WHY you keep getting screwed-- MR. (Tea Party Patriot)

A pretty good read, enjoy... 
Hey you. You there in the Glenn Beck T-shirt headed off to the Tea Party Patriot rally.
Stop shouting for a moment, please, I want to explain to you why you're so very angry.
You should be angry. You're getting screwed.
I think you know that. But you don't seem to know that it doesn't have to be that way. You can stop it. You can stop it easily because the system that's screwing you over can only keep screwing you over if you keep demanding that it do so.
So stop demanding that. Stop helping the system screw you over.
Look, you can go back to yelling at me in a minute, but just read this first.
1. Get out your pay stub.
Or, if you have direct deposit -- you really should get direct deposit, it saves a lot of time and money (I point this out because, honestly, I'm trying to help you here, even though you don't make that easy Mr. Angry Screamy Guy) -- then take out that little paper receipt they give you when your pay gets directly deposited.
2. Notice that your net pay is lower than your gross pay. This is because some of your wages are withheld every pay period.
3. Notice that only some of this money that was withheld went to pay taxes. (I know, I know -- yeearrrgh! me hates taxes! -- but just try to stick with me for just a second here.)
4. Notice that some of the money that was withheld didn't go to taxes, but to your health insurance company.
5. Now go get a pay stub from last year around this time, from January of 2009.
6. Notice that the amount of your pay withheld for taxes in your current paycheck is less than the amount that was withheld a year ago.
That's because of President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan, which included more than $200 billion in tax cuts, including the one you're holding right there in your hand, the tax cut that's now staring you in the face. Republicans all voted against that tax cut. And then they told you to get angry about the stimulus plan. They didn't explain, however, why you were supposed to get angry about getting a tax cut. Why would you be? Wouldn't it make more sense to get angry at the people who voted against that Obama tax cut?
But taxes aren't the really important thing here. The really important thing starts with the next point.
7. Notice that the amount of your pay withheld to pay for your health insurance is more than it was last year.
8. Notice that the amount of your pay withheld to pay for your health insurance is a lot more than it was last year.
I won't ask you to dig up old paychecks from 2008 and 2007, but this has been going on for a long time. Every year, the amount of your paycheck withheld to pay for your health insurance goes up. A lot.
9. Notice the one figure there on your two pay stubs that hasn't changed: Your wage. The raise you didn't get this year went to pay for that big increase in the cost of your health insurance.
10. Here's where I need you to start doing a better job of putting two and two together. If you didn't get a raise last year because the cost of your health insurance went up by a lot, and the cost of your health insurance is going to go up by a lot again this year, what do you think that means for any chance you might have of getting a raise this year?
11. Did you figure it out? That's right. The increasing cost of health insurance means you won't get a raise this year. Or next year. Or the year after that. The increasing cost of health insurance means you will never get a raise again.
That's what I meant when I said you really should be angry. That's what I meant when I said you're getting screwed.
OK, we're almost done. Just a few more points, I promise.
12. The only hope you have of ever seeing another pay raise is if Congress passes health care reform. Without health care reform, the increasing cost of your health insurance will swallow this year's raise. And next year's raise. And pretty soon it won't stop with just your raise. Without health care reform, the increasing cost of your health insurance will start making your pay go down.
13. I wish I could tell you that this was just a worst-case scenario, that this was only something that might, maybe happen, but that wouldn't be true. Without health care reform, this is what will happen. We know this because this is what is happening now. It has been happening for the past 10 years. In 2008, employers spent on average 25 percent more per employee than they did in 2001, but wages on average did not increase during those years. The price of milk went up. The price of gas went up. But wages did not. All of the money that would have gone to higher wages went to pay the higher and higher and higher cost of health insurance. And unless Congress passes health care reform, that will not change.
Well, it will change in the sense that it will keep getting worse, but it won't get better. Unless the problem gets fixed, the problem won't be fixed. That's kind of what "problem" and "fixed" mean.
14. Sadly for any chance you have of ever seeing a raise again, it looks like Congress may not pass health care reform. It looks like they won't do that because they're scared of angry voters who are demanding that they oppose health care reform, angry voters who demand that Congress not do anything that would keep the cost of health insurance from going up and up and up. Angry voters like you.
15. Do you see the point here? You are angrily, loudly demanding that Congress make sure that you never, ever get another pay raise as long as you live. Because of you and because of your angry demands, you and your family and your kids are going to have to get by with less this year than last year. And next year you're going to have to get by with even less. And if you keep angrily demanding that no one must ever fix this problem, then you're going to have to figure out how to get by on less and less every year for the rest of your life.
16. So please, for your own sake, for your family's sake and the sake of your children, stop. Stop demanding that problems not get fixed. Stop demanding that you keep getting screwed. Stay angry -- you should be angry -- but start directing that anger toward the system that's screwing you over and taking money out of your pocket. Start directing that anger toward fixing problems instead of toward making sure they never get fixed. Instead of demanding that Congress oppose health care reform so that you never, ever, get another pay raise, start demanding that they pass health care reform, as soon as possible. Because until they do, you're just going to keep on getting screwed.
And it's going to be that much worse knowing that you brought this on yourself -- that you demanded it.
Thanks for your time.
P.S. -- I didn't mention this because I'm trying here to be as patient with you as I can, but you might also want to keep in mind that in addition to screwing over yourself and screwing over your family and screwing over your own children by demanding that Congress oppose health care reform so that you will never, ever see another pay raise, by doing that you're also demanding that I never, ever see another pay raise, which means that you're also screwing over me, and my family, and my children. Not to mention the millions of poor and uninsured and uninsureable people I didn't even mention above because they don't seem to matter at all to you. And for that, let me just say the only appropriate thing that can be said to someone so determined to do direct, tangible harm to the welfare of my family: Fuck you, you fucking moron.

Hey you. You there in the Glenn Beck T-shirt headed off to the Tea Party Patriot rally.
Stop shouting for a moment, please, I want to explain to you why you're so very angry.
You should be angry. You're getting screwed.
I think you know that. But you don't seem to know that it doesn't have to be that way. You can stop it. You can stop it easily because the system that's screwing you over can only keep screwing you over if you keep demanding that it do so.
So stop demanding that. Stop helping the system screw you over.
Look, you can go back to yelling at me in a minute, but just read this first.
1. Get out your pay stub.
Or, if you have direct deposit -- you really should get direct deposit, it saves a lot of time and money (I point this out because, honestly, I'm trying to help you here, even though you don't make that easy Mr. Angry Screamy Guy) -- then take out that little paper receipt they give you when your pay gets directly deposited.
2. Notice that your net pay is lower than your gross pay. This is because some of your wages are withheld every pay period.
3. Notice that only some of this money that was withheld went to pay taxes. (I know, I know -- yeearrrgh! me hates taxes! -- but just try to stick with me for just a second here.)
4. Notice that some of the money that was withheld didn't go to taxes, but to your health insurance company.
5. Now go get a pay stub from last year around this time, from January of 2009.
6. Notice that the amount of your pay withheld for taxes in your current paycheck is less than the amount that was withheld a year ago.
That's because of President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan, which included more than $200 billion in tax cuts, including the one you're holding right there in your hand, the tax cut that's now staring you in the face. Republicans all voted against that tax cut. And then they told you to get angry about the stimulus plan. They didn't explain, however, why you were supposed to get angry about getting a tax cut. Why would you be? Wouldn't it make more sense to get angry at the people who voted against that Obama tax cut?
But taxes aren't the really important thing here. The really important thing starts with the next point.
7. Notice that the amount of your pay withheld to pay for your health insurance is more than it was last year.
8. Notice that the amount of your pay withheld to pay for your health insurance is a lot more than it was last year.
I won't ask you to dig up old paychecks from 2008 and 2007, but this has been going on for a long time. Every year, the amount of your paycheck withheld to pay for your health insurance goes up. A lot.
9. Notice the one figure there on your two pay stubs that hasn't changed: Your wage. The raise you didn't get this year went to pay for that big increase in the cost of your health insurance.
10. Here's where I need you to start doing a better job of putting two and two together. If you didn't get a raise last year because the cost of your health insurance went up by a lot, and the cost of your health insurance is going to go up by a lot again this year, what do you think that means for any chance you might have of getting a raise this year?
11. Did you figure it out? That's right. The increasing cost of health insurance means you won't get a raise this year. Or next year. Or the year after that. The increasing cost of health insurance means you will never get a raise again.
That's what I meant when I said you really should be angry. That's what I meant when I said you're getting screwed.
OK, we're almost done. Just a few more points, I promise.
12. The only hope you have of ever seeing another pay raise is if Congress passes health care reform. Without health care reform, the increasing cost of your health insurance will swallow this year's raise. And next year's raise. And pretty soon it won't stop with just your raise. Without health care reform, the increasing cost of your health insurance will start making your pay go down.
13. I wish I could tell you that this was just a worst-case scenario, that this was only something that might, maybe happen, but that wouldn't be true. Without health care reform, this is what will happen. We know this because this is what is happening now. It has been happening for the past 10 years. In 2008, employers spent on average 25 percent more per employee than they did in 2001, but wages on average did not increase during those years. The price of milk went up. The price of gas went up. But wages did not. All of the money that would have gone to higher wages went to pay the higher and higher and higher cost of health insurance. And unless Congress passes health care reform, that will not change.
Well, it will change in the sense that it will keep getting worse, but it won't get better. Unless the problem gets fixed, the problem won't be fixed. That's kind of what "problem" and "fixed" mean.
14. Sadly for any chance you have of ever seeing a raise again, it looks like Congress may not pass health care reform. It looks like they won't do that because they're scared of angry voters who are demanding that they oppose health care reform, angry voters who demand that Congress not do anything that would keep the cost of health insurance from going up and up and up. Angry voters like you.
15. Do you see the point here? You are angrily, loudly demanding that Congress make sure that you never, ever get another pay raise as long as you live. Because of you and because of your angry demands, you and your family and your kids are going to have to get by with less this year than last year. And next year you're going to have to get by with even less. And if you keep angrily demanding that no one must ever fix this problem, then you're going to have to figure out how to get by on less and less every year for the rest of your life.
16. So please, for your own sake, for your family's sake and the sake of your children, stop. Stop demanding that problems not get fixed. Stop demanding that you keep getting screwed. Stay angry -- you should be angry -- but start directing that anger toward the system that's screwing you over and taking money out of your pocket. Start directing that anger toward fixing problems instead of toward making sure they never get fixed. Instead of demanding that Congress oppose health care reform so that you never, ever, get another pay raise, start demanding that they pass health care reform, as soon as possible. Because until they do, you're just going to keep on getting screwed.
And it's going to be that much worse knowing that you brought this on yourself -- that you demanded it.
Thanks for your time.
P.S. -- I didn't mention this because I'm trying here to be as patient with you as I can, but you might also want to keep in mind that in addition to screwing over yourself and screwing over your family and screwing over your own children by demanding that Congress oppose health care reform so that you will never, ever see another pay raise, by doing that you're also demanding that I never, ever see another pay raise, which means that you're also screwing over me, and my family, and my children. Not to mention the millions of poor and uninsured and uninsureable people I didn't even mention above because they don't seem to matter at all to you. And for that, let me just say the only appropriate thing that can be said to someone so determined to do direct, tangible harm to the welfare of my family: Fuck you, you fucking moron.
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The way I see it most of everything you buy went up in costs, the only differences is more stuff is being made overseas and is of poorer quality. So the companies outsourced American jobs to save a buck but I didn't see any savings passed on to me. I'm forced instead to either buy an inferior product or go out of my way to find something made in the USA.
So F the people who keep the cycle going by purchasing junk made in China.
I second that.
Original point - Health Care...
Dissenting opinion - Buy American....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MHEuudJ ... r_embedded
ya know, i just checked...you're right.
i am getting taxed about $15 less a pay period from last january to now. woohooo.
(and yes, my health insurance has gone WAY up, in comparison....and flat compensation, so yea...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
hey, that's a pretty decent amount of money. In fact, it is 390X the amount of money we sent to Haiti !!!(assuming every person got the same tax break and 26 pay periods).
And why can't we afford it?
When Bobby Jindal was sworn in as governor of Louisiana, the state (like America) had a lot of money. At the time, there was a law that raised income tax slightly, and reduced the taxes on certain goods. He repealed part of the law - he lowered the income tax, but didn't re-raise the taxes on the aforementioned goods. That led to people in Louisiana having a little more money to spend, but the state bringing in a little less money each year.
Then all hell broke loose economically.
As America started hemorrhaging money, Louisiana followed suit and lost money hand over fist (which is amazing, since you'd think a fiscally-responsible Republican governor would be more careful. Maybe if he didn't fly a helicopter to church every Sunday - yes, he takes a helicopter to church - he'd be more in tune with the state economy). Well, Louisiana - being the education-loving state that it is - has it written into the state constitution that healthcare and higher education are the only things that can be cut in the budget each year. So, as the state loses more and more money with each passing day (just how much does it cost to take a helicopter to church, anyway?), Jindal and the state legislators keep their sharp knives out and slash the budgets of the hospitals and universities - and a state that needs all the help it can get on the education front is made to look even worse than it currently is. It would be one thing if Jindal came out and said "I'll fix this! We will amend the state constitution!" - but he isn't. He keeps cutting. LSU is having to jettison programs, faculty and staff are being laid off, and those of us lucky to keep our jobs are left doing the work of two people, with no cost of living increase in sight for at least the next two years.
So, if Jindal ends up running for president, don't vote for him. If you're a hardened Republican who refuses to vote Democrat on principle, vote Independent or stay home. The man has been a disaster for Louisiana, and is setting a state that's already behind the rest of the country back even further.
I can't wait to see how Fox will try and spin this if he ever runs for president...
This has to be the most unintelligent idiotic rant I have ever seen on MT. The only moron here is the person that wrote this...get informed
The whole point is that health care costs are increasing at an alarming rate and if you extrapolate the costs over time it is a huge cost to employers (as well as you). The author then goes on to say that these costs will make it more difficult for you to get a pay raise. All of this is not even disputed by anyone who takes a serious look at health care reform, even the vast majority of republicans agree that health care costs are out of control.
The author then goes on to say that we won't get reform because there are idiots out there who blindly state this is and "untelligent idiotic rant" and we should "get informed" because that is what Glenn Beck said. So not only are you making a bad situation worse for us... you are doing it to yourself because for some reason you follow the "sanctimonioius" words of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
All of this seems commonsensical to me...
I guess you don't read your own posts....
and we all know what the hell we make on our pay checks....
The teapartiers have the right idea though.. You are being screwed. Government is protecting the minority of the opulent against the majority. But the answers that they come up with are crazy. "It is the rich liberals fault... they own everything and want to steal your wealth and spread it around." These are paranoid answers shared on the fringes on both sides.
Obama is the only one I heard that said he wanted to spread the wealth. Just saying. :?
Yeah and the teabaggers are using that to inform us that he is "socialist." The disparity of wealth in the US is 3rd worst in the Western Hemisphere (according to Kuznets Curve) and the tax system is regressive. The rich stay rich and the poor stay poor... it is that simple and it needs to be fixed.
Nothing. But you agree?
Well I think the rich should be taxed at the SAME RATE as the poor as a percentage of their income... People who make over $1MM pay less than half of the welfare mother as a percentage of income when you look at all forms of taxes. I just think it should be the same rate... and I certainly don't think that "social darwinism" is something to be admired.
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
Good.... if that chart is correct that's about where the tax numbers should be.
And teabaggers have proven time and again that their voice is useless. Because it emits nonsense.
I'm for the elimination of income taxes and the institution of a flat sales tax.
I also do not believe the rich should have to pay the same income tax rate as a welfare mother. Let's say the guy makes $1M a year but owns a business that employs 10 people with good benefits. If he is taxed at the same rate of someone who is unemployed I don't think that is fair. He contributes to society, she doesn't. So he should be taxed less. Now I'm not talking something drastic but if she is taxed at 10% there is no reason he can't be at 9.5%. Overall his contributions far exceed anything she does. My numbers are hypothetical, but the principle is real.
Dirty, dirty teabaggers.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I thought it was conservitives who are closet homosexuals that like to have scrodums and nutsacks dangled in their face. I was wrong???
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1