Tips for keeping warm!

So what are your daily things you do to keep warm? I was surprised the other day at work... I said that I normally put my clothes on the radiator in the spare room the night before so that they're lovely and warm... and my gloves and scarf... it's soooooooooo luxurious then when I put it on the next morning. My workmates had never thought ofo it and now they're all doing it :shock: but they had some pretty simple ones too that I'd never thought of. If you have a shower in a bath, as soon as the water is hot, put the plug in so it keeps your feet extra warm.
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i used to do that with my school clothes when i had to get up at like 8am everyday.
i just make sure i wear lots of layers, i believe thats one thing i remember from skiing, i should maybe even put on my skiing thermals.
i started wearing a scarf this winter and it helps a bit but i dont understand my gloves, the ends of them are just like cold pockets :S they are £10 John Lewis ones as well!
nothing beats a nice long hot shower too!
my ears tend to get painfully cold so i may get a hat but i think it would just make me look very stupid
Lol, I haven't given into the hat thing either... I have one and I like it but I wasn't brought up with hats so I just feel silly
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The other thing that's nice to do is put your shoes/boots under the radiator, lovely and toasty when you put them on to go out.
The thermometer in our living room is currently reading 11 degrees, it's gone up slightly was 9 before. :thumbdown:
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Never thought of the shoes/boots under the radiator, sounds lovely.
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We're trying to save energy/money, heating will go on in about an hour - Hurrah!! If it get's too bad I hide on the sofa under a nice fleecy blanket. But I think I need some fingerless gloves for when I'm on the computer
Oh another nice thing for when it's really cold are those handwarmers that you can microwave then put them in your gloves before you go out.
Also Helen, good tip for keeping warm is BED! My bed is soooooo dam nice and cosy! I dont even need to wear socks sometimes but i regret it in the morning though.
I need to try out what i look like in a beanie! :oops:
Brisk, one thing that worries me, I generally don't like wearing stuff in bed.. but ya think, the covers can fall off in the middle of the night and the temperature can fall to god knows what while you're fast asleep and unaware and you freeze in your sleep :shock: so yep, PJ's for me :?
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Yeah im about to bleed all he radiators just to make sure they are working good too. Well i'm living with 5 other people and 2 of them have no sense and walk about in t-shirts all day so they turn it on :(
You sleep naked normally!?
I got a 3/4 double bed for myself so no chances of anything falling off, though i think the majority of the time when i have my blanket as well its on the opposite site of the bed in the morning. But yeah socks is a must i think, especially if we turn off heating at night as it just gets freezing and then i cant get out of bed. But when term starts i'll start settings for heating to come on at 8am for a bit so i can at least go to my lectures.
Lol, well I share a bed so I'm thinking of him rolling over and bringing the duvet with him completely innocently and then waking up in the morning and I'm frozen :shock:
We have the heating set for about 6am or an hour... but in the current weather, we've started turning on the heater in the bedroom at that time (when the alarms start to go off) so when I get up at 6.30 it's really easy to get out of bed cos it's so cosy... not so easy to leave the room though :oops:
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sleeping naked would just be too weird imo!
ah yeah i have that experience before, she did it like several times so i had to keep waking her up which wasn't the bes idea.
2 of my flatmates have bought those heaters you plug in the wall, i think they drain the hell out of your electricity and so are really expensive? dont know if thats true.
So comfortable.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
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A proper coat always helps too!
Remember to keep yer skin in check too - chapped skin not only feels colder but mucho pain too. Invest in some proper hand cream, moisturiser and lip balm (Lush stuff all the way for me).
that looks cool!
i like to wear my hood up with my hoodies but yes it totally ruins my hair!
yeah i always make sure i got my carmex on before i go out!
I have a great coat I bought in next years ago... so cosy and padded.
My skin tends to like the cold weather like this though... I've found myself feeling my cheeks most days and thinking 'oooooohhh'
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Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
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When I move from a warm part to cold part of the bed I wake up, so electric blanket helps that too. Tbh, life is too short to be fuckin' freezing - I had enough of cold times when in college. I wear big fluffy socks too, but I always kick them off during the night. If it's REALLY bad I'll wear my cosy dressing gown thing too.
I also keep an oil-filled heater on half way during the weekday night so that I can wake up in the morning. Sometimes I have to be up before 7 and the heating doesn't start till then and there is nothing worse than getting out of a warm bed into a cold room and I often find myself sleeping in cos of procrastination. The worst part is literally the first five minutes after getting out of bed. After I'm dressed I'm grand.
I still love this weather too - I HATE January with a passion, and usually find it horribly depressing. I just can't see all the grey now under the snow and it's awesome! The crunchy sound of walking on snow is awesome too especially when wearing boots and ye know that yer feet aren't gonna get wet or cold
Can you send us tickets please?
I've also been doing the layering thing, girls in the office thought I was mad with the tights underneath trousers layer so glad others are doing it too.
I have a big heavy quilt on my bed and brushed cotton bottom sheet, old fashioned but lovely and warm.
Snuggly blanket on the sofa as well.
My friends have bought slankets -
I'm not a hat lover, I look awful in them and have small hands so end up looking daft in adult gloves with only half the fingers filled (I now have fingerless ones with a mitten bit that can be pulled over, or 'youths' ski gloves!). Got a Columbia ski jacket that I've had for a few years but it is soo warm.
I love PJs, I have loads of pairs and I'd wear them all day if I could, love, love love 'em.
I am a 'cold' person too, I love the chill in the air and the colours of the countryside, sea and rivers on the way to work are amazing with a sort of golden glow.
2012 - Manchester i & ii, Berlin i & ii, Stockholm. 2014 - Amsterdam i & ii, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Leeds, Milton Keynes.
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you people know what snow is?
2012 - Manchester i & ii, Berlin i & ii, Stockholm. 2014 - Amsterdam i & ii, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Leeds, Milton Keynes.
2016 - Boston Fenway i & ii, 2018 - Amsterdam i & ii, Pinkpop, London i & ii, Padova, Krakow, Barcelona, Seattle i & ii.
At least this HAS taken some of the monotony out of January indeed
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
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Well...I've never seen Snow!
always found that funny, its kinda bizzare over here we are lucky i guess if we even get to wake up one morning and its just beautiful pure white everywhere.. but after 3/4 weeks of it im fucking sick of it now haha sub zero temps arn't cool.
We were talking about the slanket's before christmas... I really want one of those too.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
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Gladly...After I WIN Lotto!!! lol... :P
Primark do £2 fleece blankets that are great for an extra layer in bed or curling up on the sofa.
With gloves layers work as well. Buying gloves with more than one layer helps. I had Thinsulate ones ... they had a fleece layer inside the wool layer.
Ed keeping your nose warm ... when buying a scarf get a long and WIDE one then when you wrap it around you can pull it up over your nose. If you don't want to walk around like that you can just pull it up occasionally and a few breaths inside the scarf will warm you up.
... and Helen you know I like to rock a hat
I have been wearing fluffy socks with my wellies but can't do socks in bed.