But as nonsensical as the MOOists are, at least they're not the unhinged from Yamcumber, where they make even less sense: "Believeth in me for mine is most excellent way. I knoweth only truth, and partaketh not in deceit; for I am the Yamcumber. I am Alpha and Omega, all that was and ever shall be. Those who findeth in their hearts to succumb to me shalt be saved in a brine, and spared my Wrath which shalt be havocked upon the foolish, smitten nonbelievers." Yamcumber has also published a New Testament, and a bible, The Book of Yam, in which it is said: "After some time God decided that a flood which would last 40 days and 40 nights was necessary to cleanse the world. The Lord told Noah of the oncoming storm, and just to keep from having to work another day in his life, God told Noah to save two of each animal" and soon enough "The Yamcumber began his train of thought with the reasoning that the fruits of the spirit were peace, love, joy, spam, and so on."
I just Googled Yamcumber, and aside from various links to Pearl Jam messages boards, I came across this....
Published in the City Pages (a Minneapolis free paper for music, arts, etc)