Attenuator for tube amps ... 255813a756
does anybody use a Attenuator for their tube amp?..not sure if the above is just a simple version of one becasue ive seen some for ridiculas amounts. Do they work?..are they worth it?
i have a the problem of drowning my band out with my 30 watt class a 2x12 when its on volume 1!...i don't want to lose the tone quality but want to be kind to my bandmates
please let me know if you use one
does anybody use a Attenuator for their tube amp?..not sure if the above is just a simple version of one becasue ive seen some for ridiculas amounts. Do they work?..are they worth it?
i have a the problem of drowning my band out with my 30 watt class a 2x12 when its on volume 1!...i don't want to lose the tone quality but want to be kind to my bandmates

please let me know if you use one
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
Post edited by Unknown User on
If you want to really get the tubes working, but not have too much volume, you would need something like a THD Hot Plate, Marshall Power Brake, or Weber Mass/MiniMass attenuator. Those units take the output of your amp, and dissipate a portion of the electric current that would otherwise go into your speakers. That way, everything inside your amp is cranked up, but the speakers aren't seeing all of that wattage.
The other option is to use an isolation cabinet, where the speaker is fully enclosed, with a mic to send the sound to the mixer. These are really popular for recording at home (if you've got family, roommates, or close neighbors) but have been used a bit on stage. I know Randall was making one a while ago... You could just swap a good speaker into that box, throw a Shure SM57 or something like that in the box, and you're off.
Either way, you get the tone without the overall loudness. Those cheap eBay boxes have been around for years, and while I've never played one to know, the electronic theory says the tubes just aren't cooking like the ad promises.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
as far as the original question about that thing on ebay, i always say you get what you pay for. i would not risk ruining one of my vintage amps on a $20 piece of equipment, i would use what i know is going to work, and i know from experience that my thd hotplate works as it should and does what it says its going to do.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
by the way, it is very important that you look at your ohms setting on your amp and get the appropriate hotplate. i use a 4x12 cabinet with my marshalls at 16 ohms so i bought the 16 ohms hotplate. any local amp tech should be able to help you find which one you would need to get. don't get the wrong one and toast your amp...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
yeah need to look at the ohms.
wish i had a deep pot of spare cash...time to save and keep alert on ebay at the same time!
can't help but sometimes think as much of an amazing dirt cheap find my laney vc was i sometimes wish i had a head and cab set up...easier to carry things in bits rather than 29 kilos of bulkiness! tempted to save further for a tiny terror and cab for smaller rehearsal space but i guess the thd will make me think again
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
i've ordered a weber minimass 50. should be with me in a week or two..can't wait
thd's went up in price again and i thought nuts to it
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
Honestly, if I were to buy an attenuator, I'd probably buy the Weber. It's mechanically similar to a speaker, so it reacts the same way. I've heard complaints about the Hot Plate/Power Brake method affecting tone in weird ways... all they are is a heat-sink. The Weber Mass and MiniMass are a speaker coil with no cone, so it "absorbs" wattage from the amp's output in a way that is pretty much the same as a speaker would. And it helps that I'm a repeat Weber customer on the speaker end of things already... his stuff is highly recommended!
Cheers, and let us know how it treats you!
cheers man. they seem to have more great reviews than the mixed ones of a they look pretty cool aswell.
also on the gear front i've just agreed to buy a Laney Lionheart L20 head and cab at a really decent price off an old friend so it should all sound pretty sweet.
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
hmm good question. you can email them, they answer really quick for busy guys
they have a pretty big range and not all of it completly clear to me
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I'd be asking the proverbial stupid question....
If you need a full stack, why do you need an attenuator?
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
ahh..having a closer look at the range i can see that now
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Well, as a guy who plays guitar AND is a sound guy, I'm still a little stumped. If you need the volume of a full-stack, then you don't need an attenuator. If you need more tube saturation at lower volumes, you don't need the full stack. If you want the LOOK of a full stack, then plug in the top cab and use the bottom as a booster/backup cab. But adding speakers just adds volume, and an attenuator is meant to reduce volume, so it seems like a net zero to me.
By the way, with most modern sound systems, any tube amp over 50 watts is just too much. If the venue is bigger than 50 watts will fill, the mic and PA will make up for that. If you're playing without mic'ing the amp, it's probably in a club with less than 100 people. There's this outdated wisdom that says a bigger venue needs a bigger amp, but that's bunk. I've worked with artists playing arena shows whose REAL amp was a Fender Blues Jr hidden behind a Soldano half-stack, and Keith Richards plays stadium gigs with a 5-watt vintage Fender Champ.
Also reminds me of a Weezer tour years back when the guitars and bass went through rackmount Line 6 Pod Pro's, and the entire band was on in-ear monitors. The only sound on stage was the drumkit and vocals. Great sound in the house.
Compare that to the band I engineered a few months back who had a lead guitar player with a Marshall full-stack 3 feet behind him (and his vocal mic) cranked up. I killed the mic on his guitar amp; guitar was still too loud. Killed his vocal mic; still too loud. Turned the band up as much as the PA would allow; guitar was still too loud. Go figure.
its a brilliant unit......managed to crank my amp and not kill anybody!, it really tightened up my tone more than i could imagine and the sustain i got was awesome. it will take some getting used to, as i've been used to being so over loud but hey, i'm on the right track
after a few hours at cranked levels..the unit was only slightly warm, so that bodes very well.
the treble boost is a great feature too.
So for half the price of a thd i got a handmade unit from the US and didn't have to pay taxes/custom charges
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
yeah its gonna be very integral to my set up...getting my new amp (laney lionheart) tomorrow so it'l be different sounding again...its exciting though and i'm finally feel like i know what i'm talking about! haha
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell
My amp is 2 channel, 80 watts, with a master volume. I want the power amp distortion on the dirty channel, but I would also like to maintain the amps clean tone for, well, clean work. Is this possible?
i'm not too laney's are class a and don't have a master volume so at volume two without my minimass i was cutting through a mesa rectifier, drums and bass and that wasn't working the valves at all. it was just too loud and not getting the best out of the power tubes. now i can get some nice tight overdriven crunch without affecting the tone response.
is the traynor full tube? (im not too up on them?). if it is then you should be able to achieve what you want. my vc30 doesn't start breaking up until vol.9 on the clean so i can still get some nice headroom and then switch the gain on and get some creamy sustain
leeds 26/08/06....electric
paris 11/09/06.....crushed...but estatic
wembley 18/06/07.....oh yes
' can hear the just hold that note and you can go get a bite whilst its still going'
the legend , nigel tufnell