Garden State

Probably my favorite movie of all time. Oddly enough, I am one of those people who makes up their mind about a movie/song/book immediately, and I rarely dislike something, only to change my mind and end up liking it. Garden State is one of those rarities. When I saw it, I was in my activist phase, rarely involving myself in anything non political. So as the films plot is void of politics, I didnt get it. It wasnt really until I experienced my own crisis, had my own breakdown, that the film resonated with me.
Alot of people tend to mock this film, but I also know that there are quite a few others, like myself, who see this as a generation defining film, as The graduate and Easy Rider, were to our parents generation.
Whether you like it or not, the film, and Zach Braff specifically is partly responsible for the popularity of once obscure bands like The Shins, Zero 7, Imogen Heap, Cary Brothers, Iron and Wine.
The soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks ever out together, and its quite apparent he didnt just slap some songs on this puppy, and call it a day. He labored over the songs as much as the script and the direction of the film.
WHat is it about the film that resonated with me, and with others, who when the film came out, would go see the movie multiple times. Usually we think of that only happening for more girl oriented flicks, or the more "geek" fandom movies like Star Wars or LOTR, but this was a relatively small film, with few huge names in it, with no car crashes, or explosions or gun fights.
I think its the fact that this film documents how lost, lonely, scared and confused ones twenties can be. It certainly is an accurate account of my own first 5 years of my twenties. I also think the film, despite being depressing, and showing someone who is paralyzed with fear and self doubt, that by the end he sort of realizes that life should be lived to the fullest, that you need to take chances and risks.
When Natalie Portman says "you gotta listen to this song, it will change your life" about the shins, I think she is accurate. Watching this film sort of broke the glass case that surrounded my life, and listening to the Shins, who have lyrics of very much the same idea, told me basically that my life needs to be on my own terms.
I love this film. I look at it as our generations defining film, but even if that isnt accurate, it defines me, and it changed my life.
I am hoping that with Zach done with scrubs in 3 more episodes, he will have more time, to make another movie.
Alot of people tend to mock this film, but I also know that there are quite a few others, like myself, who see this as a generation defining film, as The graduate and Easy Rider, were to our parents generation.
Whether you like it or not, the film, and Zach Braff specifically is partly responsible for the popularity of once obscure bands like The Shins, Zero 7, Imogen Heap, Cary Brothers, Iron and Wine.
The soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks ever out together, and its quite apparent he didnt just slap some songs on this puppy, and call it a day. He labored over the songs as much as the script and the direction of the film.
WHat is it about the film that resonated with me, and with others, who when the film came out, would go see the movie multiple times. Usually we think of that only happening for more girl oriented flicks, or the more "geek" fandom movies like Star Wars or LOTR, but this was a relatively small film, with few huge names in it, with no car crashes, or explosions or gun fights.
I think its the fact that this film documents how lost, lonely, scared and confused ones twenties can be. It certainly is an accurate account of my own first 5 years of my twenties. I also think the film, despite being depressing, and showing someone who is paralyzed with fear and self doubt, that by the end he sort of realizes that life should be lived to the fullest, that you need to take chances and risks.
When Natalie Portman says "you gotta listen to this song, it will change your life" about the shins, I think she is accurate. Watching this film sort of broke the glass case that surrounded my life, and listening to the Shins, who have lyrics of very much the same idea, told me basically that my life needs to be on my own terms.
I love this film. I look at it as our generations defining film, but even if that isnt accurate, it defines me, and it changed my life.
I am hoping that with Zach done with scrubs in 3 more episodes, he will have more time, to make another movie.
Post edited by Unknown User on
oooooh i'm sorry.
I guess I personally can't decide what film would define the past decade for me. Honestly the problem is that I can't help but think of how many horror movies have come out in the past 10 years alone. I think that has definitely been the film craze of the decade; horror/thriller movies.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Same here and I grew up in Jersey......unfortunately.
mark my name in the fan of garden state column.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Thanks for this post, I felt the same way when I saw this movie for the first time. I haven't seen it since but now I feel like I have to pick it up.
I'd love to see what Zach Braff has in him next
-Christopher Walken
you're=you are
your=showing ownership
The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
Plus natalie portman is really attractive in it
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Is that the Star Wars nerd in you speaking?
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
That definitely is one of the funnier parts of that movie.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
Funny thing is that Zac being a wuss was one thing that drove me crazy at first, but It then occurred to me that hte whole movie is really him climbing out of his general wussdome. I love this flick, and it kinda feels like a Catcher in the Rye type story to me -- the way it just kinda flows all over the place and you really dont know what will happen next. And yes, the soundtrack is amazing!
What is it about? Who cares! Combine a semi-popular neurotic girl (I've cast Zooey Deschanel) with all of Zach Braff's quirks and sad mugging and you got another sleeper hit on your hands.
Can You Feel It-Apples In Stereo
And You Lied To Me-The Besnard Lakes
The Long List of Girls-The Blow
Walcott-Vampire Weekend
That Thing You Do!-The Wonders
Knowing People-Matthew Sweet
Strange Times-The Black Keys
The Official Ironmen Rally Song-GBV
Light Enough To Travel-Be Good Tanyas
I'm An Animal-Neko Case
Nine Good Fingers-White Whale
Everybody Loves Me-The 88
I'm Waiting for The Man-Velvet Underground
Zero Refills-Pernice Brothers
**I have too much time on my hands when I have graduated from making mix tapes of songs I like, to entire mix concept albums...
-Greg Dulli
I love this.
I do like Star Wars! :oops:
But i really did not fall for her until i saw Garden State.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
yeah, I disagree. Zach is the epitome of hipster, but I dont think he really wanted to make a hipster movie. There is a difference. I think the movie honestly and bluntly deals with how he felt in his 20's. He soundtracked it with some up and coming bands and the movie and the soundtrack and the bands featured in it became really big hits. I can understand why movies like Transformers or Independence Day or whatever, are big hits, but its always nice to see a movie like this one, a low key movie, become what it is today. As I said, the movie struck a chord, with me, and with quite a few other people. This movie, literally is a movie representation of my life.
If this movie helped out others, like it did me, made others feel less alone, and turned people on to some of the best music of the decade, I really cant see a downside.
If you are looking for a movie with nude women, car chases, and gun battles, look elsewhere. if you want to see an intimate, honest and emotional look at what is now termed "the quarter life crisis", this movie is the thing to see. To be going through a quarter life crisis is embarassing in some manner, and I applaud Zach for portraying it honestly in the film, and for really putting a film face on the disorder.
My twenties have been the roughest years of my life. My life is a complete mess. One of the few comforts is this film, watching it when I feel upset or down, and knowing that others feel as I do, and that I am not the only person struggling to figure everything out.
If being a hipster, and a fan of this movie, means I feel the movie accurately captures how I feel, and my inner monologue, my inner thoughts, than count me a hipster
But that's a fucking hipster. I'll drink with 'em, but I sure as hell won't like it.
The paranoia in me says the rich people (hipsters are mostly the children of filthy rich people anyway, so I'm right there) pay these fucks to go into shitty neighborhoods to gentrify the area so the rich people can make boozles off of property down the road. I live in Philly - the east coast hipster capital of the US(Portland being the west coast twin) - and whole heartedly believe this.