I don't personally know how to obtain this, but I know some people on here do. Keep your fingers crossed for an official EV release.
"FF, I've heard the droning about the Sawx being the baby dolls. Yeah, I get it, you guys invented baseball and suffered forever. I get it." -JearlPam0925
2009: Philly 4 10/31
Ten Club 4xxxxx
<a href="http://img254.imageshack.us/i/swawesomeu.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/5875/swawesomeu.th.jpg" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us" /></a><br /><br /><a href="http://img604.imageshack.us/content.php?page=blogpost&files=img254/5875/swawesomeu.jpg" title="QuickPost"><img src="http://imageshack.us/img/butansn.png" alt="QuickPost" border="0"></a> Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
yes after some technical difficulty he did recieve it
2009: Philly 4 10/31
Ten Club 4xxxxx
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