Unscientific Explanations

lobb152lobb152 Posts: 193
edited January 2010 in A Moving Train
Just curious. Pat Robertson blames earthquakes on pacts with Devils. 'True story'. What then would his explaination/blame be for all the tornadoes that happen in Tornado Alley.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
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  • ShawshankShawshank Posts: 1,018
    lobb152 wrote:
    Just curious. Pat Robertson blames earthquakes on pacts with Devils. 'True story'. What then would his explaination/blame be for all the tornadoes that happen in Tornado Alley.

    Haha...I don't know if any of you have ever heard of Phil Hendrie or not, but on his radio show about 10 years ago, one of his "guests" was making the argument that God hated trailer parks and that was why he sent so many Tornadoes to that area. It wasn't so much him making these ridiculous claims as it was the people phoning in so pissed off that made it funny. Man I miss that show.
  • Darwin's Theory of Evolution Returns to Kansas Classrooms
    Thursday, Feb. 15, 2001
    The Kansas Board of Education voted Wednesday to return the teaching of evolution to the state's government schools.
    The 7-3 decision capped the latest battle in a cultural war over whether students should be exposed to Charles Darwin's theory.

    Supporters of the theory believe that by ignoring it, school officials are depriving their students of knowledge. Religious conservatives argue the theory stamps out the story of creation portrayed in the Bible.

    Wednesday's decision reverses a controversial 1999 vote in which the board decided to omit references to evolutionary concepts from the state's education standards and to eliminate references to Darwin's theory on the state's standardized tests.

    Gov. Bill Graves called that decision an "embarrassment." Some schools protested by stepping up evolution education. Three board members who voted for the standard lost re-election bids in November.

    John Bacon, one of the three board members who voted against restoring the old standard, told reporters Wednesday he felt that by ordering the teaching of evolution in the classrooms, the board was dismissing the scientific doubts revolving around Darwin's theory.

    "These standards are too restrictive, in allowing only one view of man's origin to be taught," he said.

    However, one of the members who voted to restore the evolution curriculum said Wednesday's action was for the greater good.

    "There is no doubt that we are strengthening science by our action," said Sue Gamble, one of those newly elected to the board in November.

    Dick Kurtenbach, executive director of American Civil Liberties Union in Kansas, opposed the 1999 decision but said Wednesday's vote rectified that mistake.

    "From the outset of the board's decision, where they decided to de-emphasize the teaching of evolution, we objected strongly to that action," said Kurtenbach. "However, we felt that after the election, the issue would go the opposite way, and we felt the board would do the right thing and correct the mistake made a couple years ago."

    Kurtenbach said the 1999 decision empowered members of the "religious right" to convey their views in the classroom.

    "I think it empowered those teachers who may have philosophical difficulties in teaching evolution, most likely because of their own religious beliefs," he said.

    Sonny Rundell, chairman of the Kansas Board of Education, said the controversy could not end too soon as far as he was concerned.

    "I want to get past this. Badly do I want to get past this," he said. "There's a lot of other things we need to be working on."

    Copyright CNSNews.com
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    lobb152 wrote:
    Just curious. Pat Robertson blames earthquakes on pacts with Devils. 'True story'. What then would his explaination/blame be for all the tornadoes that happen in Tornado Alley.

    Hitler farting
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    People get so worked up on what others say but don't seem to care as much for what they do.
  • I live in the good ole Bible belt state of Oklahoma USA. We never have feelable earthquakes here. We've had 3 in the past week up to 4.0. The evil of the world doesnt discriminate Pat.
  • Danny Glover blamed the Haiti quake on the failure of the Copenhagen climate conference...
  • DPrival78DPrival78 CT Posts: 2,263
    how about HAARP? i'm not ready to believe that yet, but i'm starting to wonder..

    SOUTHCOM was in miami the day before the quake, running a disaster drill based on a hurricane in haiti.
    http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php? ... leId=17122

    hugo chavez even came out publically and said it was HAARP (i know, the guy's crazy, but i think it's interesting that a world leader would say something like this publicly. is he some tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, or does he have knowledge of the existance of technology that could do something like this?)

    in 1997, sec. of defense william cohen warned against the possibility that countries could "engage even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
    http://web.archive.org/web/200603031725 ... 28coh.html

    the first half of this vid talks about what HAARP is:
    i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    Pat Robertson has never sounded dumber! I could try and make an argument that there is no God out of that earthquake mess. If we are suppose to live on earth, then why is so unstable for us to live upon it? I know, many will say WE did it, or pacts with the devil, but its not that people-friendly. Just askin'.
    Save room for dessert!
  • MrMerkinballMrMerkinball Posts: 1,978
    This is crazy talk.

    Everyone should know by know that this (Haiti Earthquake, Tsunami, New Orleans) is all just a warm up for Dec 21, 2012. People should edumacate themselves.

  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    This is crazy talk.

    Everyone should know by know that this (Haiti Earthquake, Tsunami, New Orleans) is all just a warm up for Dec 21, 2012. People should edumacate themselves.

    I knew that. I was just checking if others knew. ;)
    Save room for dessert!
  • dpmaydpmay Posts: 643
    Heatherj43 wrote:
    Pat Robertson has never sounded dumber! I could try and make an argument that there is no God out of that earthquake mess. If we are suppose to live on earth, then why is so unstable for us to live upon it? I know, many will say WE did it, or pacts with the devil, but its not that people-friendly. Just askin'.

    i think the earth IS pretty people-friendly. cetainly a lot more so than anywhere else we know of...
  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    Shawshank wrote:
    lobb152 wrote:
    Just curious. Pat Robertson blames earthquakes on pacts with Devils. 'True story'. What then would his explaination/blame be for all the tornadoes that happen in Tornado Alley.

    Haha...I don't know if any of you have ever heard of Phil Hendrie or not, but on his radio show about 10 years ago, one of his "guests" was making the argument that God hated trailer parks and that was why he sent so many Tornadoes to that area. It wasn't so much him making these ridiculous claims as it was the people phoning in so pissed off that made it funny. Man I miss that show.

    Speaking of Phil Hendrie, here's his Youtube page.


    You can also sign up on his website for $6.95 to get his daily shows and archives and what not. What's so amazingly funny is that people continue to call his show and get all riled up not knowing it's one big joke. I used to love listening to his show on a local AM station but they moved his time slot to midnight. And I guess my next question is - who in the hell listens to AM radio at midnight except for truckers???
  • Earthquakes in fact are necessary to maintain balanced nitrogen levels in the atmosphere. The movement of plates allows the release of it. We just happen to inhabit where they destroy so they aren't evil at all Pat.
  • cajunkiwicajunkiwi Posts: 984
    This is crazy talk.

    Everyone should know by know that this (Haiti Earthquake, Tsunami, New Orleans) is all just a warm up for Dec 21, 2012. People should edumacate themselves.


    No, Katrina was sent because god hates gays. Unfortunately, his aim must've been off that day, because the French Quarter was the driest part of the city... lol

    (and before Pat Roberston and his ilk suggest god hates black people and that's why he wiped out the Ninth Ward, he would do well to remember that a lot of REALLY nice neighborhoods by the lake were wiped out too, so he must hate rich people as well)
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
    Tornadoes are clearly the flatulence of the devil. When you eat as much pork as Satan what do you expect?
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    hrd2imgn wrote:
    Tornadoes are clearly the flatulence of the devil. When you eat as much pork as Satan what do you expect?
    LOL...awesome!...this is the funniest thing i have read all week :lol:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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