Hot Rod Deluxe vs. VOX AC15CC1

Debating on purchasing one or the other. I mostly play thru humbuckers and typically like amp overdrive for distortion. Any thoughts on either of the 2? I bought a VOX AC50CP2 last year and it died within a few weeks. I then bought a Fender Hot Rod Deville 212 and the reverb never worked on that. I ended up getting a Peavey Valveking 212 because VOX & Fender both let me down and it is just too much amp and OD for me. I want to gp back to the Fender or Vox and am just unsure...
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I had two options: FENDER HOT ROD DELUXE & PEAVEY CLASSIC 30. And I ended up with CLASSIC 30. 30 watt, 2 channels, reverb, boost, really nice clean, enough gain, great sounding.
If you have a chance you should try them all. GOOD LUCK!!
That being said, I've always been a big fan of the Fender Hot Rod amps as a basic tube-amp canvas for pedal junkies, so if you derive your tone from your pedalboard, then Hot Rods are the way to go. Since you prefer amp overdrive, though, that's a weak spot on the Hot Rods. The Fender Blues amps (Blues DeVille and Blues Deluxe) are similar to the Hot Rod amps, but have a better overdrive. Then again, Traynor (like keeponrockin suggested) will almost always beat Fender in the on-board tube distortion department. Marshalls are also pretty good for on-board tube drive, and you might be able to find a decent deal on a used JCM 900 or 2000, although they do tend to be more expensive than anything else we've talked about.