
No longer shall that witch haunt my thoughts
She thought she could break me and then come back
Time and time again,
But not today, man oh man,
I uncast her spell and used it on her
She will become like the rest of the world
Mindless and caring,
Hoping for the best, instead of seeing the worst
That is laid out in front of her
I will break free from their rule
No longer will that iron chain hold me down
I can see through their lies
“You too can have a chance to live”
The propaganda that is spewed
Like vomit for a baby
Just strap on your shoes
Become a drone commute to a box
Or work from your very own box
This land is your land, but my mind is my own.
Throughout my time many have asked
Who’s that kid that sits next to the trash?
I sat there to hide their stench
A lovely bunch of trolls
They prey on my thoughts
An opinion is an opinion
And they all think mine are wrong.
I won’t disagree, I will not become them
Better to sit next to this trash can
Maybe live in it
Love is an answer
I once was told
Much more than silver or gold
I disagree
Words are answers
Love is just a feeling
And nothing more
I hope you live with regret your entire life
When you are told, that you knew me
When you see my face, I hope you realize
What was right in front of you
Was not a fool
But someone far worse than you
And that loser you will see
I hope he haunts YOUR dreams
She thought she could break me and then come back
Time and time again,
But not today, man oh man,
I uncast her spell and used it on her
She will become like the rest of the world
Mindless and caring,
Hoping for the best, instead of seeing the worst
That is laid out in front of her
I will break free from their rule
No longer will that iron chain hold me down
I can see through their lies
“You too can have a chance to live”
The propaganda that is spewed
Like vomit for a baby
Just strap on your shoes
Become a drone commute to a box
Or work from your very own box
This land is your land, but my mind is my own.
Throughout my time many have asked
Who’s that kid that sits next to the trash?
I sat there to hide their stench
A lovely bunch of trolls
They prey on my thoughts
An opinion is an opinion
And they all think mine are wrong.
I won’t disagree, I will not become them
Better to sit next to this trash can
Maybe live in it
Love is an answer
I once was told
Much more than silver or gold
I disagree
Words are answers
Love is just a feeling
And nothing more
I hope you live with regret your entire life
When you are told, that you knew me
When you see my face, I hope you realize
What was right in front of you
Was not a fool
But someone far worse than you
And that loser you will see
I hope he haunts YOUR dreams