Perth 10C Social Scene........

First Meet: Joes' Fish Shack, Freo. SOMEDAY in FEB 2010. 
Are you coming????
The outing options are endless, Resturants, Bars, Bands, Museums, fishing, BBQ's,Golf,Canoeing, bush walking,swimming,workshops,........not to mention the person on person networking that could happen.
The benefits of us Pearl Jam 10C getting together is that we ARE UNIQUE, and being SANDGROPERS just make us even more special....doing it together is even better. :P
Whats your thoughts on this?
Who's in?

Are you coming????
The outing options are endless, Resturants, Bars, Bands, Museums, fishing, BBQ's,Golf,Canoeing, bush walking,swimming,workshops,........not to mention the person on person networking that could happen.
The benefits of us Pearl Jam 10C getting together is that we ARE UNIQUE, and being SANDGROPERS just make us even more special....doing it together is even better. :P
Whats your thoughts on this?
Who's in?
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See? it's working already.
I just think a meet up would be a great start to the new year with lots of fun thereafter :P
so, thats two of us........
booze bands bbqs or what?
We all appreciate a good time out.
So I'm thinking Joes Fish Shack in Freo for lunch and a few drinks to start with.
A place to meet up, have lunch and a yarn to get to know one another a bit, and from there we put together ideas for events to do.
And from there we go on to have too much fun.
How does Sunday 10th Jan suit you? For a 10C lunch meet in Freo?
Arrggh!!! I think I'm too busy for my own good!! The last week of the school holidays is good for me.....Or the first week of Jan....
BUT...once the holidays are over...dates look much better! What's everyone else thinking?
I think Joe's Fish Shack is a good call though - and Freo's a nice central spot. Like that idea Jo....
First week of Jan is fine with me, but we got to book a table so lets get organised with when and how many.
The Little Creatures Brewery!
mmmmmm beer.
So.....come on people, we need dates to agree on, and from messages I'm getting, it seem like Feb is the best time to start these parties.
Any day except Sat the 6th Feb is good for me.