
There is hope in recklessness
Faith in the unknown
What if this is my fate
Am I wrong to follow this path?
Maybe too soon to know
Too quick to choose
Too weak to give a fuck
Can you just decide for me?
This life is like nails on a chalkboard
Tires screeching on wet pavement
But as beautiful as the sun reaching the line
As entrancing as the air in early spring
as it drys my beaten skin and tousles my hair
Brews warm tears from my pale eyes
To walk away would be too easy
To stay would be my death
Its too late to run and hide
You already know too much
No use to cry anymore over this defaced soul
Its so cloudy
Can I not see what is real?
Faith in the unknown
What if this is my fate
Am I wrong to follow this path?
Maybe too soon to know
Too quick to choose
Too weak to give a fuck
Can you just decide for me?
This life is like nails on a chalkboard
Tires screeching on wet pavement
But as beautiful as the sun reaching the line
As entrancing as the air in early spring
as it drys my beaten skin and tousles my hair
Brews warm tears from my pale eyes
To walk away would be too easy
To stay would be my death
Its too late to run and hide
You already know too much
No use to cry anymore over this defaced soul
Its so cloudy
Can I not see what is real?