State of Love and Trust sheet music HELPPPPP!

Hi everyone! I have posted once before about this- and it seems to be my parallel universe... I wish I could just knock on Ed or Mike's door for this answer- but since I can't... can anyone please help me find the sheet music for State of Love and Trust? I want to use it for a tattoo....thanks! : )
Post edited by Unknown User on
Comments ... /SOLAT.jpg
You have too many beats (seven and a half!) in that 4/4 measure. Then you have a blank measure in between. WTF?
Those mistakes will haunt her if she gets a tattoo of it. :?
Please don't put that on your arm or leg or where ever...
Ah... thanks for the... was that help? I dunno. ... SOLAT2.jpg
I hate sheet music. But that's how it's played... you play 2 F-maj chords, then mute before the A-min chord, which rings out for over a measure. If you have SUGGESTIONS of how to fix it, please, share.
I was commenting upon how it was notated as far as the rhythm is concerned. To put something that's not notated right on your leg is like walking around with a tattoo that's supposed to say "I love Mary" written as "I xlv Nary."
You're almost there with this second version you put up. Now, just TIE the a minor chord over the bar line to a whole note a minor chord. That's the way to show that it's still ringing in the next measure.
And, really, if you want it to be entirely right instead of one half note rest, in this metre you should have the equivalent amount of rest notated with an eighth rest, a quarter and then another eighth. Notice that these rests all add up to the same amount of time as the 2 beat rest you have but this shows where the beats fall in a more clear way. That's why it's the correct way to write out. It groups the notes so the rhythm is easy to see at a glance.
Music notation is fantastic because it is SO specific.
Unfortunately that's not the case when transcribing guitar parts... Some things just can't be properly done that way.
But only because I'm afraid I've just started splitting hairs here:
With this song you'd have to transcibe all the dead-notes and take into consideration that there's more than three notes in each chord, cause it's more or less strummed using all six strings. ... SOLAT3.jpg
And yes, this is a simplified piano 101 type transcription of the song... although the F chord in the intro is a 5th-string barre chord, so it's only 5 notes (F, C, F, A, C). The notation for the full guitar chords would, I think, look sloppy, which is why I chose to use the standard piano chords rather than the guitar chords. Besides, any decent musician who saw this notation would instantly say, "that's an F-maj followed by an A-min, I can do that."
You'd be surprised at how much MORE complicated scores can be (!), but I think for a tattoo, this is plenty of detail.
Do you think the person might have wanted the melody Ed sings though?
Like I said, just splitting hairs here and you're right with what you said (while you still can the F-barre using all six strings without playing a wrong note. You're just adding a low A which is perfectly fine (A, F, A, C, F, A)
Just feeling concerned for someone who might get a permanent tattoo of this and might want to get this as close as possible to how it's actually played. ... SOLAT4.jpg
Edit: Okay, I figured out muted note rakes. Here is (I think) the final version: ... SOLAT5.jpg
I would've charged a graphic design customer $60 for this, so if you don't like it, suck it. I did it for free.
Again: I wasn't trying to mock anyone's work. Just making suggestions and didn't have the time to make a version of my own over the weekend.
Edit: Crap! Forgot the dead-notes in the second part. Will post a corrected version later.
MIG, massive kudos to you for perservering with this. you have more patience than i'll ever have. nice work. Mira Zaki Photo, i hope you at least bring cookies on your return to this thread
I was rushing in and out of the house that day and I really didn't think he needed more than a comment or two. :? :geek: