Sort of a ramble, sort of a rant, but not really either one

It was just on my mind today-->
How are we seen?
It matters so much
but I don't mean superficially
I don't mean in a vain "How do I look?" kind of way
I mean, did our parents look at us with loving eyes?
Did they see us and smile at our souls and take joy in our company?
or did they give the impression that we were a problem?
or, an inconvenience?
or, even competition? (!)
how are we seen?
it matters so much later too
do our friends see our best qualities
or, do they see only faults?
do they tell us what's good
or, do they reflect us harshly?
How are we seen?
it matters so much for the health of a soul
"Do you love me?"
is almost a question which asks
"How did my assessment go?"
"Do you see me as a beautiful person inside?"
or, do you only see a problem?
it matters so much who
we choose
to stay around because these mirrors
affect the person standing in front
these people create what they see
sometimes I hear random people reflecting really negative trash about beautiful people
their toddlers, their spouses, their teens, their friends,
using the most nasty tone of voice to speak to them
or saying unbelievably inappropriate things
and it makes me angry inside because
I can see that they are damaging the receiver
these people on the receiving end are being hurt by the negativity being thrown at them
a two year old baby needs food or a hug or just to be managed
she doesn't need to be yelled at because she's crying and tired
that teenaged boy doesn't need some busy dad putting him down because he wanted to try something new
I feel like telling these strangers it's not loving to do that!!!
it's not anything good at all!!
but, of course, there's no way to say that
those people would tell me it's none of my business
for they wouldn't believe they were "doing anything" anyway
people rarely take responsibility for that type of invisible action
they don't understand and don't realize that
if we all (everyone human) just reminded the people we love that they are beautiful everyday
with our eyes, our smiles, our loving tone of voice
they would grow up feeling valued and loved
rather than damaged and swinging from one train-wreck situation to the next
How are we seen?
It matters so much
but I don't mean superficially
I don't mean in a vain "How do I look?" kind of way
I mean, did our parents look at us with loving eyes?
Did they see us and smile at our souls and take joy in our company?
or did they give the impression that we were a problem?
or, an inconvenience?
or, even competition? (!)
how are we seen?
it matters so much later too
do our friends see our best qualities
or, do they see only faults?
do they tell us what's good
or, do they reflect us harshly?
How are we seen?
it matters so much for the health of a soul
"Do you love me?"
is almost a question which asks
"How did my assessment go?"
"Do you see me as a beautiful person inside?"
or, do you only see a problem?
it matters so much who
we choose
to stay around because these mirrors
affect the person standing in front
these people create what they see
sometimes I hear random people reflecting really negative trash about beautiful people
their toddlers, their spouses, their teens, their friends,
using the most nasty tone of voice to speak to them
or saying unbelievably inappropriate things
and it makes me angry inside because
I can see that they are damaging the receiver
these people on the receiving end are being hurt by the negativity being thrown at them
a two year old baby needs food or a hug or just to be managed
she doesn't need to be yelled at because she's crying and tired
that teenaged boy doesn't need some busy dad putting him down because he wanted to try something new
I feel like telling these strangers it's not loving to do that!!!
it's not anything good at all!!
but, of course, there's no way to say that
those people would tell me it's none of my business
for they wouldn't believe they were "doing anything" anyway
people rarely take responsibility for that type of invisible action
they don't understand and don't realize that
if we all (everyone human) just reminded the people we love that they are beautiful everyday
with our eyes, our smiles, our loving tone of voice
they would grow up feeling valued and loved
rather than damaged and swinging from one train-wreck situation to the next