'West Memphis Three' Could Go Free While Step-Father Hangs B



  • ComeToTXComeToTX Posts: 7,765
    GREAT news! Free the WM3!

    Hearing Eddie talk about meeting with Damien at the Ryman shows was one of my favorite parts.
    This show, another show, a show here and a show there.
  • I wouldnt spit on Damien Echols if he was on fire............

    You sir, have made your point. You may want to get some help for those anger issues. You wouldn't want anyone judging you based on your harsh comments about somebody you don't like.

    That's a little bit rich coming from your good self isn't it?!

    I'm not the one calling people garbage am I?! Or saying I would let someone die instead of help them am I?! That was low.
  • I'm not the one calling people garbage am I?! Or saying I would let someone die instead of help them am I?! That was low.

    I was more talking about your performance in a certain other thread.
  • I'm not the one calling people garbage am I?! Or saying I would let someone die instead of help them am I?! That was low.

    I was more talking about your performance in a certain other thread.

    Oh hi facepollution, yes I actually am taking steps to deal with my anger, especially towards people I don't know personally. But as I have told you MANY times, I don't let my anger towards Courtney affect my opinion, on whether or not she was involved in his death. I told you that after all the reading and research I have done I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't suicide and I believe she had something to do with it. Personal feelings aside. And as much as I do hate Courtney, for all the things she's done, I would never wish death on her. Just that she pay for her crimes.
  • Oh hi facepollution, yes I actually am taking steps to deal with my anger, especially towards people I don't know personally. But as I have told you MANY times, I don't let my anger towards Courtney affect my opinion, on whether or not she was involved in his death. I told you that after all the reading and research I have done I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't suicide and I believe she had something to do with it. Personal feelings aside. And as much as I do hate Courtney, for all the things she's done, I would never wish death on her. Just that she pay for her crimes.

    All of that aside, because I know deep down you realise that your argument has more holes than a pin cushion....... I thought it was a tad hypocritical to be handing out advice on anger and how people perceive things you write online, given your colourful appraisals of Courtney Love. Practice what you preach.
  • Oh hi facepollution, yes I actually am taking steps to deal with my anger, especially towards people I don't know personally. But as I have told you MANY times, I don't let my anger towards Courtney affect my opinion, on whether or not she was involved in his death. I told you that after all the reading and research I have done I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't suicide and I believe she had something to do with it. Personal feelings aside. And as much as I do hate Courtney, for all the things she's done, I would never wish death on her. Just that she pay for her crimes.

    All of that aside, because I know deep down you realise that your argument has more holes than a pin cushion....... I thought it was a tad hypocritical to be handing out advice on anger and how people perceive things you write online, given your colourful appraisals of Courtney Love. Practice what you preach.

    No, not all of that aside. I know deep down inside you realize you are completely full of shit and that your false portrayal of some righteous zen like master who never lets emotion into the equation is as much of a farce as the tripe you write online. I don't care what you think or say or feel about anything. Take your suggestions and stick them where the sun don't shine. Which is exactly what Speedy will tell me to do if he so chooses. Nobody asked for you to jump in and spout off about me, we're talking about the WM3 which aside from you, nobody would associate the two topics in the same forum. They have NOTHING to do with eachother, despite what you argue. One is famous because of the crime, and one was a crime involving famous people. Maybe people's general opinions are according to you based solely on emotion, but the crimes themselves and the people involved have nothing to do with one another. You can't honestly compare Courtney Love and Damien Echols to one another can you? Maybe I said some harsh shit about Courtney and that was wrong to offend her fans and supporters. And maybe it was hypocritcal of me to comment on someone else's angry opinion of somebody they clearly don't like. But I'm surpised that you haven't pointed that out to him seeing how you fancy yourself as a bit of a thread cop, so quick to offer free advice, but it's probably because you have a personal beef with me, because we don't agree on Kurt Cobain's death. Who's letting emotion into the equation now? Why didn't you write Speedy and tell him to not let his emotions get the best of him? Pratice what YOU preach! So take your accusations of hypocrisy and turn them around and point them right back at your self because in this case, it truly does take one to know one.
  • I wouldnt spit on Damien Echols if he was on fire............

    You sir, have made your point. You may want to get some help for those anger issues. You wouldn't want anyone judging you based on your harsh comments about somebody you don't like.

    That's a little bit rich coming from your good self isn't it?!

    Oh and by the way if you notice I wrote that he wouldn't want anyone judging you based on your harsh comments about somebody you don't like.

    If you weren't so pompous you would've realized that was directed at you. :D
  • No, not all of that aside. I know deep down inside you realize you are completely full of shit and that your false portrayal of some righteous zen like master who never lets emotion into the equation is as much of a farce as the tripe you write online.

    I'm not full of shit or writing tripe, I'm playing devil's advocate and asking you to justify your reasoning with something more than a hunch about someone you have never met and from reading a few websites, which you can't. I find it hard to believe how any level headed person would make such a hard and fast decision based on such limited information.
    They have NOTHING to do with eachother, despite what you argue. You can't honestly compare Courtney Love and Damien Echols to one another can you?

    Sure they're comparable. In both instances hearsay and circumstantial evidence have been used by some people to reach a guilty beyond reasonable doubt verdict. What lured me into this thread was the irony that you started it, given the ease with which you will accept unsubstantiated information as fact.
    you have a personal beef with me, because we don't agree on Kurt Cobain's death. Who's letting emotion into the equation now? Why didn't you write Speedy and tell him to not let his emotions get the best of him? Pratice what YOU preach!

    I have no beef with you whatsoever. You will notice through all of our exchanges all the hostility and anger has come from your part. Sure I've grilled you on the reasoning behind your beliefs, and clearly you've taken this very personally, and I'm sorry if I've upset you. But if I'm honest, I'm somewhat disappointed that you won't actually debate the issue. I have no strong feelings towards Courtney Love, if she was guilty then fair enough. But I still stand by the old saying innocent until proven guilty.
    Why didn't you write Speedy and tell him to not let his emotions get the best of him? Pratice what YOU preach!

    Apologies, I was distracted by the irony of an angry person giving out advice on anger. ;)
  • If you weren't so pompous you would've realized that was directed at you. :D

    Yeah I could see it was on your mind when you wrote it. I'm glad you've taken something from our discussions.
  • Word.
  • I'm rather scared to post in this topic...I might get accused for something anger related...

    On a topic-relevant note, fantastic news! I still can't get over how the judicial system in this country STILL manages to twist the fundamental basis "innocent until proven guilty", and without a doubt guilty. These idiots in Arkansas are messing with peoples lives. What has happened to this country, where people have no shame about doing this kind of stuff?
  • mrshock13 wrote:
    I'm rather scared to post in this topic...I might get accused for something anger related...

    On a topic-relevant note, fantastic news! I still can't get over how the judicial system in this country STILL manages to twist the fundamental basis "innocent until proven guilty", and without a doubt guilty. These idiots in Arkansas are messing with peoples lives. What has happened to this country, where people have no shame about doing this kind of stuff?

    I know, it's scary to think that you could be found guilty of something based on so little credible evidence. I guess it comes down to ignorance and stubornness.
  • TheVan218 wrote:
    This is very good news. It really shouldn't have had to come to this though.
    Very true. Nobody can give those boys back there lives. And no one can justify why it took so fucking long other than southern stubborness and stupidity.
    And everyone knows injustices such as this along with stubborness and stupidity only exist in the south
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • mrshock13 wrote:
    I'm rather scared to post in this topic...I might get accused for something anger related...

    On a topic-relevant note, fantastic news! I still can't get over how the judicial system in this country STILL manages to twist the fundamental basis "innocent until proven guilty", and without a doubt guilty. These idiots in Arkansas are messing with peoples lives. What has happened to this country, where people have no shame about doing this kind of stuff?

    It's not just your country, it happens up here in Canada too and all around the world. I do agree that it does seem to happen more in the south, but I think that has more to do with stereotypes than geography. There are ignorant stubborn assholes everywhere. These kind of people rarely like to admit they made an error in judgement. And it seems like the bigger the error, the more obtuse people are to admitting their mistake. But it would be nice to think that people who are in positions of authority, whose actions directly affect somebody's life, would be willing to admit they fucked up. Everyone makes mistakes, even judges and lawyers and cops. "Sorry boys, we took your lives away from you, and really wanted to kill one of ya too, but I guess we was wrong. No hard feelings right?"

    Oh and it's ok to get a little angry as long as you don't let it affect innocent bystanders. Anger, like it or not plays a part in everybody's life, and emotions period sometimes make you lose sight of what the point you were trying to make in the first place was. I think the key to dealing with anger is to vent, like maybe here in this forum. You may offend some, but lot's of passionate people will understand, that sometimes you're just mad as hell and you're not going to take it anymore!

    Anger is a gift.
    Malcolm X/Zach de la Rocha
  • TheVan218 wrote:
    This is very good news. It really shouldn't have had to come to this though.
    Very true. Nobody can give those boys back there lives. And no one can justify why it took so fucking long other than southern stubborness and stupidity.
    And everyone knows injustices such as this along with stubborness and stupidity only exist in the south

    If you had read further I apologized for my comment, then and just now.
  • If you had read further I apologized for my comment, then and just now.
    A thousand pardons then....should have kept going.
    I'm just one of those people who tire of hearing the same old thing about the south
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • If you had read further I apologized for my comment, then and just now.
    A thousand pardons then....should have kept going.
    I'm just one of those people who tire of hearing the same old thing about the south

    Totally understood, and I agree with you. Some of the most decent good hearted people I have ever met come from the south. Like I said geography has ZERO to do with it.
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