Dissolving Bonds

Dissolving Bonds
Each day I awake, I walk in pain
Hoping today, someone will explain
Why the world is filled with shame
And why my parents are filled with blame
Do they hate themselves so much?
That their children are out of their loving touch?
Their hearts are cold and their anger peaks
It’s heard with every word they speak
We lie in bed and try to pretend
Our parent’s lives we will defend
We deny the obvious until the end
When our hearts can no longer mend
The separation is impossible to accept
Our efforts have proved to be inept
We blamed ourselves and each night we wept
Our minds filled with self doubt and blame continually crept
The pain and emptiness grew so strong
We felt we would never seem to belong
Our thoughts and feelings must have been so wrong
The loneliness and emptiness of each day was far too long
Emptiness and self doubt consumed our minds
Leaving comfort and security far behind
When might this chaos allow us to unwind?
Or will our trust and love be left behind?
Give me strength to grow each day
To praise my children along the way!
Help me to love and never sway
To overcome indifference and wasting my life away
Help me to love and forget the past
To find happiness in things that will last
To no longer allow my feelings to be masked
And to relieve the pain and suffering fast
Spare my children the pain I felt
By circumstances I was dealt
May they never experience the welts?
Of the beating marks left from the belt
I pray they go to bed each night
With a good dream in their sights
Let them know we love them with all our might
And allow them to rest peacefully into the night.
October 30, 2007
Each day I awake, I walk in pain
Hoping today, someone will explain
Why the world is filled with shame
And why my parents are filled with blame
Do they hate themselves so much?
That their children are out of their loving touch?
Their hearts are cold and their anger peaks
It’s heard with every word they speak
We lie in bed and try to pretend
Our parent’s lives we will defend
We deny the obvious until the end
When our hearts can no longer mend
The separation is impossible to accept
Our efforts have proved to be inept
We blamed ourselves and each night we wept
Our minds filled with self doubt and blame continually crept
The pain and emptiness grew so strong
We felt we would never seem to belong
Our thoughts and feelings must have been so wrong
The loneliness and emptiness of each day was far too long
Emptiness and self doubt consumed our minds
Leaving comfort and security far behind
When might this chaos allow us to unwind?
Or will our trust and love be left behind?
Give me strength to grow each day
To praise my children along the way!
Help me to love and never sway
To overcome indifference and wasting my life away
Help me to love and forget the past
To find happiness in things that will last
To no longer allow my feelings to be masked
And to relieve the pain and suffering fast
Spare my children the pain I felt
By circumstances I was dealt
May they never experience the welts?
Of the beating marks left from the belt
I pray they go to bed each night
With a good dream in their sights
Let them know we love them with all our might
And allow them to rest peacefully into the night.
October 30, 2007