Just finished Assassin's Creed II...

Freaking incredible. One of the best games I have ever played. I don't want to give anything away, but this one leaves you wanting more for sure, a must buy. If you thought the first one was repetitive (take your time! Mess around! It' still amazing, and it took a LONG time to make, so don't bitch!) your complaints have been answered and then some. I'm a shooter guy primarily, but this game is in my top three for sure, contending for number one. If you've got an Xbox or PS3, you DEFINITELY want to check it out. A little slow at first, but it picks up quickly and is extremely awesome.
Phew, done with that. anyone else play it? what are your thoughts?
Phew, done with that. anyone else play it? what are your thoughts?
September 30th, 2009
Best. Night. Ever.
Best. Night. Ever.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Other than that, excellent game and is 10x better than the first one. It takes everything that was fun about the first one and makes it that much more fun to do. The repetition is gone. The fun has stayed...
A couple other games to look at are Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age and the obvious...Modern Warfare 2.
I have heard it's much better though so I'm pumped to check it out.
I bought the second one when it was released but I want to finish one of the bazillion games I have on the go (Dragon Age, specifically, but talk about a huge game) before I start AC2.
Glad to hear you liked it
you mean the Altair thing, with that crazy lantern? Yeah, that was weird!
Best. Night. Ever.
The girl I know keeps raving to me about those two. Might have to have video game night sometime!
I've been hooked on uncharted 2, but assassin's creed looks pretty cool. if you haven't played the first one, will the second make sense?
Look up the plot for sure. The first is a great game as well, and in my opinion is worth playing if you want to be a little more emotionally invested in the story. If you have an Xbox and Xbox live you can buy the first one directly from the marketplace for really cheap. Many people claimed it was too repetitive, but if you take your time and explore the cities, the repetitive parts (Assassination investigation mission structure) are more spaced out, and honestly, they're pretty fun anyway.
Best. Night. Ever.
Weekend sorted