Lost Another Life to Drinking and Driving

Father's Day 2009 three teenagers were getting off the city bus at around midnight and all three were struck and killed by a drunk driver in my hometown (population 25,000). The driver still has yet to be sentenced and is sitting at home right now and not in jail (that's the Canadian justice system for you). Everybody seemed to be really effected by this tragedy and everybody you talked to said they'll never drive drunk again. Well Saturday morning at around 10am another tragedy happened. They had been allegedly drinking all night and decided to drive home that morning. The driver was driving at high speeds, lost control and hit a telephone poll killing his 24 year old passenger. When are people going to realize that it's not worth it? Four innocent young lives have been lost in the last 6 months in my small town alone. It's just really horrible that it could have been prevented and that people are still so selfish. I just needed to vent...thanks for listening.
If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
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Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow