Lucid Dreaming

i love having lucid dreams. I have gotten to the point where I can control what I dream about... do some flying... women
... etc etc. It only works for a few weeks at a time and then I will go a few months dreaming... but not knowing that I am dreaming... so it is just the regular stuff. The only drawback is sometimes I try to wake myself up in a bad situation and I get caught in a "loop." I think I'm awake but I'm still dreaming, so I wake myself up... only to discover I'm still dreaming, and the process repeats itself endlessly. Time can get distorted so it feels like days or weeks of hell and I can't wake up. But it is worth it.
To learn how to have lucid dreams look up Terence McKenna on YouTube... there are many other good authorities on the subject I'm sure.
Is anyone else a lucid dreamer? if so please share your experiences and how you were able to begin lucid dreams. Or, if you've had a lucid experience once or a few times I'd like to hear about it.

To learn how to have lucid dreams look up Terence McKenna on YouTube... there are many other good authorities on the subject I'm sure.
Is anyone else a lucid dreamer? if so please share your experiences and how you were able to begin lucid dreams. Or, if you've had a lucid experience once or a few times I'd like to hear about it.
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I'm also very lucky to remember a lot of my dreams the next day, though I have never kept a dream journal.
Right now the most vivid ones are about sex, PJ, and werewolves (go figure!).
Isn't it the absolute best feeling to have complete control over "reality?"
Sometimes I will be having a lucid dream and completely remake my environment. "where do I want to go today? How about... Thailand" and I am there. Or I will just change the color of a wall or some other object... or change its shape... just because it is fun.
We are all better artists than we realize!
don't let my thread die!
life to the deathist pig!
I think I've said enough about the things I dream in that "other" thread....
lucid dreaming can teach you something about your "waking reality" too... breaking down boundaries, killing that damn superego that tells us how to behave according to societal norms, creating a new reality by looking at it differently. That doesn't mean that you can be a millionaire / rock star / whatever just by dreaming it... oh no am I talking about "The Secret" now? ugh...
I hate when I am unsure if something was a dream or not. Like, I will have dreams about everyday stuff sometimes, and then think it was real.
If I got into an argument with someone, I will think we really did. Or if someone phones me in a dream, I think they really did and return calls and all.
I get angry when I talk to people I had dreamed about and they tell me such-and-such never happened.
I already have seizures, so that makes it worse about what is reality and what is not.
I also know that other people forget stuff anf then they use my fogetfulness aginst me. They try telling me "it must had ben a dream" when sometimes it wasn't!! I can't argue it 'cuz my memory is so bad!
I ned to start writing down any dreams I do remember, but like yesterday, I had a dream my estranged niece called me. I am still not sure if she did or not.
Aye yi yi!
I made a thread about it last night but I had a dream where I died and RIGHT when I was dying and everything turned white, I woke up. But it was definitely me intentionally waking up from it as if i said to myself in the dream "im gonna wake up now".
One thing is that I definitely cannot control my dreams. It seems like I can only control when to wake up.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
if you know you are dreaming... it is a lucid dream. even if it is just for a moment and you wake yourself up.
next time try to change the situation (change the dream) rather than wake yourself up.
Sweet. I dont think I can control the dream though. It seems like I can only control right when im going into and coming out of the dream. During heavy REM I dont think I can.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
I remember a comedian talking about how difficult this is...he said something like:
"I'll be having a dream that I'm swimming in a pool naked with Christy Brinkley and all of a sudden I wake up. When I try to go back to sleep and dream it again, then I end up playing pool naked with David Brinkley."
My husband and sons do and it sounds awesome to control your dreams.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me