Heart of Jenin

http://www.humanrightstv.com/human-righ ... from-jenin
The Heart of Jenin is the story of Ahmed Chatib, a Palestinian boy shot by Israeli soldiers whose father, Ismail Chatib, decided, within twelve hours, to donate his son’s organs to six Israeli children to save their lives.
One and a half years have passed since then. To find out how his deed changed the lives of the recipients’ families, Ismail travels throughout Israel, from its northern hills on the Lebanese border, past the contended Holy City of Jerusalem and up to the edge of the Negev Desert in the south.
The film is a trip through occupied territory and hearts occupied by prejudice. It leads us to the families who have learned to overcome their prejudices and to families who still speak of the misfortune of having to live with the organ of an Arab. It is the story of a humanitarian peace gesture that seemed, for a short instant, to prevail over the insoluble conflict between Israel and Palestine.
http://www.humanrightstv.com/human-righ ... from-jenin
The Heart of Jenin is the story of Ahmed Chatib, a Palestinian boy shot by Israeli soldiers whose father, Ismail Chatib, decided, within twelve hours, to donate his son’s organs to six Israeli children to save their lives.
One and a half years have passed since then. To find out how his deed changed the lives of the recipients’ families, Ismail travels throughout Israel, from its northern hills on the Lebanese border, past the contended Holy City of Jerusalem and up to the edge of the Negev Desert in the south.
The film is a trip through occupied territory and hearts occupied by prejudice. It leads us to the families who have learned to overcome their prejudices and to families who still speak of the misfortune of having to live with the organ of an Arab. It is the story of a humanitarian peace gesture that seemed, for a short instant, to prevail over the insoluble conflict between Israel and Palestine.
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what a loving, compassionate, and generous man Ishmael Chatib is. he had so much genuine affection for the kids he visited. to him, Ahmed's death was not in vain. wouldn't it be great if the israel heirachy would publically pay tribute to Chatib’s generosity and ease of forgiveness for his sons murder? somehow?
let him cross the border without all the bullshit that they have to go through, stop treating them as pieces of shit and damn well acknowledge the fact, that because of his generosity, there are six jewish children alive today. kids who can share Ahmed's organs, but he could never share the dirt beneath their feet.
what else do they want from us?
- Ishmael Chatib
well said. the siege of gaza is barely understood by most people, and its getting disgusting.
these are the stories mainstream media should be reporting, were they not so influenced by israeli propaganda, er marketing campaign. i think they spend $2 billion a year shaping public opinion in the US, taking journalists out to eat, offering them stories, all designed to paint a very twisted picture of reality. which americans eat up.
and even on the so called liberal leftist programs, like the daily show and real time with bill maher are pro israel. there i salmost no dissent when it comes to supporting israel
i wish i could believe that
True. If the U.S joined the rest of the world and stopped unilaterally giving unconditional support to the occupation and bankrolling Israel's illegal land grab then we could perhaps see a positive outcome to this conflict.
minus israels propaganda campaign in the US most people around the world see this siege for what it is. and it will change.
US Vetoes for Israel between 1972 - 2006:
1972 Condemns Israel for killing hundreds of people in Syria and Lebanon in air raids.
1973 Afirms the rights of the Palestinians and calls on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.
1976 Condemns Israel for attacking Lebanese civilians.
1976 Condemns Israel for building settlements in the occupied territories.
1976 Calls for self determination for the Palestinians.
1976 Afirms the rights of the Palestinians.
1978 Criticises the living conditions of the Palestinians.
1978 Condemns the Israeli human rights record in occupied territories.
1979 Calls for the return of all inhabitants expelled by Israel.
1979 Demands that Israel desist from human rights violations.
1979 Requests a report on the living conditions of Palestinians in occupied Arab countries.
1979 Offers assistance to the Palestinian people.
1979 Discusses sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab territories.
1979 To include Palestinian women in the United Nations Conference on Women.
1980 Requests Israel to return displaced persons.
1980 Condemns Israeli policy regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian people.
1980 Condemns Israeli human rights practices in occupied territories. 3 resolutions.
1980 Afirms the right of self determination for the Palestinians.
1981 Condemns Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, human rights policies, and the bombing of Iraq. 18 resolutions.
1982 Condemns the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. 6 resolutions (1982 to 1983).
1982 Condemns the shooting of 11 Muslims at a shrine in Jerusalem by an Israeli soldier.
1982 Calls on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights occupied in 1967.
1984 Condemns Israel for occupying and attacking southern Lebanon.
1985 Condemns Israel for occupying and attacking southern Lebanon.
1985 Condemns Israel for using excessive force in the occupied territories.
1985 Resolutions about cooperation, human rights, trade and development. 3 resolutions.
1986 Condemns Israel for its actions against Lebanese civilians.
1986 Calls on Israel to respect Muslim holy places.
1986 Condemns Israel for sky-jacking a Libyan airliner.
1987 Calls on Israel to abide by the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of the Palestinians.
1987 Calls on Israel to stop deporting Palestinians.
1987 Condemns Israel for its actions in Lebanon. 2 resolutions.
1987 Calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon.
1987 Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States.
1988 Condemns Israeli practices against Palestinians in the occupied territories. 5 resolutions (1988 and 1989).
1989 Opposing the acquisition of territory by force.
1989 Calling for a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict based on earlier UN resoltions.
1990 To send three UN Security Council observers to the occupied territories.
1995 Afirms that land in East Jerusalem annexed by Israel is occupied territory.
1997 Calls on Israel to cease building settlements in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories. 2 resolutions.
2001 To send unarmed monitors to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
2001 To set up the International Criminal Court.
2001 Condemned acts of terror, demanded an end to violence and the establishment of a monitoring mechanism to bring in observers.
2002 On the killing by Israeli forces of several UN employees and the destruction of the World Food Programme (WFP) warehouse.
2003 Demand that Israel halt threats to expel Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
2003 Seeks to bar Israel from extending security fence.
2004 Condemns Israel for killing Ahmed Yassin.
2004 Calls For Israel To Halt Gaza Operation.
2006 Calls For Israel To Halt Gaza Operation.
2006 2. Calls For Israel To Halt Gaza Operation.
holy fuck.