**Looking for** 2006 Cincinnati Poster

cbeitingcbeiting Posts: 80
edited March 2010 in The Porch
Hey everyone, I see them pop up on eBay and stuff every once in a while, but I'm really wanting to get the 2006 Cincy poster. I was at the show, but the line was waaaaaay to long to get the poster...

Anyone have one they want to part with and not completely rip me off in the process? :lol:

Send me a PM or pop me a message at chris [at] beiting [dot] org

Member since 1996...
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  • I got one will never frame it. Does 25 shipping included work? Send a pm
  • Dude this is a long shot, but do you still have it? I know this is only like 14 years too late. :D 
    Member since 1996...
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