Constructive Discussion about Obama

I'm just a newby to 10C and usually keep rather quiet but it seems that a good discussion about Obama got rather sideswiped but as someone living way outside the US and in little ol Aussie i am particulary interested in hearing everyone's point of view and getting a good debate/discussion going here. Mainly because I see myself as both an interested international citizen and how domestically the impact of Obama affects us in different ways. Obviously how Americans view him will differ widely from how the rest of the world views him...given his global influence maybe this is as good a place as any to get both a global and domestic perspective of the US President! It would be interesting to compare amongst people who would come here to PJ given the incredible impact their music has around the world. So feel free anyone to offer your opinion, whatever it may be... and lets get a discussion worthy of a forum like this going about one of the worlds most prominent leaders.

Don't wait for the light to appear at the end of the tunnel.....stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Other than that I don't know if there is anything noteworthy or substantially different about him relative to every other US president since the era of Wilsonian Idealism began in 1917 or so.
he has done some good things like the funding for SCHIP and stem cell research but i'm convinced this would've happened no matter which D won. overall he has done very little towards all the promises of hope and change we can believe in. i realize the previous administration fucked a lot of things up and never expected it to be as simple as blinking and wrinkling his nose and everything gets fixed but i see very little to no effort on his part on many things. read my sig, what has he done to end the war in iraq? which bank shall i take that promise of his? i did like when he campaigned he seemed against israel's expansion of their illegal settlements but when the seige on Gaza was going on he had NOTHING to say other than 'there's only 1 president at a time' then why'd he weigh in on other issues before he was sworn in? he did/said nothing when israel kidnapped some human rights workers including some americans (at least politicians in other countries spoke out against their people being locked up) and worst of all in regards to israel was when israel said they wouldn't stop expanding the illegal settlements to start peace talks and seeing hillary clinton pretty much stand up for it. i thought it was bs all the rhetoric obama spoke about iran living up to its international obligations and how they MUST allow the IAEA in but then like 2 weeks later was against the same for israel and promised to keep what they have and are doing secret. i was also disappointed he went back on several campaign promises like renegotiating NAFTA, and all the talk of 'NO MORE SECRECY!!!' then turns around and does the same shit the previous administration did (like when he said if the white house ever met with lobbyists or execs it would be broadcast on the internet and CSPAN so everyone could see what went on and talked about Bush/Cheney having all these secret meetings then he turns around and has secret meetings with health insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists and execs and like Bush/Cheney fights to prevent who they spoke to from being made public) . i also didn't care for how he had this big meeting on health care reform and had health insurance execs present but didn't invite anyone who supported a single payer system. or when he vowed 'any health care reform MUST have a public option!' and then gives in to the for profit sector and dropped it with nothing in return.
i never thought even if someone i did like and support like Kucinich got elected they'd be able to make all these changes overnight, it's just that i see very little effort on Obama's part.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
then obama came along and i was caught up in it. i cannot believe i was fooled, but i actually thought he would stand up for the majorty and not cater to the wealthy elite, as presidents do.
but he he didnt. there are still counts of torture going on, people are still subjected to teh patriot act, corporate welfare is at its worst.....and he's murdering thousands of innocent people in a some far away third world country.
same as any other US president, he's just better at marketing.
and i learened my lesson. i don't think you can change the system with a ballot.
Now agree or disagree as you see fit! Its just opinion and YES I am brutally aware that I could be speaking out of turn, not being American, but as an global citizen I think Obama needs time. This isnt going to be easy...don't forget the legacy of Bush!