Former Monsanto Exec. Appointed to the Head of the FDA

Now, we're really in Trouble... ... the-f-d-a/
Michael R. Taylor, J.D., was appointed Deputy Commissioner for Foods. This was announced on the FDA’s website the day after the earthquake in Haiti. Michael Taylor is a former top executive, lawyer and lobbyist with biotech giant Monsanto Co. He has rotated in and out of law firms, Monsanto, the USDA and FDA.
During his former stint in the FDA during the Clinton administration he helped write the rules to allow rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) into the American food system and our children’s milk. Which is perhaps why the FDA staffer who wrote Taylor’s bio seems to have all-but-forgotten his decade-plus of Monsanto work. Michael Taylor and Monsanto are responsible for subjecting this country and many others to the increased risk of breast cancer (7 times greater risk), prostate cancer and colon cancer because of what they did to milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream with rBGH as well as to all the foods that rely on milk solids and other parts of milk.
As a bi-product of the rBGH fight Michael Taylor then led the ban on labeling of GM products all together. This was labeled “the principal of substantial equivalence” which prohibits any distinction to be made between GM and traditional products. Regardless of any testing or lack there of on the possible effects of GM foods used for human consumption. Even though Memo after memo described toxins, new diseases, nutritional deficiencies, and hard-to-detect allergens. They were adamant that the technology carried “serious health hazards,” and required careful, long-term research, including human studies, before any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be safely released into the food supply.
He left the FDA in 1994 and a few years later became Monsanto’s Vice President in charge of lobbying in Washington. As a lobbyist, Taylor argued AGAINST the Delaney Clause, one of the foundations of food safety regulation that prohibits cancer-causing chemicals to be added to food.
It’s deplorable that Michael Taylor who has repeatedly and knowingly endangered the American people is once again in charge of our food safety.
A Winning Pair FDA & USDA!
USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack has a glowing reputation as being a schill for agribusiness biotech giants like Monsanto support of genetically engineered pharmaceutical crops, especially pharmaceutical corn. Vilsack was the origin of the Seed Pre-Emption bill in 2005, which many people in Iowa fought. The bill took away local government’s possibility of ever having a regulation on seeds such as where GE would be grown, having GE-free buffers. Tom Vilsack was also the founder and former chair of the Governor’s Biotechnology Partnership.
Bill HR 875 nicknamed ‘The Criminalization of Organic Farming and the Take Over of the US Food Supply’
Monsanto is taking massive control over all farms through the falsely named “Food Safety” bills, introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband, Stanley Greenburg got rich from working for Clinton and Monsanto. The agriculture committee is loaded with people who have gotten large donations from Monsanto. The biggest of the Monsanto bills introduced by DeLauro is HR 875. Identical bills that have been enacted into law in the European Union resulted in 60% of the Polish farmers are now gone and 60+ UK farmers have committed suicide. Iraq has been rendered helpless serfs by the theft of their country’s seeds and criminalization of farmers’ collection of their own seed. By far the most devasting is India, where 182,000 farmers have committed suicide since the WTO and IMF got hold of agriculture and our Big Ag firms went in there, an additional 8 million farmers have left the land altogether.
By comparison to other nations the criminalization of our hard working family farmers is still in it’s infancy. In Ohio, state ag department SWAT team raid on an organic CoOp, Pennsylvania ag department raids on horse and buggy Mennonites, California setting coliform levels so low fresh milk dairy farmers would need cows that produced pasteurized milk right out the udder, arrest and handcuffing of a single mother in front of her children for selling goat milk, the USDA paying its agents bonuses for foreclosing on farms. HR-875 will make theses instances look like specs of dust in the devastation it wishes to unleash on Americans.
This is the death of organic food and the criminalization of seed banking. It is a Monsanto take over and Taylor is here to run it with a few former Monsanto sidekicks – Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court), Ann Veneman (Executive Director of UNICEF).
Keep the conversation going! Share informative articles such as this with friends, family and colleagues. Knowledge is power! This is a topic you rarely if ever see on the news, it’s up to us to protect our family, friends and farmers. Americans need to demand a food safety system that is independent of corporate interests. Use your buying power; every dollar you spend with organic, local, Monsanto-free farmers, as well as the stores and restaurants that carry their food, is a vote against companies like Monsanto. ... the-f-d-a/
Michael R. Taylor, J.D., was appointed Deputy Commissioner for Foods. This was announced on the FDA’s website the day after the earthquake in Haiti. Michael Taylor is a former top executive, lawyer and lobbyist with biotech giant Monsanto Co. He has rotated in and out of law firms, Monsanto, the USDA and FDA.
During his former stint in the FDA during the Clinton administration he helped write the rules to allow rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) into the American food system and our children’s milk. Which is perhaps why the FDA staffer who wrote Taylor’s bio seems to have all-but-forgotten his decade-plus of Monsanto work. Michael Taylor and Monsanto are responsible for subjecting this country and many others to the increased risk of breast cancer (7 times greater risk), prostate cancer and colon cancer because of what they did to milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream with rBGH as well as to all the foods that rely on milk solids and other parts of milk.
As a bi-product of the rBGH fight Michael Taylor then led the ban on labeling of GM products all together. This was labeled “the principal of substantial equivalence” which prohibits any distinction to be made between GM and traditional products. Regardless of any testing or lack there of on the possible effects of GM foods used for human consumption. Even though Memo after memo described toxins, new diseases, nutritional deficiencies, and hard-to-detect allergens. They were adamant that the technology carried “serious health hazards,” and required careful, long-term research, including human studies, before any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be safely released into the food supply.
He left the FDA in 1994 and a few years later became Monsanto’s Vice President in charge of lobbying in Washington. As a lobbyist, Taylor argued AGAINST the Delaney Clause, one of the foundations of food safety regulation that prohibits cancer-causing chemicals to be added to food.
“The American Academy of Environmental Medicine this year said that genetically modified foods, according to animal studies, are causally linked to accelerated aging, dysfunctional immune regulation, organ damage, gastrointestinal distress, and immune system damage. A study came out by the Union of Concerned Scientists confirming what we all know, that genetically modified crops, on average, reduce yield. A USDA report from 2006 showed that farmers don’t actually increase income from GMOs, but many actually lose income. And for the last several years, the United States has been forced to spend $3-$5 billion per year to prop up the prices of the GM crops no one wants.
If GMOs are indeed responsible for massive sickness and death, then the individual who oversaw the FDA policy that facilitated their introduction holds a uniquely infamous role in human history. That person is Michael Taylor.” – Jeffrey M. Smith*
It’s deplorable that Michael Taylor who has repeatedly and knowingly endangered the American people is once again in charge of our food safety.
A Winning Pair FDA & USDA!
USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack has a glowing reputation as being a schill for agribusiness biotech giants like Monsanto support of genetically engineered pharmaceutical crops, especially pharmaceutical corn. Vilsack was the origin of the Seed Pre-Emption bill in 2005, which many people in Iowa fought. The bill took away local government’s possibility of ever having a regulation on seeds such as where GE would be grown, having GE-free buffers. Tom Vilsack was also the founder and former chair of the Governor’s Biotechnology Partnership.
Bill HR 875 nicknamed ‘The Criminalization of Organic Farming and the Take Over of the US Food Supply’
Monsanto is taking massive control over all farms through the falsely named “Food Safety” bills, introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband, Stanley Greenburg got rich from working for Clinton and Monsanto. The agriculture committee is loaded with people who have gotten large donations from Monsanto. The biggest of the Monsanto bills introduced by DeLauro is HR 875. Identical bills that have been enacted into law in the European Union resulted in 60% of the Polish farmers are now gone and 60+ UK farmers have committed suicide. Iraq has been rendered helpless serfs by the theft of their country’s seeds and criminalization of farmers’ collection of their own seed. By far the most devasting is India, where 182,000 farmers have committed suicide since the WTO and IMF got hold of agriculture and our Big Ag firms went in there, an additional 8 million farmers have left the land altogether.
By comparison to other nations the criminalization of our hard working family farmers is still in it’s infancy. In Ohio, state ag department SWAT team raid on an organic CoOp, Pennsylvania ag department raids on horse and buggy Mennonites, California setting coliform levels so low fresh milk dairy farmers would need cows that produced pasteurized milk right out the udder, arrest and handcuffing of a single mother in front of her children for selling goat milk, the USDA paying its agents bonuses for foreclosing on farms. HR-875 will make theses instances look like specs of dust in the devastation it wishes to unleash on Americans.
This is the death of organic food and the criminalization of seed banking. It is a Monsanto take over and Taylor is here to run it with a few former Monsanto sidekicks – Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court), Ann Veneman (Executive Director of UNICEF).
Keep the conversation going! Share informative articles such as this with friends, family and colleagues. Knowledge is power! This is a topic you rarely if ever see on the news, it’s up to us to protect our family, friends and farmers. Americans need to demand a food safety system that is independent of corporate interests. Use your buying power; every dollar you spend with organic, local, Monsanto-free farmers, as well as the stores and restaurants that carry their food, is a vote against companies like Monsanto.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Some recent good news about Monsanto under Taylor's leadership:
Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals ... 20365.html
I heard about a conspiracy theory way back that the government is going to control seeds to control the food. Can this be true?
The thing that gets me at work is people will ask for the seedles items and if we don’t have them they will not buy the seeded item. I personally do not get it. Are they that lazy these days....and how can you have a decent watermelon seed fight with a seedless watermelon.
Notice that most of the evil corporate/government combination officials are never elected by We The People. Instead, they are APPOINTED by Them. We have allowed an authoritarian ruling class to lord over us.
Donald Rumsfeld was one of the most obvious examples of a high level government member who also sat on the boards of agri/pharma/chemical companies. He is the main reason that so many ignorant, trusting Americans enjoy Aspartame ("NutraSweet") every day. If the government approved it, it must be good for me!
I am continually frustrated that consumers happily purchase 'food' produced by the same Tobacco giants who lied for decades about the deadly, addictive nature of the chemicals in their products: Kraft Foods is the Phillip Morris Tobacco Company. Nabisco Foods is the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. In recent years, those brands have had mergers and stock swaps so they might not even be two distinct entities.
Such greed and power has been soft-killing us since the mid twentieth century. GMO food, additives, drugs, and vaccines have harmed our immune systems, reduced our fertility, and made us diseased. They have taken our money and our health to turn us into a flock of weak, dependent livestock.
1. (Aspartame) Monsanto owned Nutrasweet during the Clinton administration. It was Bill's FDA appointment who granted Monsanto the right to use aspartames as sugar substitutes even though evidence showed their connection to cancer.
2. Under Bill's watch, the FDA approved Monsanto's rBGH patent.
3.. Then there's Hillary, who's Rural Americans for Hillary were really Monsanto lobbyists.
4. Then there's Hillary, who's former employer was the Rose Law Firm. Client listing included Monsanto, Tyson and Walmart.
5. Good old Mark Penn, Hillary's chief campaign strategist during her run for President, worked for Monsanto's PR firm (Burson-Marsteller) who also represents Blackwater.
So is it surprising that a Monsanto executive now heads the FDA? Keep in mind that Congress has to approve these appointments.
and, all you ladies thought it was 'your feelings', 'your independent ballsy attitudes' and that 'whole Hillary has a right to be part of President Obama's cabinet that got her the State Department appointment. That old saying of be careful what you wish for, because its our children that can't eat peanut butter or fruits, its our children that are being classified as obese because of hormones in the food, its our farmers that are disappearing, its our soil that is producing toxic food because of Monsanto. Its politicians like Clinton who are so entwined with large corporations that the American public can't even make them tell us what is going into our bodies or our children's bodies.
Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court, corporations like Monsanto now have the freedom to say, screw you people, because now they can openly buy Hillary and anyone else they want and WE THE PEOPLE can't do a damn thing about. No more Congressional investigations, no more Justice Department inquires, no need for a Special Prosecutor and no more Special Commisions, its all legal.