Vegetarian Dinner recipes

JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
edited January 2010 in All Encompassing Trip
Hello! :D

So my new girlfriend is a vegetarian and I have been thinking about cooking her dinner. But I usually dont think about it for too long because I am a 'meat master!' haha, that sounds funny. But seriously, I'm thinking of doing some kind of vegetarian tacos/burittos or maybe something else entirely awesome.

Does anyone here have any good suggestions for recipes?
Thanks! :P
Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
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  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    I find this a good resource. As well of having a vegetarian and vegan guide you can search for vegetarian recipes

    As a meat eater you may like the recipes provided by Simon Rimmer as he is a chef that is a meat eater but owns a vegetarian restaurant so his recipes are meat-eater friendly :P ... ch+recipes
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • What type of vegetarian is she? Does she like tofu? Eggplant? Does she generally eat what you would eat sans meat?

    That might help folks post recipes. I personally have no idea what to do. I am like you a meat master. (it is funny :lol: )
    9/7/98, 8/3/00, 9/4/00, 4/15/03, 7/1/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 6/17/08, 6/22/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 5/17/10, 10/15/13, 10/16/13.
  • PakaPaka Posts: 471
    I know it's not really helping for the dinner you're planning but I have to suggest this:

    it's the homepage of the oldest vegetarian restaurant in Europe called Hiltl. I love meat'n'fish but if it comes to restaurants, this is my first choice. There are two cookbooks (german, english or french) that are simply fantastic.
    If you two ever make it to Zurich, don't miss out on this one and I'm sure your girlfriend would love such a book as a present. ;)

    Good luck!
  • saheesahee Posts: 10
    my current gf is also a veggie (reoccurring theme) . i remember when we first started going out i cooked her a lasagna but instead of meat i used some soft vegetables such as green and red peppers, courgette, mushrooms, chopped tomatos etc. This proved a hit and we are still dating today. i remember i served this dish with a simple fresh salad. Also this dish is great because it can be fully prepared before hand, then put in a fridge until the girl arrives at which point all you need to do it put it in and out of the oven to heat up again. you appear a great chief without having to sacrifice any of the time you have with her. simple.

    im sure there are many online recipes, however i always find improvisation to be best (plus i only included vegetables i knew i would like lol)

    Best of luck.
  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    i suggest grilling a porterhouse, serve with a side of grilled shirmp or lobster tail.
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  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    sahee wrote:
    you appear a great chief without having to sacrifice any of the time you have with her.

    I'd love to appear a great 'Chief!' haha, just messing with you. I love your lasagna idea. I may try that. Thank you for all your input I will browse those links now. ;)
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
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