Tech Support to Mods: Ticket Troubleshoot

I've bought tickets in the past and had problems. Could you please define what "Temporarily Unavailable" or "Out of Stock" means? I understand it to mean that the ordering process(Server) is too busy to handle my transaction. I think "Sold Out" is pretty self explanatory or does the order item usually disappear when tickets are gone.
Also, after we have the tickets in our cart is there a specific amount of time before we lose them? Several times I've had tickets in my cart and after I entered my Credit Card info & they disappeared. If there is a time limit can you specify the amount of time available? Thanks!
Also, after we have the tickets in our cart is there a specific amount of time before we lose them? Several times I've had tickets in my cart and after I entered my Credit Card info & they disappeared. If there is a time limit can you specify the amount of time available? Thanks!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Good questions!! This is what I was wondering about too the last times I tried for tickets.
Please Sea, Kat, Tim...other 10c-ers, can you clarify this. Or are we just stupid and should we understand?
Well as I am Dutch I have an excuse for not understanding english
What kind of time frame are we talking here? Minutes, hours, or when the user logs out without completing the purchase?
Did you find any Easter eggs today, Santos?
Must have an earnest desire to save the world
Apply in person
If it was only that easy. I've encountered, as others probably have, where you think you buy them but the system times out on you and you get zilch and have to try again.
Yep, there lies the REAL problem. The 10C site can't handle the traffic and freezes up/crashes. I've had tickets in my cart and tried to check out only to encounter a frozen screen. I haven't found a way to get out of the screen and get back to my cart and be able to check-out with tix in hand. I sent a message to the Webmaster after the EV April Fools Tour ticket fiasco but I don't know if anything was fixed - I doubt it. It seems like something on the 10C end needs a major upgrading.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Do you have to log in before you try for tickets in the Goods section?
I think you do, but that isn't clear in the instructions.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me...
That makes sense.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me...
When it's busy(like with the Ed pre-sale) it'll log you out anyways. That's what happened to me. I was logged in, went to buy, and had to sign in again. Keep that in mind.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me...