Inspiration: Quitting The Drink. (Pearl Jam Related)



    NoCode78 wrote:
    Thanks guys its a pleasure checking out this thread. Tom thanks for your message was really moving and I hope things start to look up for you in the very near future, you deserve a break thats for sure!!

    Well as for me I have a long line of drinking in the family. Mum, Uncle, Aunty and Grandmother are all alcoholics and except for my Aunty who is clean they all drink to excess each day which my Grandmother has been doing for the past 60 odd years and somehow is still alive.

    Well a little about me. I started drinking at parties and clubs because I was really self conscious and fairly quiet when not drinking and felt that I never contributed enough being sober so I started to get dutch courage from the drink and havent looked back since. In the last 11 years I would be blind from wednesday to saturday or when i went to clubs basically but it got to the point I couldn't go anywhere where there was a social situation and not be extremely intoxicated to feel safe. I never drank much or even at all when at home because I guess I felt comfortable and safe there.

    I am not proud of myself and have among a few things been arrested for urinating in public, probably drink drove over 400 times, lost my licence for 6 months as I got caught drink driving, I have written off my sisters car because I was drunk behind the wheel, I have been in fights, damaged property and recently have just been a really nasty drunk and been abusive mentally towards my beautiful girlfriend who seems to cop the brunt of my drunken insecurities and gibberish I go on with. I have been drunk at work on numerous occasions because we went out to the pub for lunch and have drunk enough to kill a horse, i have missed countless days off work because I didnt get home until 6am and was in no way capable of doing anything other than sleeping it off.

    I black out for hours and cant remember a thing and have to be told what kind of crazy stuff I have been doing and now to add to the mix I have been on anti depressants for the past year which has affected me even more once I am drunk.

    This past year I have been on benders where I have drunk for 2-3 days straight and to say the comedown was a killer was an understatement. I have tried to only drink one or two which I can do at home but when around people I just have no control.

    I have a beauitiful daughter to a previous relationship and a wonderful girlfriend who puts up with my crap and I know if I dont stop she will walk and I will lose something special. Its time I grow up and be a responsible adult and stop being a scared little kid.

    Fingers crossed.

    I wish you luck, but even if you are unable to quit, at least you can refrain from drinking and driving, I hope!
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