the chick on this show is super hot. saw a couple minutes last night when she was at that pool. good stuff.
Really? I didn't think she was pulling it off. Now that cotton white t-shirt where they kept doing dirty shots of her breast whenever Nathan Fillion would speak in that one scene :thumbup:
the chick on this show is super hot. saw a couple minutes last night when she was at that pool. good stuff.
Really? I didn't think she was pulling it off. Now that cotton white t-shirt where they kept doing dirty shots of her breast whenever Nathan Fillion would speak in that one scene :thumbup:
a lot of people didn't like the bathing suit. but there was something about that scene that they did like
I just recently got into the show. I've been meaning to watch it since it first came on, because I've always thought Nathan Fillion was great. He's a fantastic actor, but he's also hilarious. I didn't find out about the show until halfway through the first season, so I planned on waiting for the entire first season to come out on DVD, watch that then begin with the show on TV. But I kept getting sidetracked.
But the other day I saw a hilarious clip on YouTube (Nathan doing his Christopher Walken impression) and finally got around to throwing the series in my Netflix queue. I've finished the first season, which was great, and am now waiting for them to start sending Season 2.
Season 3 doesn't come out on DVD until a day after Season 4 starts, so I might have to DVR the first few episodes before I get completely caught up.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
My gf's new co-worker is a big fan of the show,
+ was delighted to hear that gf likes it too.
We are currently working our way through season 2 on DVD.
We're down to the last 2 episodes of the season, folks-
is anybody with me?
Hey, where you going?!
'Cause you don't give blood and take it back again.
I even dug the
classic cop cliches
back at the station towards the end.
I really hafta watch season 3
+ get caught up with all
the conspiracy stuff.
In the meantime,
great finale for season 4!
'Cause you don't give blood and take it back again.
The End
Unthought Known
Just Breathe
sometimes she's hit or miss. But last night was Super Hit
a lot of people didn't like the bathing suit. but there was something about that scene that they did like ... g=abswo-20 ... g=abswo-20
But the other day I saw a hilarious clip on YouTube (Nathan doing his Christopher Walken impression) and finally got around to throwing the series in my Netflix queue. I've finished the first season, which was great, and am now waiting for them to start sending Season 2.
Season 3 doesn't come out on DVD until a day after Season 4 starts, so I might have to DVR the first few episodes before I get completely caught up.
My gf has endeavoured to
keep up with the 3rd season,
at least until the little 1s start their
fall activities!
Maybe I'll score some points with her
for bumping this thread!
+ was delighted to hear that gf likes it too.
We are currently working our way through season 2 on DVD.
We're down to the last 2 episodes of the season, folks-
is anybody with me?
Hey, where you going?!
Season 4 has been a gooder-
let's hope for a decent send-off
for the season.
Show the love, yo!
I'll be watching, it has been a great season. I loved the zombie episode last week, we are due for some more PJ song usage soon I hope.
I hope. But Backspacer is not a new album anymore. Unless they use an Ed song
I even dug the
classic cop cliches
back at the station towards the end.
I really hafta watch season 3
+ get caught up with all
the conspiracy stuff.
In the meantime,
great finale for season 4!
This was cool use once again; it conveyed Beckett's depressing life to me and how she may be near happiness. Great use.
yea it's repeat
If you liked Firefly. They throw in a lot of references from time to time.
LOVED Firefly