Popular culture?

Floating in and out of definite thoughts
are these bits of daily joy
ask me about them sometime!
and pieces of sadness
and circles of questions
circles of observations
wondering: Who are these people?
Where do they come from?
What do they want?
I'm seeing patterns in the numbers
hearing echoes in the voices
they're worrying about discrepancies
and I can see why!
they've been fooled or tricked
for there are movie makers
and story tellers who will WOO
and paint with ideas
and sway these people
pull these people
draw these people into some fantasy picture
a vision of a life that's false
like some glowing woman air-brushed on a screen
and I try to live a true life despite all these impressions
they're drifting in, drifting out
worrying me when I care
maybe waking up my competitive nature to mow them down?!
or, more rightly, mow their ideas down
I don't want to let them in!
I won't let them steal my daily bits of joy!
their distorted views aren't my own
for my life may be simple, but it's peaceful too
are these bits of daily joy
ask me about them sometime!
and pieces of sadness
and circles of questions
circles of observations
wondering: Who are these people?
Where do they come from?
What do they want?
I'm seeing patterns in the numbers
hearing echoes in the voices
they're worrying about discrepancies
and I can see why!
they've been fooled or tricked
for there are movie makers
and story tellers who will WOO
and paint with ideas
and sway these people
pull these people
draw these people into some fantasy picture
a vision of a life that's false
like some glowing woman air-brushed on a screen
and I try to live a true life despite all these impressions
they're drifting in, drifting out
worrying me when I care
maybe waking up my competitive nature to mow them down?!
or, more rightly, mow their ideas down
I don't want to let them in!
I won't let them steal my daily bits of joy!
their distorted views aren't my own
for my life may be simple, but it's peaceful too