'd become a morgue – it was real hard that where the children played was where they were now laid out dead, in that biddy playground." During his incursions into the building, he said, "I saw an officer carrying a girl with a white dress with roses on it. I thought 'that's a good omen', and that she was alive. Later, I realised it was a white dress with blood on it, and she was dead."

    Officer Simonds was told by prosecutors in the McVeigh trial that he should not give his impact testimony: "The judge and jury had heard so much, it might have backfired, they told me. As a police officer, I understood. As a man, I was pissed. So I really wanted to give my statement in the Nichols trial."

    Ready to do so, and on the plane back to Denver for the Nichols trial, a young lady two rows ahead of Simonds was trying to get volunteers for a Christmas party for the homeless being organised by a church near the courthouse. "I thought she'd never stop," recalls Simonds. "What about some of you officers helping out?" suggested the young woman. "Next day," recalls the police officer, we went to a teahouse, and the same lady told me, 'We'll make sure you get to do your testimony', and I did." There was something about her, thought Officer Simonds, and the feeling was mutual. Her name was Catherine Alaniz, now Simonds: the rescue cop had met the woman he would before long make his wife.

    Home for the Simondses and their merged families is now a house in the Oklahoma suburb of Noble – a household of chattering teenage girls and visiting older brothers, grace before dinner, gazebo in the garden running down to a creek and a cabinet in the sitting room in tribute to the lost men in Catherine's life, and the officer's bravery that day. "We live in this world of quick fixes," says Catherine, "but there's no such thing. You can't plan when the loss will get you. There's no reason why the 15th anniversary should be any easier or harder than the 5th, or the 14th."

    Keith Simonds, when he is not on the beat, protecting dignitaries or riding his Harley-Davidson, gives classes to children on the impact – and avoidance – of violence. "I tell them my story and tell them to report violence: I tell them if the third man in the plot, name of Fourrier, had told the police what McVeigh and Nichols were up to, I wouldn't be here today. I tell 'em to watch for gangs, to do sports or clubs or cheerleading instead; I tell even the baddest of them: it's OK to have feelings." "The thing I cannot explain to myself," says Catherine, "is that it was an American who did this, who had walked by the children he killed. You lose your false hope that it cannot happen here. This wasn't someone from the Middle East – an American did this to us, and it can happen again."

    There was something unique about Oklahoma City's response to the bombing, which one sensed immediately at the time. The Okies love where they live with good reason: theirs is probably the least pretentious city in the world. They have down-to-earth decency, a rugged decorum, easy-going diligence. These characteristics came into play in the hour of horror, loss and need. Ted Wilson, chaplain to the fire department, recalls the rota of fast food chains and local pizza joints providing endless free meals for rescue workers and the vigils of those who hoped for news of loved ones, often in vain. He remembers round tables of local business donating cash for all reasons. "If word went out that they needed batteries at the site," he says, "a truckload of batteries would arrive." Rescue workers from out of town would return to their camp beds to find their clothes anonymously washed and ironed. People literally gave the shoes off their feet; local TV became an emergency needs swap-shop, often having to appeal to citizens to hold back as blood donation banks became saturated.

    The aftermaths of outrages such as 9/11, Beslan or Srebrenica are characterised by grating and grated nerves – friction, even – between the differently traumatised bereaved, survivors and rescue workers. The different wounds cut so deep, and so unforgivingly to the individuals affected, that often these constituencies, though bonded by the same horror, are as divided as they are united by raw emotion and grievous loss. "It wasn't easy at first," says Catherine Simonds, "People would say to me, 'Well, I lost a child', and I'd think, 'Well, my dad was my grandma's baby.'" Almost uniquely, Oklahoma has suceeded in bringing these people together into what Rashell Hammons, the mother of children who survived – faced by those whose children did not – calls "an extended family". This is a far more formidable and singular achievement than it will appear when the bereaved, survivors and rescue workers gather together tomorrow week, and it did not happen by accident.

    The anniversary commemorations are held at the Oklahoma National Memorial, a place most of the bereaved and survivors say they love, and in which they feel at home, helped, comforted if not healed. "I love it," says Catherine Simonds, "it is very, very beautiful." In a time such as ours of much thought and debate over what memorials and monuments should represent and achieve, this site sets a gold standard. It is unrivalled anywhere. The Oklahoma memorial is in part set on the gaping space left by the Murrah building, but includes some of its jagged, incinerated walls. There are 168 empty bronze chairs set on a lawn, each engraved with a name, their bases illuminated during darkness, so that the chairs of the dead float on beacons of light. At either end are huge "Gates of Time" marking 9.01, the last moment of the city's innocence, and 9.03, "the moment we were changed forever", says the guidebook. This place is always open, and the bereaved come often, as do survivors – there is always someone to tell their story to a visitor. Passing teenagers instinctively switch off their boom boxes; the 24-hour toilets are always clean. "It's not a cemetery, where people come to mourn, it is a place to remember and to learn," says director Kari Watkins. "A memorial should be beautiful, it should be a place that's always open, 24 hours, at its best for anyone who lost a family member, or even just those passing on I-40 who come by to look." The space is quite a lesson to post-9/11 New York, whose memorial committees have serially visited.

    Inside, the Oklahoma museum is a journey from the moment of normality at 9.01am, through the explosion, chaos, claustrophobia of entrapment, the rescue operation, arrests and aftermath – all narrated by the videotaped testimony of living bereaved and survivors, and ending with redemptive light and a window overlooking the chairs of the lost.

    The driving forces behind the memorial, Watkins and her visitors' services director Joanne Riley (who spends as much of her time coordinating the survivors and bereaved), decided that their project would in itself become part of the process that brought those people together. As a result, opposite the chairs across a reflecting pool, the "Survivors' Tree", an American elm that miraculously survived the bombing, remains, surrounded by the "Rescuers Orchard", smaller trees literally rushing towards it.

    Involved from the beginning was Florence Rogers, chief executive officer at the Federal Employees Credit Union, a co-operative banking system. That morning, in preparation for an audit of her bank, she called a meeting for 8.30 in her office on the third floor. "I remember to this very day a girl called Claudette Meek saying: 'Look at all the primary colours we're wearing today, we look like a basket of Easter eggs.' So I remembered what they were wearing, and had no idea how important that would be when it came to indentifying the bodies." One of which was that of Claudette Meek. At 9.01, says Rogers, "I had just read an item off the list and turned – and bang – I could see clearly through the far wall. The floor had gone clean away, down into what we called the pit, leaving me alone on 18in of floor that had held. I know it sounds stupid, but I thought 'Oh my God, this is like a bad movie, and when it's all over, I get out of here.'"

    Rogers was rescued, through a window, but that was the beginning of her grief. "They would bring me the purses, a girl called Robin Huff's – it contained ultrasound photographs of the baby she was going to have. Her little husband was so sad to see them; he was a man who had grown up with my boys, since cub scouts. I had 33 employees and I lost 18 of them. They were my girls, my family. Every Christmas, they would come here for a party – champagne and presents. That's when I miss them all, but I can't grieve for 18 people at once – each of them has their day. Something will happen, like one day I found a Santa's sleigh up there on the shelf, and that was Claudette's day. One day I saw a girl just like Sonia, eating a donut like she did, and that was Sonia's day."

    Also up on the third floor that morning, "where my bank was", was Ted Wilson, pastor at Grand Boulevard Baptist church and part-time chaplain to the Oklahoma Fire Department, now ministering full-time to fire officers who, he says, "are still coming, after 15 years, suddenly traumatised, their brains finally processing this information, after all this time". Wilson is also a qualified intermediate paramedic, and objected to "the bodies of the children being laid out in their playground – a bad omen for later. They said they had to be close by the building, but we did move 'em to a parking lot." Before long, Wilson had "gotten in through a skylight to be working to release a trapped woman, still alive, on the third floor where my bank was. I was working with a tall state trooper, and the scare came for a second bomb and for us to evacuate the building. The trooper said he wasn't leaving the lady, and I said, 'Well, if you're not going, I ain't either.' So we kind of had the place to ourselves – and I located the lady's purse on top of the desk. Now there's two things a lady needs to be accounting for, her hair and her purse. Well, her hair was pretty messed up, but I said: "Ma'am, you needn't worry 'bout your purse, and you needn't worry about yourself either.' We became friends after she was released from hospital, Nancy Ingrams by name – she passed away just last year."

    Wilson's job quickly changed to that of counselor and chaplain, and has not changed since. "I'm treating guys now, 15 years on, who've been treading water all that time and it suddenly hits. They were working for eight hours through rubble to reach a victim who has died. And if you do that, you personalise them on the way. You find their crucifix, their purse, pictures of their children, personal items. You are spending time with that dead person. You're saying: 'I must rescue the kids, but please don't let me be the one to find them.' You're finding body parts, and what we are saying is you have to think of it as reconstitution of a person, you're scraping body matter, but you're not a ditch digger. We tell them they have done the best they can to restore as much of that person back to their family as was possible."

    On Monday week, 19 April, the national Tea Party protests will be held across America, venting anger at the Federal government. In Oklahoma City, however, their protest will be held four days earlier, so as not to coincide with the memorial at what was the site of the federal government building – almost an admission by the Tea Party that they are playing with fire. "They'll say they're coming here to protest Obama's health care programme," says Keith Simonds, "but that's not what it is. They're here to spew their hatred, vomiting their political agenda. How dare they come here?"

    "One purpose of this memorial," says Kari Watkins, "is to teach the impact of violence. On Easter Monday, our biggest effort this year becomes law, against considerable opposition: that the story of the bomb be entered into the school curriculum for the state of Oklahoma. We need to teach this story, especially right now, when in America there are a lot of the same movements that were around in 1995, there's a similar mood, a polarisation. Look, no one wants the government on their backs – who does? - but all this alarms me, and we must work against it by teaching the consequences of violence against the language of violence."

    The day of Watkins' interview, nine people appeared in court in Detroit, members of an offshoot of McVeigh's Michigan militia called Hutaree, charged with "seditious conspiracy" to kill a police officer and then bomb the funeral cortege, in order to spark insurrection akin to that sought by McVeigh. The previous week, congresswoman Louise Slaughter, who voted for President Barack Obama's health care reform, received one of many threats of violence to elected representatives, this one pledging that snipers would "kill the children of the members who voted for health care reform". Such language makes the blood run cold in Oklahoma; and the fact that most people in Oklahoma are deeply conservative makes the irony of both the bomb and their disgust at this language all the more cogent.

    A warm evening breeze strokes the garden of empty chairs, while a late sun illuminates their bases against the opacity of oncoming dusk. As twilight falls, so does a haunted serenity, and silence – but for evening birdsong and the hoot and rattle of a freight train passing through town and out across the plains. The memorial's lights come up in phases, so that first the great Gates of Time shine out, reflected in the shallow pool between them, then the chairs of each person killed appear to hover on lamplight.

    In the second row of chairs, indicating the building's second floor, 15 chairs are smaller than the others, commemorating the children. At the end, slightly apart, is that inscribed "Miss Baylee Almon", whose mother Aren's lovely face nevertheless wears the scars of grief until dispelled by a smile, at a joke by Bella or Brooks, or a memory of Baylee alive. Recently, Bella choked on some beef jerky and Aren was worried she'd been alone, but Bella said: "It's OK, Mom, Baylee was here." On Monday week, Bella will, for the second time, read out the names of the children killed in 1995, in reverse alphabetical order, so that the sister she never met, but whose birthday she will have celebrated the previous day, will come last.

    And there, standing at a distance from the others, is the chair in honour of customs agent Claude Arthur Medearis, for whose daughter the bomb was a very different kind of fire from that which killed her first husband – though also from an American military man. "My husband had driven a Bradley military vehicle in the Gulf war," says Catherine Simonds. "Timothy McVeigh also drove a Bradley vehicle in the Gulf war. My husband died, but McVeigh lived. Then he came to Oklahoma City four years later and killed my dad. What am I supposed to think about that?"
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Byrnzie wrote:

    Oklahoma: the day homegrown terror hit America

    When war veteran Timothy McVeigh bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, the US was stunned. Why did Americans like him hate their country? And, as the rightwing militias rise again, what lessons does that fateful day hold?

    Ed Vulliamy
    The Observer, Sunday 11 April 2010

    Next Sunday, 18 April, will be Baylee Almon's 16th birthday. There will be a party and cakes, and her younger half-sister Bella and half-brother Brooks will be there. A place will be set for Baylee, but she will attend in spirit only, not in body. The day after her first birthday, on 19 April 1995, six years before 11 September 2001, Baylee was one of 168 people – including 19 children and babies – who died in a bomb attack on American soil.

    The Alfred P Murrah building in Oklahoma City was bombed at 9.01 in the morning, as a normal working day on the Great Plains was getting under way – not by Islamic fundamentalists plotting in Afghan caves, but by a paramilitary unit of Americans who called themselves "patriots", led by a former serviceman and 1991 Gulf war veteran, Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh was executed in 2001, and his principal accomplice, Terry Nichols, is serving life.

    "McVeigh was one of us," says Baylee's mother, Aren Almon-Kok, now remarried to a military veteran of Dutch descent who was wounded in that same Gulf war. "McVeigh was an American, like me and Baylee," she says, "and he walked into the building and saw the daycare centre where the children played – he knew they were there. Why did he do it? What was the point? There is no answer, and I've always said that the reason I wanted to see him die was nothing to do with closure, because there ain't no closure. It was so I'd never have to hear him explain himself, and justify what he'd done."

    The fact that the 168 deaths at Oklahoma were the result of Americans killing Americans in the name of America has made the incident in some ways harder for the nation to process than 9/11 and the less complicated enemy, al-Qaida. "It made a terrible difference that this was homegrown terrorism," says Almon-Kok. "It left you with nothing to trust or believe in, apart from my faith that this city did everything it could in the aftermath, and that we have a legal system which, for the most part, works. But that doesn't answer why fellow Americans wanted to come killing our kids."

    Perhaps this is why the Oklahoma bomb is not as centre stage in America's collective memory as it should be. When Al Gore was interviewed about the extreme right by Larry King recently, there was no mention of Oklahoma. Coverage of last month's arrests of militants belonging to an offshoot of the same Michigan militia that McVeigh belonged to omitted to mention the bomb, days away from its 15th anniversary. There is extreme awkwardness around this enemy within, but also current concern about reverberations of McVeigh's cause: war against the American government.

    "What scares me," says Kari Watkins, executive director of the Oklahoma National Memorial and museum, "is that society now is configured much as it was in 1995. The militias are back, there's a language of extremism out there, of hatred against the government, threats of violence." Monday 19 April will mark the 15th anniversary of the bomb, but it is also the date chosen by the Tea Party, a right-wing activist organisation, for national protest, in all state capitals, against the current administration. In Oklahoma the Tea Party has bowed to the solemnity of the date, so that two events will occur on different days: one on 15 April, howling abuse at the government, and another on 19 April solemnly honouring the lost and the survivors. Nevertheless, there is local outrage. "I don't know how they dare," says Keith Simonds, a police officer at the core of the rescue operation in 1995, "spewing their hatred on a day of remembrance." No one is saying that the Tea Parties or their protest are comparable to McVeigh, "but all it takes is a few dangerous extremists out there to hear things the wrong way," says Watkins.

    The Great Plains of America's heartland are no strangers to disaster: tornados, drought, prairie fires and of course the red plains turning to dust bowl in 1938, causing the "Okie" exodus west, registered into epic history by John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath and the songs of Oklahoma's greatest son, Woody Guthrie.

    But by 1995, Oklahoma City had become a reasonably but not ostentatiously prosperous state capital with an economy based on natural energy, in which the largest employers were the state and federal governments. So there was nothing in the universe to prepare Almon-Kok, the day after Baylee's first birthday party, for what followed. Nor Kathleen Treanor, who lost her four-year-old daughter, Ashley Eckles, and both her parents, Luther and LeRue. Reporting on the bombing for this newspaper, I met Treanor wandering beside the rubble on the night of the explosion, holding a picture of little Ashley, in vain hope. There was nothing to alarm Claude Medearis, a customs officer, as he popped by the office to make a phone call – which he would never make – on his way to an appointment elsewhere. Nothing to indicate that Florence Rogers' meeting with her staff at the Federal Employees Credit Union savings co-operative would be disturbed and 18 of her employees killed. The sky was deep blue above the prairie, until contaminated by a plume of black smoke at 9.01am.

    Something had been festering in the American undergrowth. Calling themselves a militia, gatherings of extremely right-wing men (and some women) were crawling around the backwoods in camouflage fatigues playing war games against a loosely termed "federal government". Absurd, certainly, but the movement had a seriously dangerous core. Back then I explored this group and some of its more (preposterous) propositions: there should be an uprising against "The New World Order", of which the US government was a puppet; there was a site in Nevada where the militias believed a crashed UFO had been taken, the government plotting with aliens. The movement's leadership in Indiana were apparently preparing for armed insurrection, and a training compound in Arizona was headed by a man Timothy McVeigh knew, William Cooper, who threatened me when I tried to visit. In Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, he insisted that the prison transfer centre in Oklahoma City was a "concentration camp" for those resisting the New World Order of the Antichrist. In November 1994, on his radio station, Cooper issued a call to arms: the militias should be ready, he said, to "fight a war" within six months. Closer to hand, at another compound called Elouhim City – visited by McVeigh – the leader of the Oklahoma militia, Robert Millar, urged his followers to "take whatever action necessary against the US government". A few weeks later, McVeigh and Nichols parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 2.15 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil outside the Murrah Building, lit a fuse and walked away.

    Baylee Almon had a smile like a spring daisy, and before she and the 167 others were killed by the ensuing explosion, this city of the plain was wrapped in glorious pear blossom, as it is this Eastertide, time of Resurrection in this deeply religious city, and of birth on the land beyond. In 1995, 19 April followed Easter Sunday by three days. But that smiling infant was not the child the world came to know – it was the baby cradled in a fireman's arms, lifeless, in what emerged as the enduring image of the attack. "That photo took on its own life," says Almon-Kok in her official video-recording at the memorial, "which was horrible for me, because after a while I couldn't ever remember Baylee being alive." Now, says Almon-Kok, "we tried to get a handle on it in the courts, get it off of T-shirts and things, but we were turned down because the judge said Baylee was not a public figure before the attack" – thereby not protected by privacy laws. "If she'd been Michael Jordan, we'd have been OK," says her husband, Stan Kok. "That is not my child, in the picture," insists Almon-Kok. "My child was a beautiful little girl who loved to play."

    But the picture was not the only obstacle on Almon-Kok's road of reckoning. "People kept saying: 'She's in paradise, a better place', and I said 'NO, she should be here with me'. Others asked: 'Why were you a single mother? Who's the father?'" There was even "a weirdo in California who became obsessed with Baylee, sent letters to her grave and moved to Oklahoma to be 'near her'. He knew where we lived". The family took a court injunction to ban the grave-stalker from the state of Oklahoma. Aren Almon was lucky to meet a fine man in Stan Kok, who says of these supplementary tribulations: "I've got to the point when nothing surprises me any more, and that's a sad world, when nothing surprises you."

    But of all the endurances, says Almon-Kok, none struck harder than "people asking me why I left my child in a nursery in a federal building. I said I expected my daughter to be safe in a federal building." And it was this which took Mrs Almon-Kok on a remarkable crusade: to ensure the installation of reinforced, shatterproof glass in all federal nurseries and eventually all federal buildings.

    In September 2000, President Bill Clinton signed into law congressional bill number HR 4159, better known as Baylee's Law, which ensured glass protection that might have saved an incalculable number of lives on 19 April. "I suppose I believe that bad things happen for a reason," says Almon-Kok, "and that my loss could save other lives." So that "when 9/11 happened, I watched those people carrying their pictures of their loved ones, looking, and thought: 'I've so been there.'" But it was only later, visiting New York and Washington, that staff from the Pentagon came to thank Almon-Kok for their lives: "Their section of the Pentagon, near where the plane came in, was the only section where the new glass had been installed."

    But Almon-Kok's grief is now more private, at home near Choctaw, on open prairie. "Things had to change for me and the children. Bella was used to being with me on the road campaigning – eating at 2am meant nothing to her. She grew up climbing all over furniture in the White House. But Brooks wanted to be in bed at 8 o'clock, and that calmed things down for all of us. Some people kept what happened from their children, but I wanted them to know. They feel her presence: Brooks had a project at school called I Have a Dream, and he wrote: 'My wish is that Baylee didn't have to die.'"

    By 1995, 23-year-old Catherine Alaniz had tried her level best to recover from her husband's death in the 1991 Gulf War. When Andy Alaniz was killed by "friendly fire" on the day of the ceasefire in Iraq (which the Pentagon initially denied), Catherine, aged only 19, had been six months pregnant with her daughter, whom she called Andee. Inevitably, her mother Sharon and father Claude, a US customs agent, had been bedrocks of strength for the young widow.

    On the morning of 19 April Catherine took a call: "Did you feel that?" There had been an "explosion downtown": the caller mentioned the federal courthouse. "My dad worked downtown," Catherine recalls thinking, with a shudder. "I called his office number, but it was switched through to Houston, like happens at night, even though it was after 9am." Catherine rushed to her parents' house, to find "my mom sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth with the phone in her hand, waiting for my dad to call. I sat down next to her, wrapped my arms around her and I told her, 'Dad is going to be OK. God wouldn't do this to both of us.'"

    It took several days for both women to learn that another husband and father, aged only 41, had now been lost. "Evidence had to be collected," says Catherine. "Then a woman in hospital who'd survived, her name was Priscilla, told us dad had gone by the office to make a call. That he'd been there at the time of the bomb. So we knew, but not officially. Next day, we went to the funeral of the other customs officer killed, Paul Ice, and the pastor said, 'Hope for the best', but we already knew, and next day it was confirmed."

    "I've thought this through," says Catherine, "and I've decided that the only reason God would take my husband would be so I could help when Mom lost hers. Mom wanted to get involved immediately, in the committees, and the trial, to separate herself, emotionally."

    The trial of Timothy McVeigh in Denver, and the long road to his execution was a Calvary for the victims and survivors. At one point, the judge ruled that victims could not observe the proceedings if they wanted to make impact statements in the event of a guilty verdict. As McVeigh neared his execution, media developed a grotesque fascination with him. Gore Vidal corresponded with the mass murderer, and a book came to be ghost-written in which McVeigh dubbed the dead children "collateral damage" and those he had bereaved "the woe-is-me crowd".

    For Catherine Alaniz, the trial was at times too much: "McVeigh sitting there, smirking at us, and we not being allowed to cry, show emotion or wear buttons and ribbons", in guidance from the judge. "Sometimes I had to leave the courtroom. But I stayed on in Denver with Mom and got involved in a local Catholic church, making hundreds of ham and cheese sandwiches for the homeless. And they had a programme visiting people dying of Aids, and I met a man, a Hispanic man, who was dying and I hugged him and he said he hadn't been hugged for years – it turned out he was from Oklahoma City." Of course, there was also downtime for the bereaved families to talk: with each other, with survivors and with those who had rescued them.

    Police officer Keith Simonds was among them, anxious to give his impact statement after the verdict. Officer Simonds of the Oklahoma Swat team had clocked on for duty at 7am on 19 April 1995 and was answering a call north of the city when he heard the explosion, saw the plume of smoke and rows of his colleagues' cars parked near the federal building. He took a radio call "from the east side of the building: 'We've got wounded here,' it said. 'I'm in the basement. You need to shut off the water, it's flooding down here.'" After failing to persuade a fireman to accompany him or give up a flashlight, Simonds descended into the water: "It was a wreckage, the whole thing had come down, and we were crawling over debris to our victim, a lady called Sharon Littlejohn, trapped. Tyres were exploding, the water rising, and I said to my colleague, you take the legs, I'll take the upper torso. The water had been ankle-deep, now it was knee-deep. As we reached the surface I told her, 'Can you see the light, ma'am? It's going to be OK', and her arm suddenly hit me – I'd been holding onto exposed bone."

    Officer Simonds' rescue of Ms Littlejohn became another iconic photo-image of that day. "[But] I had to keep working, I had to keep going," says Simonds, unaware then that the picture had been taken. "I was walking through the children's playground, that'd become a morgue – it was real hard that where the children played was where they were now laid out dead, in that biddy playground." During his incursions into the building, he said, "I saw an officer carrying a girl with a white dress with roses on it. I thought 'that's a good omen', and that she was alive. Later, I realised it was a white dress with blood on it, and she was dead."

    Officer Simonds was told by prosecutors in the McVeigh trial that he should not give his impact testimony: "The judge and jury had heard so much, it might have backfired, they told me. As a police officer, I understood. As a man, I was pissed. So I really wanted to give my statement in the Nichols trial."

    Ready to do so, and on the plane back to Denver for the Nichols trial, a young lady two rows ahead of Simonds was trying to get volunteers for a Christmas party for the homeless being organised by a church near the courthouse. "I thought she'd never stop," recalls Simonds. "What about some of you officers helping out?" suggested the young woman. "Next day," recalls the police officer, we went to a teahouse, and the same lady told me, 'We'll make sure you get to do your testimony', and I did." There was something about her, thought Officer Simonds, and the feeling was mutual. Her name was Catherine Alaniz, now Simonds: the rescue cop had met the woman he would before long make his wife.

    Home for the Simondses and their merged families is now a house in the Oklahoma suburb of Noble – a household of chattering teenage girls and visiting older brothers, grace before dinner, gazebo in the garden running down to a creek and a cabinet in the sitting room in tribute to the lost men in Catherine's life, and the officer's bravery that day. "We live in this world of quick fixes," says Catherine, "but there's no such thing. You can't plan when the loss will get you. There's no reason why the 15th anniversary should be any easier or harder than the 5th, or the 14th."

    Keith Simonds, when he is not on the beat, protecting dignitaries or riding his Harley-Davidson, gives classes to children on the impact – and avoidance – of violence. "I tell them my story and tell them to report violence: I tell them if the third man in the plot, name of Fourrier, had told the police what McVeigh and Nichols were up to, I wouldn't be here today. I tell 'em to watch for gangs, to do sports or clubs or cheerleading instead; I tell even the baddest of them: it's OK to have feelings." "The thing I cannot explain to myself," says Catherine, "is that it was an American who did this, who had walked by the children he killed. You lose your false hope that it cannot happen here. This wasn't someone from the Middle East – an American did this to us, and it can happen again."

    There was something unique about Oklahoma City's response to the bombing, which one sensed immediately at the time. The Okies love where they live with good reason: theirs is probably the least pretentious city in the world. They have down-to-earth decency, a rugged decorum, easy-going diligence. These characteristics came into play in the hour of horror, loss and need. Ted Wilson, chaplain to the fire department, recalls the rota of fast food chains and local pizza joints providing endless free meals for rescue workers and the vigils of those who hoped for news of loved ones, often in vain. He remembers round tables of local business donating cash for all reasons. "If word went out that they needed batteries at the site," he says, "a truckload of batteries would arrive." Rescue workers from out of town would return to their camp beds to find their clothes anonymously washed and ironed. People literally gave the shoes off their feet; local TV became an emergency needs swap-shop, often having to appeal to citizens to hold back as blood donation banks became saturated.

    The aftermaths of outrages such as 9/11, Beslan or Srebrenica are characterised by grating and grated nerves – friction, even – between the differently traumatised bereaved, survivors and rescue workers. The different wounds cut so deep, and so unforgivingly to the individuals affected, that often these constituencies, though bonded by the same horror, are as divided as they are united by raw emotion and grievous loss. "It wasn't easy at first," says Catherine Simonds, "People would say to me, 'Well, I lost a child', and I'd think, 'Well, my dad was my grandma's baby.'" Almost uniquely, Oklahoma has suceeded in bringing these people together into what Rashell Hammons, the mother of children who survived – faced by those whose children did not – calls "an extended family". This is a far more formidable and singular achievement than it will appear when the bereaved, survivors and rescue workers gather together tomorrow week, and it did not happen by accident.

    The anniversary commemorations are held at the Oklahoma National Memorial, a place most of the bereaved and survivors say they love, and in which they feel at home, helped, comforted if not healed. "I love it," says Catherine Simonds, "it is very, very beautiful." In a time such as ours of much thought and debate over what memorials and monuments should represent and achieve, this site sets a gold standard. It is unrivalled anywhere. The Oklahoma memorial is in part set on the gaping space left by the Murrah building, but includes some of its jagged, incinerated walls. There are 168 empty bronze chairs set on a lawn, each engraved with a name, their bases illuminated during darkness, so that the chairs of the dead float on beacons of light. At either end are huge "Gates of Time" marking 9.01, the last moment of the city's innocence, and 9.03, "the moment we were changed forever", says the guidebook. This place is always open, and the bereaved come often, as do survivors – there is always someone to tell their story to a visitor. Passing teenagers instinctively switch off their boom boxes; the 24-hour toilets are always clean. "It's not a cemetery, where people come to mourn, it is a place to remember and to learn," says director Kari Watkins. "A memorial should be beautiful, it should be a place that's always open, 24 hours, at its best for anyone who lost a family member, or even just those passing on I-40 who come by to look." The space is quite a lesson to post-9/11 New York, whose memorial committees have serially visited.

    Inside, the Oklahoma museum is a journey from the moment of normality at 9.01am, through the explosion, chaos, claustrophobia of entrapment, the rescue operation, arrests and aftermath – all narrated by the videotaped testimony of living bereaved and survivors, and ending with redemptive light and a window overlooking the chairs of the lost.

    The driving forces behind the memorial, Watkins and her visitors' services director Joanne Riley (who spends as much of her time coordinating the survivors and bereaved), decided that their project would in itself become part of the process that brought those people together. As a result, opposite the chairs across a reflecting pool, the "Survivors' Tree", an American elm that miraculously survived the bombing, remains, surrounded by the "Rescuers Orchard", smaller trees literally rushing towards it.

    Involved from the beginning was Florence Rogers, chief executive officer at the Federal Employees Credit Union, a co-operative banking system. That morning, in preparation for an audit of her bank, she called a meeting for 8.30 in her office on the third floor. "I remember to this very day a girl called Claudette Meek saying: 'Look at all the primary colours we're wearing today, we look like a basket of Easter eggs.' So I remembered what they were wearing, and had no idea how important that would be when it came to indentifying the bodies." One of which was that of Claudette Meek. At 9.01, says Rogers, "I had just read an item off the list and turned – and bang – I could see clearly through the far wall. The floor had gone clean away, down into what we called the pit, leaving me alone on 18in of floor that had held. I know it sounds stupid, but I thought 'Oh my God, this is like a bad movie, and when it's all over, I get out of here.'"

    Rogers was rescued, through a window, but that was the beginning of her grief. "They would bring me the purses, a girl called Robin Huff's – it contained ultrasound photographs of the baby she was going to have. Her little husband was so sad to see them; he was a man who had grown up with my boys, since cub scouts. I had 33 employees and I lost 18 of them. They were my girls, my family. Every Christmas, they would come here for a party – champagne and presents. That's when I miss them all, but I can't grieve for 18 people at once – each of them has their day. Something will happen, like one day I found a Santa's sleigh up there on the shelf, and that was Claudette's day. One day I saw a girl just like Sonia, eating a donut like she did, and that was Sonia's day."

    Also up on the third floor that morning, "where my bank was", was Ted Wilson, pastor at Grand Boulevard Baptist church and part-time chaplain to the Oklahoma Fire Department, now ministering full-time to fire officers who, he says, "are still coming, after 15 years, suddenly traumatised, their brains finally processing this information, after all this time". Wilson is also a qualified intermediate paramedic, and objected to "the bodies of the children being laid out in their playground – a bad omen for later. They said they had to be close by the building, but we did move 'em to a parking lot." Before long, Wilson had "gotten in through a skylight to be working to release a trapped woman, still alive, on the third floor where my bank was. I was working with a tall state trooper, and the scare came for a second bomb and for us to evacuate the building. The trooper said he wasn't leaving the lady, and I said, 'Well, if you're not going, I ain't either.' So we kind of had the place to ourselves – and I located the lady's purse on top of the desk. Now there's two things a lady needs to be accounting for, her hair and her purse. Well, her hair was pretty messed up, but I said: "Ma'am, you needn't worry 'bout your purse, and you needn't worry about yourself either.' We became friends after she was released from hospital, Nancy Ingrams by name – she passed away just last year."

    Wilson's job quickly changed to that of counselor and chaplain, and has not changed since. "I'm treating guys now, 15 years on, who've been treading water all that time and it suddenly hits. They were working for eight hours through rubble to reach a victim who has died. And if you do that, you personalise them on the way. You find their crucifix, their purse, pictures of their children, personal items. You are spending time with that dead person. You're saying: 'I must rescue the kids, but please don't let me be the one to find them.' You're finding body parts, and what we are saying is you have to think of it as reconstitution of a person, you're scraping body matter, but you're not a ditch digger. We tell them they have done the best they can to restore as much of that person back to their family as was possible."

    On Monday week, 19 April, the national Tea Party protests will be held across America, venting anger at the Federal government. In Oklahoma City, however, their protest will be held four days earlier, so as not to coincide with the memorial at what was the site of the federal government building – almost an admission by the Tea Party that they are playing with fire. "They'll say they're coming here to protest Obama's health care programme," says Keith Simonds, "but that's not what it is. They're here to spew their hatred, vomiting their political agenda. How dare they come here?"

    "One purpose of this memorial," says Kari Watkins, "is to teach the impact of violence. On Easter Monday, our biggest effort this year becomes law, against considerable opposition: that the story of the bomb be entered into the school curriculum for the state of Oklahoma. We need to teach this story, especially right now, when in America there are a lot of the same movements that were around in 1995, there's a similar mood, a polarisation. Look, no one wants the government on their backs – who does? - but all this alarms me, and we must work against it by teaching the consequences of violence against the language of violence."

    The day of Watkins' interview, nine people appeared in court in Detroit, members of an offshoot of McVeigh's Michigan militia called Hutaree, charged with "seditious conspiracy" to kill a police officer and then bomb the funeral cortege, in order to spark insurrection akin to that sought by McVeigh. The previous week, congresswoman Louise Slaughter, who voted for President Barack Obama's health care reform, received one of many threats of violence to elected representatives, this one pledging that snipers would "kill the children of the members who voted for health care reform". Such language makes the blood run cold in Oklahoma; and the fact that most people in Oklahoma are deeply conservative makes the irony of both the bomb and their disgust at this language all the more cogent.

    A warm evening breeze strokes the garden of empty chairs, while a late sun illuminates their bases against the opacity of oncoming dusk. As twilight falls, so does a haunted serenity, and silence – but for evening birdsong and the hoot and rattle of a freight train passing through town and out across the plains. The memorial's lights come up in phases, so that first the great Gates of Time shine out, reflected in the shallow pool between them, then the chairs of each person killed appear to hover on lamplight.

    In the second row of chairs, indicating the building's second floor, 15 chairs are smaller than the others, commemorating the children. At the end, slightly apart, is that inscribed "Miss Baylee Almon", whose mother Aren's lovely face nevertheless wears the scars of grief until dispelled by a smile, at a joke by Bella or Brooks, or a memory of Baylee alive. Recently, Bella choked on some beef jerky and Aren was worried she'd been alone, but Bella said: "It's OK, Mom, Baylee was here." On Monday week, Bella will, for the second time, read out the names of the children killed in 1995, in reverse alphabetical order, so that the sister she never met, but whose birthday she will have celebrated the previous day, will come last.

    And there, standing at a distance from the others, is the chair in honour of customs agent Claude Arthur Medearis, for whose daughter the bomb was a very different kind of fire from that which killed her first husband – though also from an American military man. "My husband had driven a Bradley military vehicle in the Gulf war," says Catherine Simonds. "Timothy McVeigh also drove a Bradley vehicle in the Gulf war. My husband died, but McVeigh lived. Then he came to Oklahoma City four years later and killed my dad. What am I supposed to think about that?"
    On Monday week, 19 April, the national Tea Party protests will be held across America, venting anger at the Federal government. In Oklahoma City, however, their protest will be held four days earlier, so as not to coincide with the memorial at what was the site of the federal government building – almost an admission by the Tea Party that they are playing with fire. "They'll say they're coming here to protest Obama's health care programme," says Keith Simonds, "but that's not what it is. They're here to spew their hatred, vomiting their political agenda. How dare they come here?"

    This was a tragic event....but has nothing to do with the Tea Party....Now look who is the fear monger.....They held this on a different date to show respect.......just shows how some want to spin even a good deed into something negative
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Byrnzie wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Looks like there Dirty

    Illegal government surveillance
    Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. In May of 2009, Ms. Friedman published an article entitled Americans Divided by Hate Crimes Bill , in the Khaleej Times (Persian Gulf), which included the following:

    "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is already heavily involved in Homeland Security's locally based 'fusion centres, 'which collect personal data for intelligence databases that synchronise national intelligence collection with local police. ADL and SPLC have a record of illegally spying on American citizens and providing false information to law enforcement officials." [35]
    In response to Mark Potok's demand for a retraction of "libelous and defamatory" statements, Ms. Friedman responded:

    The U.S. Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal."
    In The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups, [36] Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings and compiling files on people they consider offensive:

    “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”
    Mark Potok admitted that the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. In response to complaints by Friends of Animals president, Pricilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations about the group, he responded that:

    “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot.”
    In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the SPLC linked videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes. Many organizations and individuals have accused the SPLC of publishing false and misleading information as well as manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers have been issued a warning against relying on their erroneous and politicized "reports".

    The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. [37]

    Fund raising, assets & program expenses
    As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Mr. Dees was paid an annual $273,132 and the SPLC’s president and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [38]

    According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Richard Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[39]

    SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [40]

    Illegal government surveillance
    Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. In May of 2009, Ms. Friedman published an article entitled Americans Divided by Hate Crimes Bill , in the Khaleej Times (Persian Gulf), which included the following:

    "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), along with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is already heavily involved in Homeland Security's locally based 'fusion centres, 'which collect personal data for intelligence databases that synchronise national intelligence collection with local police. ADL and SPLC have a record of illegally spying on American citizens and providing false information to law enforcement officials." [35]
    In response to Mark Potok's demand for a retraction of "libelous and defamatory" statements, Ms. Friedman responded:

    The U.S. Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal."
    In The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups, [36] Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings and compiling files on people they consider offensive:

    “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”
    Mark Potok admitted that the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. In response to complaints by Friends of Animals president, Pricilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations about the group, he responded that:

    “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot.”
    In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the SPLC linked videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes. Many organizations and individuals have accused the SPLC of publishing false and misleading information as well as manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers have been issued a warning against relying on their erroneous and politicized "reports".

    The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts. [37]

    Fund raising, assets & program expenses
    As of October 2008, the group's net assets were $170,240,129. Mr. Dees was paid an annual $273,132 and the SPLC’s president and CEO, Richard Cohen, was paid $290,193. Total revenue in 2007 was $44,727,257 and program expenses were $20,804,536. In other words, they raised twice as much they spent. Fund-raising and administrative expenses were $9 million, leaving $14 million to be put into the center's vast assets. [38]

    According to a March of 2007 article in Harpers Magazine by Richard Silverstein, the SPLC combats mostly impotent groups like the Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan; raising obscene amounts of money by hyping fears about their power and influence. Hence, they have become the nation's richest "civil rights" organization. In 1978, when their treasury held less than $10 million, Mr. Dees vowed they would stop fund-raising and live off interest when they hit $55 million. A decade later, the goal was upped to $100 million. The group's newsletter promised that this amount would allow it "to cease the costly and often unreliable task of fund raising."[39]

    SPLC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in 1971 under tax code 501(c)(3). In the fiscal year ending in 2009, the group's assets totaled at $189.7 million dollars. Approximately 68% of our total expenses were spent on program services in 2009. [40]

    Firstly, why did you post the article twice? Did you even read it?

    Secondly, do you have a problem with the SPLC spying on the perpetrators of the Oklahoma bombings? In light of what transpired, it looks like they were on the right trail.

    I only have a problem with there habit of providing false information....sorry about the double post...
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aerial wrote:
    On Monday week, 19 April, the national Tea Party protests will be held across America, venting anger at the Federal government. In Oklahoma City, however, their protest will be held four days earlier, so as not to coincide with the memorial at what was the site of the federal government building – almost an admission by the Tea Party that they are playing with fire. "They'll say they're coming here to protest Obama's health care programme," says Keith Simonds, "but that's not what it is. They're here to spew their hatred, vomiting their political agenda. How dare they come here?"

    This was a tragic event....but has nothing to do with the Tea Party....Now look who is the fear monger.....They held this on a different date to show respect.......just shows how some want to spin even a good deed into something negative

    'Monday 19 April will mark the 15th anniversary of the bomb, but it is also the date chosen by the Tea Party, a right-wing activist organisation, for national protest, in all state capitals, against the current administration.'

    Did you bother to read the whole article, or could you not bear it?
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    Byrnzie wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    On Monday week, 19 April, the national Tea Party protests will be held across America, venting anger at the Federal government. In Oklahoma City, however, their protest will be held four days earlier, so as not to coincide with the memorial at what was the site of the federal government building – almost an admission by the Tea Party that they are playing with fire. "They'll say they're coming here to protest Obama's health care programme," says Keith Simonds, "but that's not what it is. They're here to spew their hatred, vomiting their political agenda. How dare they come here?"

    This was a tragic event....but has nothing to do with the Tea Party....Now look who is the fear monger.....They held this on a different date to show respect.......just shows how some want to spin even a good deed into something negative

    'Monday 19 April will mark the 15th anniversary of the bomb, but it is also the date chosen by the Tea Party, a right-wing activist organisation, for national protest, in all state capitals, against the current administration.'

    Did you bother to read the whole article, or could you not bear it?
    I misunderstood the dates....I was unaware of a protest on the 19th....but I do know there is one across America on the 15th (tax day).........how did the Tea Party get in the mix with the bombing in Oklahoma City anyway?
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    aerial wrote:
    how did the Tea Party get in the mix with the bombing in Oklahoma City anyway?

    What do you mean?
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Byrnzie wrote:

    Christian militia members held for plot to kill policeman and bomb funeral

    Michigan-based militia members may have been trying to provoke anti-government uprising

    * Chris McGreal in Washington
    * The Guardian, Tuesday 30 March 2010

    Nine members of a rightwing Christian militia in the US were charged yesterday with plotting to murder a policeman and then bomb his funeral in an attempt to provoke an anti-government uprising.

    Eight of the Michigan-based group, which includes one woman, were arrested at the weekend in raids in three states, amid warnings from civil rights groups of a surge in the number of extremist militias and "patriot" organisations that see the government as the enemy. A ninth person remained at large as charges of sedition and the planned use of weapons of mass destruction were issued.

    The members of the group, called Hutaree, allegedly planned to kill the policeman and plant improvised bombs – modelled on those used by insurgents in Iraq – along the route of his funeral, to murder other officers and mourners.

    Hutaree, which the group says means Christian warrior, is described by prosecutors as advocating attacks on law enforcement agencies as the "foot soldiers" of the federal government.

    "This is an example of radical and extremist fringe groups which can be found throughout our society," said Andrew Arena, the FBI agent in charge of the investigation in Michigan. "The FBI takes such extremist groups seriously."

    Hutaree describes its doctrine as based on the testimony of Jesus and warns of a looming battle with the antichrist. "The Hutaree will one day see its enemy and meet him on the battlefield, if so God wills it," the group says in its literature.

    Among the forums on the group's website is one dealing with weapons, and another called the "evil Jew forum".

    According to prosecutors, the accused Hutaree members spent 18 months planning the killings. After attacking the funeral, militia members planned to retreat to fortified sites and begin a war against the government. The prosecution says the attacks were intended to "intimidate and demoralise law enforcement".

    "It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more widespread uprising against the government," the indictment said.

    Prosecutors say the accused conspirators were led by David Stone, 45, known as Captain Hutaree. He is alleged to have used the internet to find information on improvised bombs in Iraq and to have told his son to obtain the materials. The prosecution also alleges that Stone taught Hutaree members to make bombs.

    Stone's former wife Donna was among those arrested. One of his sons, Joshua, is the ninth person being sought by police.

    Last month, a prominent civil rights group warned of a surge in the number of anti-government extremist groups and armed militias, driven by deepening hostility on the right to Barack Obama, anger over the economy, and the increasing propagation of conspiracy theories.

    The Southern Poverty Law Centre identified Michigan as one of the states with the highest number of rightwing militias and extremist "patriot" groups. The number of such organisations rose by nearly 250% to more than 500 last year.

    The centre said police officers were a favoured target of extreme rightwing groups, with six murdered by militias since Obama became president.

    The Conservative Political Action Conference this February was cosponsored by groups such as the John Birch Society, which believes Dwight Eisenhower was a communist agent, and the Oath Keepers, which suggests that the government has secret plans to declare martial law and intern "patriotic Americans in concentration camps," the SPLC said.

    will history go full circle ? :lol:


    April 12: General Interest
    1861 : The Civil War begins

    The bloodiest four years in American history begin when Confederate shore batteries under General P.G.T. Beauregard open fire on Union-held Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Bay. During the next 34 hours, 50 Confederate guns and mortars launched more than 4,000 rounds at the poorly supplied fort. On April 13, U.S. Major Robert Anderson surrendered the fort. Two days later, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteer soldiers to quell the Southern "insurrection."

    As early as 1858, the ongoing conflict between North and South over the issue of slavery had led Southern leadership to discuss a unified separation from the United States. By 1860, the majority of the slave states were publicly threatening secession if the Republicans, the anti-slavery party, won the presidency. Following Republican Abraham Lincoln's victory over the divided Democratic Party in November 1860, South Carolina immediately initiated secession proceedings. On December 20, the South Carolina legislature passed the "Ordinance of Secession," which declared that "the Union now subsisting between South Carolina and other states, under the name of the United States of America, is hereby dissolved." After the declaration, South Carolina set about seizing forts, arsenals, and other strategic locations within the state. Within six weeks, five more Southern states--Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana--had followed South Carolina's lead.

    In February 1861, delegates from those states convened to establish a unified government. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was subsequently elected the first president of the Confederate States of America. When Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, a total of seven states (Texas had joined the pack) had seceded from the Union, and federal troops held only Fort Sumter in South Carolina, Fort Pickens off the Florida coast, and a handful of minor outposts in the South. Four years after the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, the Confederacy was defeated at the total cost of 620,000 Union and Confederate soldiers dead.
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