My Loving Daughter

My Loving Daughter
Thank you daughter for setting me free
My love for you will linger behind
It will warm you on a chilly night
Comfort you when you’re feeling down
When you think of me keep on smiling
Laugh out loud at humorous memories
Cry when you need too
Scream and curse if it makes you feel better
I will always be with you in your thoughts
Guiding you with every step you take
I may let you know when I disagree
Perhaps a tingle up your neck
Or rather a chill and goose bumps down your spine
I’ll always be a part of you
Sending you love with every breath
A hug every night while you’re asleep
Smile my daughter I am with you always
December 1, 2009
Thank you daughter for setting me free
My love for you will linger behind
It will warm you on a chilly night
Comfort you when you’re feeling down
When you think of me keep on smiling
Laugh out loud at humorous memories
Cry when you need too
Scream and curse if it makes you feel better
I will always be with you in your thoughts
Guiding you with every step you take
I may let you know when I disagree
Perhaps a tingle up your neck
Or rather a chill and goose bumps down your spine
I’ll always be a part of you
Sending you love with every breath
A hug every night while you’re asleep
Smile my daughter I am with you always
December 1, 2009