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to get a definition for St. Valentine's day
and it's a bit amusing,
it'll say:
love |ləv|
1 an intense feeling of deep affection : babies fill parents with intense feelings of love | their love for their country.
• a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone : it was love at first sight | they were both in love with her | we were slowly falling in love.
• ( Love) a personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid.
• a great interest and pleasure in something : his love for football | we share a love of music.
• affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf.
• a formula for ending an affectionate letter : take care, lots of love, Judy.
2 a person or thing that one loves : she was the love of his life | their two great loves are tobacco and whiskey.
• Brit., informal a friendly form of address : it's all right, love.
• ( a love) Brit., informal used to express affectionate approval for someone : don't fret, there's a love.
3 (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil : love fifteen | he was down two sets to love. [ORIGIN: apparently from the phrase play for love (i.e., the love of the game, not for money); folk etymology has connected the word with French l'oeuf ‘egg,’ from the resemblance in shape between an egg and a zero.]
verb [ trans. ]
feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone) : do you love me?
• like very much; find pleasure in : I'd love a cup of tea, thanks | I just love dancing | [as adj., in combination ] ( -loving) a fun-loving girl.
for love for pleasure not profit : he played for the love of the game.
for the love of God used to express annoyance, surprise, or urgent pleading : for the love of God, get me out of here!
for the love of Mike informal used to accompany an exasperated request or to express dismay.
love me, love my dog proverb if you love someone, you must accept everything about them, even their faults or weaknesses.
make love 1 have sexual intercourse. 2 ( make love to) dated pay amorous attention to (someone).
not for love or money informal not for any inducement or in any circumstances : they'll not return for love or money.
there's no (or little or not much) love lost between there is mutual dislike between (two or more people mentioned).
loveless |ˈləvləs| adjective
lovelessly |ˈləvləsli| adverb
lovelessness |ˈləvləsnəs| noun
loveworthy |-ˌwərðē| |ˈləvˈwərði| adjective
ORIGIN Old English lufu, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit lubhyati ‘desires,’ Latin libet ‘it is pleasing,’ libido ‘desire,’ also by leave 2 and lief .
But it won't mention a color!!
and I feel that it must be red
perhaps rose petal red?
or synthetic bauble red?
or carnation red?
or ruby red?
or even blood red...
but it must be deep and beautiful!!
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Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad