
Hold my hand as we walk along the beach this day
Let’s watch the wave’s crash upon the shore
Listen to the ocean flow come alive with each arriving wave
The pelicans gliding through the air searching for food
The smell of the salt air around us and mist falling upon our faces
The warm colors of umbrellas dot the sky
Children’s laughs are heard along with observable curiosity
Wondering where the sea ends and the next shore lies
Picking up shells between the waves
Feeling the sand squish between my toes
Let me sit beside you on the beach
Holding your hand and enjoying the solitude
October 13, 2009
Hold my hand as we walk along the beach this day
Let’s watch the wave’s crash upon the shore
Listen to the ocean flow come alive with each arriving wave
The pelicans gliding through the air searching for food
The smell of the salt air around us and mist falling upon our faces
The warm colors of umbrellas dot the sky
Children’s laughs are heard along with observable curiosity
Wondering where the sea ends and the next shore lies
Picking up shells between the waves
Feeling the sand squish between my toes
Let me sit beside you on the beach
Holding your hand and enjoying the solitude
October 13, 2009