Bohemian Grove
some one else talked about the good work Alex Jones has done. and i agree. his expose work on bohemian grove is disturbing.
what comes to mind though is: if this is true, and it seems to be, that most major politicians each year visit bohemian grove to dance naked in the woods, and stand in robes, and pray and honor a 15 foot stone owl, why isnt this more well known. and if it is well known, why is it not troubling for people, or voters? After viewing what these "leaders" do, why would we give any of them the time of day?
this stuff is going on. its real. nixon admitted it. clinton said "bohemian grove, isnt that the place where politicians run naked through the woods"?, when asked if he attended, and David Gergen, when confronted by Alex Jones about the behavior of these people at Bohemian Grove, David Gergen seemed more pissed off that Alex infiltrated the group and took secret video footage of it, never denying the outrageous behavior.
some one else talked about the good work Alex Jones has done. and i agree. his expose work on bohemian grove is disturbing.
what comes to mind though is: if this is true, and it seems to be, that most major politicians each year visit bohemian grove to dance naked in the woods, and stand in robes, and pray and honor a 15 foot stone owl, why isnt this more well known. and if it is well known, why is it not troubling for people, or voters? After viewing what these "leaders" do, why would we give any of them the time of day?
this stuff is going on. its real. nixon admitted it. clinton said "bohemian grove, isnt that the place where politicians run naked through the woods"?, when asked if he attended, and David Gergen, when confronted by Alex Jones about the behavior of these people at Bohemian Grove, David Gergen seemed more pissed off that Alex infiltrated the group and took secret video footage of it, never denying the outrageous behavior.
Post edited by Unknown User on
DO THE EVOLUTION - a 20th Anniversary Tribute Celebration
Mr Ralph Nader talking about 'Bohemian Grove'
- Richard Nixon, Memoirs
[edit] "The Aim of the Order is now fully revealed: To make of the Human Race, without any distinction of nation, condition, or profession, one good and happy family.”" [/edit]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
-It's nestled among the Redwoods in the woods of California. 2,700 acres of pristine land broken down into dozens of camps. And for two weeks every July since the 1880s, they have been filled with some of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world.
Walter Cronkite receives the "Global Governance Award" from the World Federalist Federation
"World Government is the structure necessary for Global Justice ... YOU sir (Cronkite) have been a life long advocate of this principle, and it is appropriate therefore that we present you with this Amethyst geode."
" For many years, a recording of
the voice of club member Walter Cronkite
was used as the voice of
The Owl
during the ceremony."
"INDIRECT" Relation:
Cronkite is handed an Amethyst geode
by the World Federalist Federation
for his lifetime of championing global government.
Why an Amethyst?
Well, this is the mostly exoteric answer to that question:
Secrets of the Seventh Ray an article on The Violet Flame and the occult background of the color.
"[the color violet] has long been a focus of attention by alchemists and occultists"
The "Seventh Ray" ... the Violet or Amethyst ray is the aspect of God "defined" as "Ceremonial Order" OR "Freedom" ... and is ruled over (in arguably less "authentic" "New Age" doctrine) by "the Ascended Master" "St. Germain"
Look at this google image search for "St. Germain Seventh Ray", see any "amethyst" colors?
Article on St. Germain from an old 1938 edition of Theosophy magazine (official publication of The United Lodge of Theosophists) showing his connection to Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism.
From Article:
"Although an effort has been made to eliminate St. Germain's name from modern Masonic literature, careful research into Masonic archives will prove that he occupied a prominent position in eighteenth century Masonry. He acted as a delegate to the Wilhelmsbad Convention in 1782 and to the great Paris Convention of 1785. Cadet de Gassicourt described him as a travelling member of the Knights Templar, and Deschamps says that Cagliostro was initiated into that Order by St. Germain."
Just saying.
Although I guess sometimes an Amethyst is just an Amethyst.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Would be nice if someone prints the pic of Newt at the Grove and then asks him to sign the photo. This story needs attention from the media. You know, the "Liberal Media" Newt keeps on ranting about.
[edit]cheers to Luke Rudkowski yet again for ballsing it up and getting out there.[/edit]
They are literally bound by oath to DENY.
"I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal, any of the arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries" - one of the basic masonic oaths. Bohemian Grove is just another "slice" of "The Mysteries".
Remember when David Gergen is "asked" by Alex Jones about BG? Gergen gets real irate and keeps saying, "Did you or did you not HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING?" ... "did you not go in with an understanding? Oh so you did NOT have an understanding? Then i disrespect you even more, sir." ... Yeah. Gingrich "had an understanding", as you could say.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
its still bizaare to me, more people either dont know about this or dont care.
the general attitude of people seems to be, sure this congressman or representative, goes to the woods, dresses up in druidic robes and attire, and worships a 20 foot stone owl named moloch, and engages in secretive ancient rituals and actions. and have a mock baby thrown into the fire to symbolize the cremation of care. but who cares?
remember the movie Eyes Wide Shut?
i think it could be argued the stuff Tom Cruise's character witnessed in that movie, were based on this type of activity seen at Bohemian Grove.
I guess that's part of the great illusion, dressing in suits mean prim and proper. They act all upright when they know people are watching. But give them a closed room and perhaps some alcohol, then we see what's..what.
Then the things in their hearts come out.
What are we as people even worth these day's? Take away our clothes, our cars, our paper money. Let us loose in the woods, sadly many of us will turn into nothing but wild animals.
These day's I bet kids can type a 100 word email, quicker than they can write their own names with a pen on paper. We are becoming very artificial. Fake money, fake food, fake water, fake news, fake people.
Have you checked that link with the street view of Wash DC and some other pics? That's some crazy heavy stuff bro.
Part 2
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
The same people who believe that Sandy Hook, Columbine, and The Pulse Nightclub are all part of a govt plot.
That 9/11 was an inside job
The new world order
That the Jews run the world's financial systems
That President Obama will be sending U.N. troops to take away your guns.
Etc etc etc
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.