Anyone ever had a seizure?

On boxing day 2009 I woke up with a swollen tongue, really tired muscles (not sore, just tired), a pinprick rash on my shoulders and a small amount of blood on the floor next to my bed.
The doctor wasn't sure what it was so she sent me to a neurologist. The neurologist couldn't see anything wrong with me with the basic tests, and I also had an ECG, but they contacted me afterwards saying that there's no reason I should stop driving and that I will need a brainwave test at some point soon.
Nothing has happened since then, so I thought it was a one-off, but this morning I woke up with identical symptoms. Muscles so tired I couldn't really sit up or lift my legs, a tiny tiny amount of smudged blood on my pillow, pinprick rashes on my shoulders and around my eyes, and a swollen tongue.
The doctor seems unsure but says it could be seizures but I have no idea what to think! I'm getting a little worried and stressed about it, as it would be nice if the professionals could just say what's wrong with me!
Has anyone ever heard of these specific symptoms in relation to seizures??
Any help or advice you could give would be appreciated!
The doctor wasn't sure what it was so she sent me to a neurologist. The neurologist couldn't see anything wrong with me with the basic tests, and I also had an ECG, but they contacted me afterwards saying that there's no reason I should stop driving and that I will need a brainwave test at some point soon.
Nothing has happened since then, so I thought it was a one-off, but this morning I woke up with identical symptoms. Muscles so tired I couldn't really sit up or lift my legs, a tiny tiny amount of smudged blood on my pillow, pinprick rashes on my shoulders and around my eyes, and a swollen tongue.
The doctor seems unsure but says it could be seizures but I have no idea what to think! I'm getting a little worried and stressed about it, as it would be nice if the professionals could just say what's wrong with me!
Has anyone ever heard of these specific symptoms in relation to seizures??
Any help or advice you could give would be appreciated!
Dublin Leeds Berlin Wembley
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Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
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Did you have a C/T and MRI done?
I did look up post seizure symptoms and I did not see yours listed except weakness. Some of those listed include headache, nausea, thirst, bruising, difficulty talking.
My first thought was an allergic reaction to something. Anything new you are taking or coming in contact with? Maybe you best go to a University Hospital in your area. They are the most innovative and have the best resident Docs. They are the most up on new diseases etc. You'll feel better if you can get an answer and maybe its nothing. I have seen friends go through some very weird stuff and it passes.
My sis was sick for ages, one doctor even told my sis and Mum that the scans were fine and put it down to my sis having mental problems and making her illness up. Utter Bullshit, stupid bitch doctor.
My sis went to some professor, he saw the same scans and said 'down here, these scans ARE NOT FINE'
My sis has a paralysed bowel and stomach.
My point, investigate further, don't let any Dr tell you that there's nothing wrong when you know there is.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
i was 25 never had any in my life
one day i had one in my room after work
went to the hospital and was admitted for 1 week
they did every test known to man.. ekg mri cat scans everything
with that they couldn't come up with an answer
they said i was in the 5 % of seizure paitents in that i was 25 when i had my 1st and they couldn't find any reasons why
i was put on meds but i thought i was a tough guy and stopped them suddenly ...3 days later i had another
long story short i had 3 over a 1 1/2 year span but i've been fine for the past 6 years because i take my seizure medicine everyday ( lamictal)
i think you might be a case like explanations ( which suck)
maybe it wont happen again but if it does get on some meds and everything should be gravy
any questions just ask good luck
chasing up my GP and neurologist tomorrow to see what's going on. i think i'm going to push for an mri or a ct scan just to cover all the bases.
i feel stupid, but i genuinely dont want to go to bed at the moment, just in case it happens again!
i'm kind of hoping they dont say they were seizures though, as i dont want to have my driving licence revoked for a year, i could really do with driving for work :(
anyways, thanks again!
look into a tilt table test also
They started when I was 14 and seemed to stop at 21 as I've not had one for 9 years. I was put on anticonvulsants straight away, taken off them at 18 and started having seizures again within weeks, so got given meds again. At the age of 21 they tried taking me off them again and am now non medicated. But live with the constant reminder they are likely to reoccur at some point in my life, and probably when there is another hormonal change.
I had test after test and it never was traced to a specific cause or condition, although a form of epilepsy is the most likely cause for mine and so it is easier to say I am epileptic. As yours seem to happen at night could you ask for an observed sleep test with an EEG? I also had a mobile EEG which was attached for 72 hours at a time, whilst I carried on with my daily life.
I would keep a diary of the incidents, your symptoms and anything else you think relevant, it may help establish a link or pattern.
Certainly how you're feeling regarding tiredness of muscles etc is how I feel after mine, like I've done 10 rounds in a heavyweight boxing match but not the rash etc.. I do sometimes have blood but that is where I've bitten my tongue. I get a warning as well, although I never realised until I kept a diary, it's a tingling sensation in my spine and a metallic taste in my mouth.
I would push for some explanation or diagnosis if I were you.
2012 - Manchester i & ii, Berlin i & ii, Stockholm. 2014 - Amsterdam i & ii, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Leeds, Milton Keynes.
2016 - Boston Fenway i & ii, 2018 - Amsterdam i & ii, Pinkpop, London i & ii, Padova, Krakow, Barcelona, Seattle i & ii.
i went down cut my head and when i came to i just walked out of my apt. with nothing on
i didn't even know what i was doing
my gf at the time followed me out but of course we had no keys so now im stuck outside in my underwear with nothing else when i came to i said wtf?
crazy shit those darn things
wow your story is remarkably similar to mine. in 2002 i was 22, had one out of the blue. had another one about an hour later in the ER. also had every test known to man done and got no answers. took my seizure medicine every day for 5 years and in 2007 decided maybe i didn't need it anymore. (mistake). 6 weeks later i had another, once again doctors found nothing wrong so now i take my medicine everyday again and haven't had one since that day in 2007.
But lately, I've been waking up about twice a month feeling absolutely wrecked and sore! Jaw killing me, neck stiff and a charley horse in my calf...and I've got this horrible tremor all the GP thinks it's the wellbutrin he put me on...but I've been on it for about 6 years...I really really hope it's not MS.
I will ask him for a neurological work up when I see him in's starting to impact my work (I'm a medical transcriptionist)...
certainly good luck to the rest of you folks...brains are very strange and powerful things, that's for sure....
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I do wake up though and sometimes I can't move im paralyzed, and ill get these intense cramps in my feet and legs out of nowhere in the middle of the night! So weird!! Sleeping isn't as fun as it used to be lololol.
Seattle Key Arena 9-21-2009
Seattle Key Arena 9-22-2009
mine all started at the same time my thyroid went haywire and i got diagnosed with graves disease. anyone who doesnt have that - it puts your thyroid into hyperdrive, you loose weight, and you act ... well, nuts really. half way thru the treatment for that i started having these weird black outs. and they escalted into two full on seizures - both at night while i was asleep - both with all the symptoms youve listed - muscles like you just ran a marathon - i bit my toungue - and i dug my fingernails into my palms so hard it lifted the skin - headache - id often loose a huge chunk of memory along with them too. sometimes a few hours, sometimes a few days. which was really worrying - so i saw a nuro along with the endo (they both knew each other too - which was a laugh ) he ran mri scans etc etc. nothing. not a reason for it at all.
while it was all happening i learned that a weird sort of floaty, vertigo feeling would warn of a black out. sometimes i would have one after that, & sometimes i wouldnt. but if i did have that feeling, take notice of it.
and i ended up on lamictal and epilim. neither of which im happy about at all, because ... i simply dont like meds. chemicals. full stop. but ive also learned, the hard way - like my defective thyroid gland :roll: im stuck with this. if i get slack and dont take my meds it'll happen. i have managed to half the original dose (because im a stubborn, determined little shithead) but thats as far as ill get i think.
both the endo & the nuro have theorised on these particular seziures being linked with the thyroid disorder. but even tho theres physically a lot of co-incidences, apparently theres not been enough recorded similarities with other patients. if there ever is a few more, they joked i might end up on 'RPA' :roll:
remember tho - just because a doc says, doesnt mean it is. you have a say in your treatment, the possibilities, your eventual meds if need be. & unfortunetley, theres plenty of cases where they just 'dont know'
Those sound like absence seizures. My husband had a couple of those after his stroke.
Duggro... don't rely on your GP.... Get referred and thoroughly checked.
the dr. said i could i could come off the meds but iam hesitant ..even more now :?
That normal or a bad sign?
went for lunch with my girlfriend, had some diet coke, then she said something like "you're acting weird" meaning that i was a little distracted but i took it to mean "you're going crazy", so i got a little worried, then i had a coffee. i then stood up and started feeling like i was on a boat, and since then i have been feeling a little light-headed, slightly short f breath, and my heart is racing...
does this sound like anxiety?
man,i never get ill....totally falling apart just now though!
I have had many after the first, but didn't bite into anything and didn't hurt afterwards. There are various kinds of seizures. Mine are grand mal. I had to go through 3 neurologists to find the right one. I go downtown Detroit to the Medical Center. Its through the Med school from the local university. I'd advise you get a doctor from a palce like that.
I didn't drive for 2 or more years. I was scared that it would happen while driving. I was totally unconcsious and it wasn't like I woke up when i came to. It was like I was there and then still there, howevere I was sitting someplace else and people were yellinmg at me. I had no idea anything happened until they showed me the blood and foam. I foamed at the mouth the first time.
Even if you are not having seizures, something not good is happening to you. You need a better doctior who will make sure of your diagnosis. There are tests that can determine without a doubt that you have a seizure disorder. You could kill others if you don't get this right.
Oh yeah, I also have memory issues all the time.