Israel is the Greatest!



  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    My bad. It mentions 242 in the first bit you put in red. Except that doesn't relate to an actual vote. And if you can't find a reference to this yearly vote you keep talking about please don't imply that maybe it is being covered up by some conspiracy. Just admit that you're full of shit and claim that things happen when they don't, and then submit shit that doesn't relate to what you're talking about as proof of your false claims.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    rebornfixer, the other day you told me you are part anglo and part mesit i believe it was?? And i apologize for spelling or getting the word wrong, i truly do. but what i dont understand is if you are part indian and the white man came and stole your land from your people, how is it that you dont stand with the palestinians?? I mean i dont get it?? Am i missing something here??? Seriously bro...and yosi im saying it as to the israeli government NOT the israeli people. I dnt want anyone to confuse the 2..

    oh and pepe or byrnzie, im out of kush so anyone "got some" for me..."im gonna see my friend," but not until tomorrow :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Later in Article 7, the crime of apartheid is defined as:
    The 'crime of apartheid' means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.[12]

    Without quoting all of Pepe's post, I think the last paragraph sums it up well (but obviously the WHOLE post is a necessary read). Yosi, you cannot say this is not true, however you want to manipulate the 'true' meaning of the word apartheid.

    To put it bluntly, jews are oppressing arabs (I know... not all jews, etc. so don't go down that road). You read the definition, you know it's 'oppression and domination'. Not only of the Palestinians in Gaza but also the of the Arabs residents of Israel. As long as a 'people' (ie those of Arab descent) will be ring fenced into ghettos, will be forcibly evicted from their homes so the neighbourhood can be all jewish, will not be allowed to purchase land where they want, etc., call it as it is... apartheid. Full stop. It's shameful - Yosi, you need to take those blinkers off.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    yosi wrote:
    My bad. It mentions 242 in the first bit you put in red. Except that doesn't relate to an actual vote. And if you can't find a reference to this yearly vote you keep talking about please don't imply that maybe it is being covered up by some conspiracy.

    242 is used as the blueprint for all U.N Genral Assembly sessions that deal with the Israel - Palestinian conflict, such as the call for a ceasefire in Gaza in 2009 and the attempted implementation of U.N resolution 1860.

    All of the points highlighted in red apply to some aspect of 242. Such as:

    'In early action, the Assembly turned its attention to Palestine with the adoption of four texts. It first adopted, by a recorded vote of 109 in favour to 8 against (Australia, Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, United States) with 55 abstentions, a resolution on the “Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People” (document A/64/L.20) (for voting details, see Annex I). By that text, it asked the Committee to continue to exert all efforts to promote the realization of Palestinians’ inalienable rights, including to self-determination.'

    If you'd read the report properly then you would have seen that all aspects of the Resolutions adopted at the January emergency Session applied in some way to 242. Here it is again:

    (For summaries of the resolutions and debate, please see press releases [GA/10894] and [GA/10895]).

    GA/10894: The framework for peace remains unchanged: the creation of two States, an independent and viable Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security with Israel, on the basis of the principle of land for peace, and a just and comprehensive regional peace consistent with Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003), and 1850 (2008), as well as the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative.

    yosi wrote:
    Just admit that you're full of shit and claim that things happen when they don't, and then submit shit that doesn't relate to what you're talking about as proof of your false claims.

    Tough guy Yosi resorting to name calling and baiting again. How pathetic you are.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    yosi wrote:
    if you can't find a reference to this yearly vote you keep talking about please don't imply that maybe it is being covered up by some conspiracy. Just admit that you're full of shit and claim that things happen when they don't, and then submit shit that doesn't relate to what you're talking about as proof of your false claims.

    If you click on the link provided then you can go to the original page and click on any of the dates listed and will see that at every one of these sessions U.N Resolution 242 was mentioned and incorporated into the specific resolution at hand.

    S-RES-242(1967) Security Council Resolution 242 (1967)

    List of all post-1994 meetings of the Security Council or General Assembly where this document was specifically mentioned.

    * 1994-03-01 Palestinian question
    * 1994-03-02 Palestinian question
    * 1994-03-18 Palestinian question
    * 1994-09-27 General debate
    * 1994-09-28 General debate
    * 1994-09-29 Address by Mr. Abdellatif Filali, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco
    * 1994-10-03 General debate
    * 1994-10-03 General debate
    * 1994-10-04 Address by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan Bin Talal, Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    * 1994-10-04 Address by Mr. Carlos Alberto Wahnon de Carvalho Veiga, Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the Republic of Cape Verde
    * 1994-10-05 Address by Mr. Kengo Wa Dondo, Prime Minister of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Zaire
    * 1994-10-06 Address by Mr. Samuel Hinds, Prime Minister of the Republic of Guyana
    * 1994-10-10 Address by Mr. Kennedy A. Simmonds, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    * 1994-10-11 General debate
    * 1994-10-11 Address by Mr. Ntsu Mokhehle, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho
    * 1994-11-09 Commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations in 1995: report of the Preparatory Committee for the Fiftieth Anniversary
    * 1994-11-15 The league of arab states
    * 1994-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 1994-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 1994-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 1994-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1994-12-16 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1995-02-28 Palestinian question
    * 1995-02-28 Palestinian question
    * 1995-05-12 Palestinian question
    * 1995-05-15 Palestinian question
    * 1995-05-16 Palestinian question
    * 1995-05-17 Palestinian question
    * 1995-09-25 General debate
    * 1995-09-26 The fiftieth anniversary of the UN
    * 1995-09-27 Address by Mr. Zhan Videnov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria
    * 1995-09-29 Address by Mr. Abdellatif Filali, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco
    * 1995-10-02 Address by Mr. Janez Drnovsek, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia
    * 1995-10-03 General debate
    * 1995-10-03 General debate
    * 1995-10-04 General debate
    * 1995-10-09 A-50-PV.24
    * 1995-10-10 A-50-PV.26
    * 1995-10-11 General debate
    * 1995-10-22 Address by His Excellency Mr. Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization
    * 1995-10-23 Address by His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Second Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Aviation and Inspector General of Saudi Arabia
    * 1995-10-24 Address by His Excellency Mr. Farouk Al-Shara', Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic
    * 1995-10-26 Commemoration to mark the tenth anniversary of International Youth Year
    * 1995-11-20 A-50-PV.67
    * 1995-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 1995-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 1995-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1995-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1995-12-04 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-04-15 Palestinian question
    * 1996-04-15 Palestinian question
    * 1996-04-15 Middle East--UN Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 1996-04-18 Middle East--UN Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 1996-04-23 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-04-24 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-04-24 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-04-25 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-04-25 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-09-23 Address by His Excellency Mr. Abdellatif Filali, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco
    * 1996-09-24 Address by His Excellency Mr. Andris Sk¸e¯le, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia
    * 1996-09-25 Address by Mr. Göran Persson, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden
    * 1996-09-26 General debate
    * 1996-09-27 Palestinian question
    * 1996-09-27 Palestinian question
    * 1996-09-30 General debate
    * 1996-09-30 General debate
    * 1996-10-01 Address by His Excellency Mr. Mendsaikhany Enkhsaikhan, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia
    * 1996-10-01 General debate
    * 1996-10-02 General debate
    * 1996-10-02 General debate
    * 1996-10-03 General debate
    * 1996-10-07 General debate
    * 1996-10-08 General debate
    * 1996-11-19 The league of arab states
    * 1996-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 1996-12-02 Question of Palestine
    * 1996-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1996-12-04 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1997-03-12 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1997-03-12 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1997-03-13 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1997-09-25 Address by The Right Honourable Percival James Patterson, Prime Minister of Jamaica
    * 1997-09-25 Address by Mr. Abdellatif Filali, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco
    * 1997-09-29 Address by His Excellency The Honourable Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister and Minister for National Security, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Planning and Information of Saint Kitts and Nevis
    * 1997-09-29 General debate
    * 1997-09-30 General debate
    * 1997-10-01 General debate
    * 1997-10-02 General debate
    * 1997-10-03 General debate
    * 1997-10-06 General debate
    * 1997-10-07 General debate
    * 1997-10-22 A-52-PV.35
    * 1997-10-31 Towards a culture of peace
    * 1997-12-01 Question of Palestine
    * 1997-12-02 Question of Palestine
    * 1997-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1997-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1997-12-09 Question of Palestine
    * 1998-06-26 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
    * 1998-06-30 Palestinian question
    * 1998-06-30 Palestinian question
    * 1998-07-13 Palestinian question
    * 1998-09-21 Address by Mr. Keizo Obuchi, Prime Minister of Japan
    * 1998-09-22 General debate
    * 1998-09-23 Address by The Honourable Mr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minster of the Republic of Mauritius
    * 1998-09-23 Address by Mr. Hassan Gouled Aptidon, President of the Republic of Djibouti
    * 1998-09-24 Address by Mr. Rafic Hariri, Prime Minister and President of the Council of Ministers of the Lebanese Republic
    * 1998-09-25 General debate
    * 1998-09-25 General debate
    * 1998-09-28 General debate
    * 1998-09-28 Address by Mr. James Michel, Vice-President of the Seychelles
    * 1998-09-29 General debate
    * 1998-10-01 General debate
    * 1998-10-22 The league of arab states
    * 1998-11-10 Culture of peace
    * 1998-11-10 Culture of peace
    * 1998-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 1998-12-01 Question of Palestine
    * 1998-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1998-12-02 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1999-06-08 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 1999-09-17 Civilians in armed conflict
    * 1999-09-20 Address by Mr. Lionel Jospin, Prime Minister of the French Republic
    * 1999-09-21 Address by Mr. Mikulás Dzurinda, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
    * 1999-09-23 Address by His Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert, Crown Prince of the Principality of Monaco
    * 1999-09-23 Address by Mr. Salim El-Hoss, Prime Minister of Lebanon
    * 1999-09-29 Address by Mr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia
    * 1999-09-30 Address by The Honourable Said Musa, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs of Belize
    * 1999-09-30 Address by Mr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Prime Minister of the Republic of the Niger
    * 1999-10-01 General debate
    * 1999-10-01 General debate
    * 1999-10-26 The league of arab states
    * 1999-11-10 Bethlehem 2000
    * 1999-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 1999-11-29 Role of United Nations
    * 1999-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 1999-11-30 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1999-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 1999-12-15 Assistance to the Palestinian people
    * 2000-04-20 Middle East--UN Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 2000-05-23 Middle East--UN Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 2000-06-15 Tribute to the memory of Hafez Al-Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic
    * 2000-06-18 Middle East--UN Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 2000-09-06 Addresses on the occasion of the Summit
    * 2000-09-07 Addresses on the occasion of the Summit
    * 2000-09-08 Addresses on the occasion of the Summit
    * 2000-09-13 General debate
    * 2000-09-13 General debate
    * 2000-09-14 General debate
    * 2000-09-15 General debate
    * 2000-09-16 Address by The Honourable Laisenia Qarase, Prime Minister and Minister for National Reconciliation and Unity of the Republic of Fiji
    * 2000-09-16 General debate
    * 2000-09-18 General debate
    * 2000-09-18 General debate
    * 2000-09-19 General debate
    * 2000-09-20 General debate
    * 2000-10-03 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2000-10-04 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2000-10-05 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2000-10-17 Report of the Security Council
    * 2000-10-30 The league of arab states
    * 2000-11-07 Bethlehem 2000
    * 2000-11-08 The inter-parliamentary union
    * 2000-11-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2000-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 2000-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 2000-11-30 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2000-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2000-12-12 Measures to eliminate international terrorism
    * 2000-12-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-03-15 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-03-15 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-03-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-03-27 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-07-13 Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization
    * 2001-08-20 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-08-20 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-08-21 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-09-26 Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization
    * 2001-10-04 Measures to eliminate international terrorism
    * 2001-10-16 Report of the Security Council
    * 2001-10-31 Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council
    * 2001-11-10 General debate
    * 2001-11-10 Address by Mr. Alhaji Aliu Mahama, Vice-President of the Republic of Ghana
    * 2001-11-11 Address by Mr. Glafcos Clerides, President of the Republic of Cyprus
    * 2001-11-11 Address by His Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert, Crown Prince of the Principality of Monaco
    * 2001-11-12 General debate
    * 2001-11-12 General debate
    * 2001-11-13 Address by Mr. Nambar Enkhbayar, Prime Minister of Mongolia
    * 2001-11-13 General debate
    * 2001-11-14 General debate
    * 2001-11-15 General debate
    * 2001-11-16 Address by Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Republic of the Philippines
    * 2001-11-27 Special economic assistance to individual countries or regions || Strengthening of international cooperation and coordination of efforts to study, mitigate and minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster || Participation of volunteers, "White Helmets", in the activities of the United Nations in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development || Assistance to the Palestinian people
    * 2001-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 2001-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 2001-11-30 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2001-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2001-12-07 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Latin American Economic System || Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Organization of la Francophonie || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference || Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Community of Central African States || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons || Cooperation between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum
    * 2001-12-14 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2001-12-21 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 2002-01-18 Peace and security--terrorist acts
    * 2002-02-26 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-02-27 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-03-12 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-03-12 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-03-29 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-03 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-03 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-04 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-08 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-09 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-04-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-05-03 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-06-13 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-06-13 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-06-27 Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 2002-07-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-07-24 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-09-12 Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization
    * 2002-09-12 Address by Mr. Luis Angel González Macchi, President of the Republic of Paraguay
    * 2002-09-13 General debate
    * 2002-09-14 Address by His Royal Highness Prince 'Ulukalala Lavaka Ata, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Tonga
    * 2002-09-14 General debate
    * 2002-09-15 Address by His Excellency Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
    * 2002-09-15 General debate
    * 2002-09-17 Address by Mr. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Independent State of Samoa
    * 2002-09-17 Address by His Serene Highness Crown Prince Albert, Crown Prince of the Principality of Monaco
    * 2002-09-18 General debate
    * 2002-09-18 Address by The Honourable Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
    * 2002-09-19 Address by Mr. Laisenia Qarase, Prime Minster of Fiji
    * 2002-09-19 General debate
    * 2002-09-20 Address by Mr. Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland
    * 2002-09-20 Address by Ms. Sandra Pierantozzi, Vice-President and Minister of Health of the Republic of Palau
    * 2002-09-23 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-09-23 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2002-10-07 Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit
    * 2002-10-14 Report of the Security Council
    * 2002-10-14 Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council
    * 2002-10-17 Iraq--Kuwait
    * 2002-11-21 A-57-PV.56
    * 2002-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 2002-12-02 Question of Palestine
    * 2002-12-02 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2002-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2002-12-16 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-03-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-03-27 Iraq--Kuwait
    * 2003-05-06 Peace and security--terrorist acts
    * 2003-05-13 Role of United Nations
    * 2003-05-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-06-13 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-07-17 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-08-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-09-15 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-09-15 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-09-16 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-09-23 Address by His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Prime Minister of Kuwait
    * 2003-09-25 Address by Mr. Bertie Ahern, Prime Minister of Ireland
    * 2003-09-26 Address by The Honourable Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Independent State of Samoa
    * 2003-09-29 General debate
    * 2003-10-05 Israel--Syria
    * 2003-10-06 Follow up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit
    * 2003-10-07 Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit
    * 2003-10-07 Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit
    * 2003-10-13 Report of the Security Council
    * 2003-10-13 Report of the Security Council
    * 2003-10-14 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2003-12-01 Question of Palestine
    * 2003-12-02 Question of Palestine
    * 2003-12-02 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2003-12-03 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2003-12-12 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-01-16 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-02-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-03-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-03-23 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-04-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-05-06 Question of Palestine
    * 2004-05-06 Question of Palestine
    * 2004-05-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-06-23 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-07-20 Cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations in stabilization processes
    * 2004-08-11 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-09-02 Middle East--Lebanon
    * 2004-09-17 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-09-21 Address by Mr. Göran Persson, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden
    * 2004-09-22 Address by Mr. Oscar Berger Perdomo, President of the Republic of Guatemala
    * 2004-09-23 Address by His Serene Highness Prince Albert, Crown Prince of the Principality of Monaco
    * 2004-09-24 Address by The Honourable Winston Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister and Minister of Labour of Antigua and Barbuda
    * 2004-09-27 Address by The Honourable Dato'Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia
    * 2004-09-27 General debate
    * 2004-09-28 General debate
    * 2004-10-04 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-10-07 Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization
    * 2004-10-12 Report of the Security Council
    * 2004-10-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-11-11 Assistance to the Palestinian people
    * 2004-11-11 Tribute to the memory of His Excellency Mr. Yasser Arafat, late President of the Palestinian Authority
    * 2004-11-15 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2004-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 2004-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 2004-11-30 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2004-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2005-01-13 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-01-28 Middle East--UN Interim Force in Lebanon
    * 2005-02-16 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-03-09 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-07-21 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-07-21 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-09-20 Address by Mr. Carlos Gomes, Jr., Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
    * 2005-09-23 Address by Mr. Adnan Terzi, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    * 2005-09-23 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-10-20 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-11-10 Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council
    * 2005-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 2005-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 2005-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 2005-11-30 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2005-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2006-01-31 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-02-03 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-03-30 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-04-17 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-04-21 Middle East
    * 2006-06-30 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-07-21 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-08-11 Middle East
    * 2006-08-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-09-21 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-09-22 Address by Mr. Redley Killion, Vice-President of the Federated States of Micronesia
    * 2006-09-26 General debate
    * 2006-09-27 General debate
    * 2006-10-19 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-11-09 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-11-09 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-11-21 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2006-11-29 Question of Palestine
    * 2006-11-30 Question of Palestine
    * 2006-11-30 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2006-12-01 The situation in the Middle East
    * 2006-12-11 Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council
    * 2006-12-12 Middle East
    * 2007-02-13 Middle East
    * 2007-02-13 Middle East
    * 2007-04-17 Middle East
    * 2007-04-25 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2007-05-24 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2007-08-03 Middle East
    * 2007-08-29 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2007-08-29 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2007-09-27 A-62-PV.8
    * 2007-10-02 A-62-PV.14
    * 2007-11-13 A-62-PV.49
    * 2007-11-29 A-62-PV.58
    * 2007-11-30 A-62-PV.59
    * 2007-11-30 A-62-PV.60
    * 2007-12-10 A-62-PV.65
    * 2008-01-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-01-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-01-30 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-02-26 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-03-25 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-03-25 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-04-15 Middle East
    * 2008-06-27 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-07-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-07-22 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-08-20 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-09-26 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-11-03 A-63-PV.37
    * 2008-11-19 A-63-PV.55
    * 2008-11-24 A-63-PV.57
    * 2008-11-25 A-63-PV.58
    * 2008-11-25 A-63-PV.59
    * 2008-11-26 A-63-PV.60
    * 2008-12-16 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-12-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-12-18 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2008-12-31 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-01-06 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-01-07 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-03-25 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-03-25 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-04-20 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-05-11 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-07-27 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-07-27 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-10-14 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * 2009-10-14 Middle East--Palestinian question
    * unknown Address by Mr. Efraín Goldenberg Schreiber, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Peru
    * unknown General Debate
    * unknown Address by His Serene Highness Prince Albert, Crown Prince of Monaco
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited March 2010
    yosi wrote:
    Just admit that you're full of shit and claim that things happen when they don't, and then submit shit that doesn't relate to what you're talking about as proof of your false claims.

    Or maybe you're the one whose full of shit.

    We'll let anyone reading this thread make up their own minds about that shall we?
    Post edited by Byrnzie on
  • Isn't the Corrie family in Israel to ask why you have to import your bulldozer drivers from Germany?

    The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08

  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    oh, i agree they don't dislike them because they are Palestinians, they dislike them because they won't leave

    Which is why its possible to argue against the use of this term in this situation ... Apartheid focuses on group membership specifically, not other reasons for oppression.

    fine, i will just repost it, this is what the UN and ICC call apartheid, both of them name a few things Israel does against the Palestinians, it doesn't just have to be a perfect recreation of South Africa

    ICSPCA definition of the crime of apartheid

    Article II of the ICSPCA defines the crime of apartheid as follows:
    International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,
    Article II[1]

    For the purpose of the present Convention, the term 'the crime of apartheid', which shall include similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination as practiced in southern Africa, shall apply to the following inhumane acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them:
    Denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups of the right to life and liberty of person
    By murder of members of a racial group or groups;
    By the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
    By arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups;
    Deliberate imposition on a racial group or groups of living conditions calculated to cause its or their physical destruction in whole or in part;
    Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups, in particular by denying to members of a racial group or groups basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to work, the right to form recognised trade unions, the right to education, the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association;
    Any measures including legislative measures, designed to divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or groups, the prohibition of mixed marriages among members of various racial groups, the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group or groups or to members thereof;
    Exploitation of the labour of the members of a racial group or groups, in particular by submitting them to forced labour;
    Persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid.
    [edit]ICC definition of the crime of apartheid

    Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines crimes against humanity as:
    Article 7
    Crimes against humanity
    For the purpose of this Statute, 'crime against humanity' means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
    Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
    Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
    Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
    Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
    Enforced disappearance of persons;
    The crime of apartheid;
    Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.[12]
    Later in Article 7, the crime of apartheid is defined as:
    The 'crime of apartheid' means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.[12]

    did you get a chance to read this, yosi? i noticed you replied in this thread twice after me but not to this....
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    Pepe I did read it. It specifically stresses in the definition of apartheid that the crime involves one racial group dominating and oppressing another racial group, and seeking to do so in perpetuity. That is not what is happening in Israel. The emphasis placed on race in the definition makes it clear that for "apartheid" to apply the crime has to be racially motivated. Israel, to repeat the obvious yet again, is not motivated by racial concerns. Furthermore, neither Israelis nor Palestinians constitute a racial group. They are both national groups, and in the case of Israelis at least, it is a national group that is incredibly racially diverse. You keep focusing on the part of the definition that says "one group oppressing another," but you ignore everything else.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    badbrains wrote:
    rebornfixer, the other day you told me you are part anglo and part mesit i believe it was?? And i apologize for spelling or getting the word wrong, i truly do. but what i dont understand is if you are part indian and the white man came and stole your land from your people, how is it that you dont stand with the palestinians?? I mean i dont get it?? Am i missing something here??? Seriously bro...and yosi im saying it as to the israeli government NOT the israeli people. I dnt want anyone to confuse the 2..

    oh and pepe or byrnzie, im out of kush so anyone "got some" for me..."im gonna see my friend," but not until tomorrow :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Well, for the record, I do not stand against the Palestinians. I strongly feel that they have a right to live in peace, ideally in their own country, and that their culture should be preserved. I have been pretty up front in saying that Israel is in the wrong when it comes to settlement expansion and using heavy-handed tactics in Lebanon and Gaza. I do find at least one aspect of Palestinian culture to be incredibly distasteful, and that is the attitude about violence and the glorification of martyrs. This attitude is not universal, but its pervasive enough that the Israelis continue to use it to justify things like settlement expansion. My position on the issue is wholly pragmatic: If the Israelis are going to stop the violence, the Palestinians will need to renounce organizations like Hamas. I cannot see another way lasting peace will occur: People often require at least the perception of compromise if they are going to change their behavior with regards to another group, although I do feel that the Israelis should probably be the ones to take the first step and cease all settlement expansion. I've seen you post things to the effect of "violence is not the answer", so I don't think our positions are all that different.
    The land grab issue is old history, both in North America and the Middle East. Its sad but true. In the North American case, aboriginal people have done a heck of a job preserving some of the old ways, even in the face of full-on oppression and what some refer to as "cultural genocide". To my way of thinking, it makes more sense to work toward preserving what still exists and toward bettering the lot of one's people, as opposed to focusing on past wrongs and staying bitter, as if doing so will somehow turn back time and bring back the days of yore. I have a few friends who disagree with me on this, calling it white's man's thinking. Sure, maybe so. I still feel that being pragmatic has nothing to do with skin color. No one has demonstrated to me that bitterness truly helps one to shake off oppression: Its just another form of said oppression. These arguments about who was where first are neither here nor there at this point in history. The reality is that North America is now a very diverse place, and the reality is that Israel is not going anywhere. Palestinians and Jews are going to have to learn to live near one another, or die trying.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    My position on the issue is wholly pragmatic: If the Israelis are going to stop the violence, the Palestinians will need to renounce organizations like Hamas.

    why is it that Hamas must be renounced yet the Israeli gov't which purpetrates greater violent acts is not?
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    polaris_x wrote:
    My position on the issue is wholly pragmatic: If the Israelis are going to stop the violence, the Palestinians will need to renounce organizations like Hamas.

    why is it that Hamas must be renounced yet the Israeli gov't which purpetrates greater violent acts is not?

    Again, my basic point is that both sides must renounce violence. If Hamas were to form the Palestinian government and then agreed to renounce violence except in self-defense, great, that might work too.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    Again, my basic point is that both sides must renounce violence. If Hamas were to form the Palestinian government and then agreed to renounce violence except in self-defense, great, that might work too.

    again ... but Israel has not renounced violence ... why the focus on hamas?
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    polaris_x wrote:
    My position on the issue is wholly pragmatic: If the Israelis are going to stop the violence, the Palestinians will need to renounce organizations like Hamas.

    why is it that Hamas must be renounced yet the Israeli gov't which purpetrates greater violent acts is not?

    Again, my basic point is that both sides must renounce violence. If Hamas were to form the Palestinian government and then agreed to renounce violence except in self-defense, great, that might work too.

    you better watch out or yosi will get mad at you, he started this thread about Israel, NOT hamas! :P
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    i didn't make the rules, yosi, and for this board they say you can't derail a thread, take it up with kat and pearl jam - Pepe Silva

    Just reminding you what you yourself said Pepe, just in case you'd like to be consistent.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    yosi wrote:
    i didn't make the rules, yosi, and for this board they say you can't derail a thread, take it up with kat and pearl jam - Pepe Silva

    Just reminding you what you yourself said Pepe, just in case you'd like to be consistent.

    i am being consistent, i wasn't the one bringing up Hamas
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    yosi wrote:
    Pepe I did read it. It specifically stresses in the definition of apartheid that the crime involves one racial group dominating and oppressing another racial group, and seeking to do so in perpetuity. That is not what is happening in Israel. The emphasis placed on race in the definition makes it clear that for "apartheid" to apply the crime has to be racially motivated. Israel, to repeat the obvious yet again, is not motivated by racial concerns. Furthermore, neither Israelis nor Palestinians constitute a racial group. They are both national groups, and in the case of Israelis at least, it is a national group that is incredibly racially diverse. You keep focusing on the part of the definition that says "one group oppressing another," but you ignore everything else.

    Here, I'll post it again for the third time. Try ignoring it again.

    'In 2002, a statutory definition of the crime of apartheid was provided by Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The crime of apartheid was included as one of several crimes against humanity, and encompassed inhumane acts such as torture, murder, forcible transfer, imprisonment, or persecution of an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or other grounds, "committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime."[189] This change to defining the crime of apartheid as discrimination on the grounds of national, ethnic or cultural group rather than racial group alone increased the applicability of the law to Israeli policy in the West Bank.'

    Also, it's funny how you now try and pretend that Israel is not motivated by racial concerns. Why are the settlements Jewish-only? And how do you account for the high degree of racial discrimination within Israel?

    Michael Neumann:
    'Zionism has never been a movement for the defence of the Jewish religion.; on the contrary, many of the most religious Jews abhor it. It was never even a movement in defence of some cultural entity; when the Zionist movement began, Jews had no common language and their traditions were in many cases wildly dissimilar or simply abandoned altogether. Zionism was a movement that advocated not so much the defense of an ethnic group, as the formation of such a group in Palestine, where those who were thought to fit a certain semi-racial category were to find refuge. It was a lovely dream where all Jews would live happily together and, with typical Wilsonian obliviousness, no one seemed to notice that those who did not pass ethnic muster had no place in this fantasy. If they were to be tolerated, welcomed, even loved, it was to be at the pleasure of the Jews. Of that there could be no mistake. This is exactly the sort of vulnerable subordination that Jews, quite understandably, were trying to escape. "Trust us, we'll be nice" is not a promise endorsed by the historical record.

    Zionists respond with fury when their movement is identified with racism. Many ethnic supremacists do. They protest that they do not advocate their own superiority, but simply want a land or culture of their own. But that is of necessity a land where one race is guaranteed supremacy: whether or not this is on grounds of intrinsic superiority hardly matters. And that such movements and attitudes gain respectability is not the fault of the Zionists, much less of the Jews, but of an idiotically false tolerance of ethnic nationalism.'
    'Jew', in other words, does not refer to those who espouse Judaism or embrace Jewish culture. 'Jew' means 'of Jewish ancestry'. In virtually every Canadian jurisdiction, ancestry is explicitly cited as a prohibited ground of discrimination. Ancestry is just a contemporary stand-in for the older notion of race and is generally used in references to racial discrimination.(**) Like skin colour, it's something you cannot change, and therefore a particularly repugnant basis for determining civic status.

    For the homeland to *belong* to the Jews is for them to have *sovereignty* there. Thus Article 7(a) of Israel's Basic Law stipulates that "A candidates' list shall not participate in the elections to the Knesset if its objects or actions, expressly or by implication, include... negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people." The Jewish people, in other words, are sovereign, and hold the power of life and death over all non-Jewish inhabitants under state control. Lest this seem overdramatic, note how the Israeli ministry of justice commented on a court case in March 2009: "The State of Israel is at war with the Palestinian people, people against people, collective against collective."(***)

    So a miracle appears among us. The very ideology of homelands and peoples under whose auspices the Jews were all but exterminated has become the sustaining ideology of Israel, a state devoted to Jewish ethnic sovereignty.
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