Hamas accepts existence of Israel within 1967 borders

Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
edited January 2010 in A Moving Train
so what's your excuse now, Yosi and Ogre???????
Hamas: We have already stated repeatedly that we accept the existence of Israel within the 1967 borders as a political reality even if we do not approve its moral legitimacy.
Israel on the other hand has never recognised the right of a Palestinian state to exist even under the PA, despite the PA recognising Israel's right to exist. All Israel has recognised is the legitimacy of the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole representative of the Palestinian people.


"Hamas accepts existence of Israel within 1967 borders"
Mel Frykberg, Inter Press Service, Jan 30, 2010

Palestinian politics are at an impasse. The four-year term of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) ended on Jan. 25 with no new elections planned. Presidential elections, meant to be held last year, were also postponed indefinitely.

IPS spoke with Dr. Mahmoud Ramahi, a neurosurgeon and secretary-general of the PLC, on the political deadlock.

Q: You spent three years in an Israel jail and were released last year. What were you held for?

A: I, together with 47 other Hamas members and elected parliamentarians of the PLC, were arrested by the Israelis following Hamas taking control of Gaza in June 2007 and the capture of an Israeli soldier by Gaza-based fighters. We were not charged with anything specific other than being Hamas members.

Q: The PLC's four-year term expired on Jan. 25 with no new elections in the pipeline despite the activities of the PLC being frozen since Hamas' takeover of Gaza. How do you assess the current situation and what happened when you tried to hold a press conference several days ago addressing the issue?

A: Local media outlets were pressured by the Palestinian Authority (PA) not to allow us to hold the press conference on their premises. We held the conference instead in our offices.

After this members of our staff were arrested by PA security men who trumped up false money laundering charges against them. I myself was followed by several security vehicles but not arrested due to my parliamentary immunity.

Our staff was eventually released at midnight and the charges were dropped following pressure from Fatah PLC members in Gaza who feared that reciprocal measures by the Hamas authorities there would be taken against them.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas has issued a decree saying no new presidential or legislative elections will be held in the near future despite issuing one last year stating that these would be held in January this year.

Q: Abbas has said that until Hamas signs an Egyptian-sponsored reconciliation agreement there will be no elections. Why is Hamas refusing to sign the document?

A: We have three conditions for signing the document. The political arrest campaign against Hamas members in the West Bank must cease. All West Bank Hamas members dismissed from their employment on the grounds of political affiliation must be reinstated, and new elections should have been held on Jan. 25. The PA agreed to these conditions during last year's unity talks.

However, following U.S. envoy to the Mideast George Mitchell's visit to Cairo last year the Americans applied pressure on the PA and Abbas then reneged on the agreement.

The PA stated they no longer had the funds to reemploy dismissed Hamas employees. They further stated that any future election committee could only comprise Fatah members. These circumstances are obviously unacceptable to us after we won the last elections which were both free and fair.

To read the full article please visit Inter Press Service.
don't compete; coexist

what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
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  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    I cannot tell from the information provided here whether a willingness to recognize Israel within 1967 borders is official Hamas policy at this time (i.e., its in their "official" policy statement or constitution) or if this is a proposal, such that Hamas will bend on this if they get some concessions in return. Sounds like the latter. Either way, certainly a step in the right direction. I've stated before that Hamas could morph into a political organization rather than a terrorist one (ala the IRA), by conceding Israel's right to exist and giving up the rocket/bombing attacks. It'd be interesting to see how Israel might respond to such a step.
  • yosiyosi NYC Posts: 3,074
    I would add that Hamas seems to be engaging in a bit of double speak. If they accept Israel as a fact, and no longer wish to destroy it entirely, then why not simply amend their noxious charter to that effect. By not doing so they send the clear signal that they have one message for internal consumption and another, sanitized message for the rest of the world. I'm sorry but given the history of this organization it will take more than a few carefully worded quotes, that don't quite say what you'd like them to say, to convince me.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane

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