how many people do you buy gifts for at christmas?

just curious...
i realize so many people have to buy (or choose to buy) for a shit-ton of peeps, and that can add to both the joy and the stress of the holidays. i realize, i find the holidays less and less stressful....and yes, i only buy for 3-4 people, tops. sure, on occasion i pick up something special for a friend, "just because"....but more ofthen than not, just stick to those closest to me: hubby, my mom, my sis and her hubby. that's it. my older sis and her BF/kids, don't exchange anymore. at the most, i used to buy for parents, siblings, siblings BFs/husbands and kids. one year also bought for hubby's family - that was probably the "biggest" year ever, but they don't exchange. i wonder if this is why i just LOVE the holidays so damn much? no stress, no worries, don't spend a ton of's all just fun. hubby and i aren't exchanging any gifts at all this year, not even stocking stuffers. figure, we've got enough this year. so yea, 3 gifts. i'll buy em all next monday.
i stopped doing the massive christmas card thing too. i send out maybe, 10-15 most. i still go crazy decorating the house indoors...tho no more outdoor lights, just some decorations....just pared it all back to what matters most to us. i love giving gifts, but the holidays is just such a bonanza, i prefer gifts at other points of the year. mellow works for us.
interested in how you all go about celebrating, gifting, etc, for the holiday season.
i realize so many people have to buy (or choose to buy) for a shit-ton of peeps, and that can add to both the joy and the stress of the holidays. i realize, i find the holidays less and less stressful....and yes, i only buy for 3-4 people, tops. sure, on occasion i pick up something special for a friend, "just because"....but more ofthen than not, just stick to those closest to me: hubby, my mom, my sis and her hubby. that's it. my older sis and her BF/kids, don't exchange anymore. at the most, i used to buy for parents, siblings, siblings BFs/husbands and kids. one year also bought for hubby's family - that was probably the "biggest" year ever, but they don't exchange. i wonder if this is why i just LOVE the holidays so damn much? no stress, no worries, don't spend a ton of's all just fun. hubby and i aren't exchanging any gifts at all this year, not even stocking stuffers. figure, we've got enough this year. so yea, 3 gifts. i'll buy em all next monday.

interested in how you all go about celebrating, gifting, etc, for the holiday season.
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I am myself like you somehow
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
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I get:
my dad
step mom
step dad
sister 1
chinese sister
sister's boyfriend
roommate's girlfriend
best friend
for my family we ( the GF and I ) buy for 8
for the GF's family we buy for 12 or so.
then we have the friends that we buy for which would be maybe another 5 to 8
oh, we buy for the dog too
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
oh yeah. I forgot him too,
I might bake something and give that as presents to other people sometimes too.
The 24th at night we have a family dinner, we are around 6-8 people usually. And after that we get together with friends, for a few drinks - no more food ugh
We have a BIG Christmas lunch on the 25th, usually around 20 people. So that's the big get together, it takes place at my grandparents house (on my mom's side) - and they go all out, and it is always great fun.
As for decorations, I only do the christmas tree, and may put up a few Christmas things here and there, but my flat is smallish so there is not much room to add stuff. :P
If I knew where it was I would take you there.
this is my thinking.
and believe me, i love giving/getting really thoughtful and special gifts. our celebrations have grown smaller, more mellow, more adult....and we really like it like that. i DO like giving the few gifts that we do, b/c i LOVE wrapping presents...but sure, 3 gifts is more than ample for that fun. and then just good company, good food, good drink.......tis all good.
wolf - that's a whole lotta gifts! wowza!
we don't even buy gifts for the dogs anymore. :P i mean, they are spoiled fucking rotten EVERY day, and sure, we give em extra treats on christmas, but honestly...i just no longer feel the need to buy them some overpriced stocking filled with dogtreats. regular treats suffice.
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I am myself like you somehow
i buy my family one thing for the year to include all relevant days ... so, this year i converted their hot water tank into an on-demand system ... this thing could happen at any point during the year ... and my friends who have kids i've given them a certificate that when they turn 16 they can cash in ... basically, i've put in money every year or so into an account that's accruing a mild interest ... i'm trying to avoid consumerism in general and christmas is the hardest time to do that ...
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
i think that is an AWESOME way to go about it when you have a lot to buy for!
i know my extended family is huge, and both sets of cousins (from my mom's 2 sisters) do something similar. keeps it sane, affordable anfd most importantly....FUN!
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I am myself like you somehow
I have a feeling it might have gone over pretty well though.
Oh I forgot, I also do a thing where I sponsor a low-income kid from my hometown and buy some of the items they want/need. It is a cool program. You wrap it up and the school gives it to their parents anonymously so it's the kid actually receives it from their parents or santa or whatever.
Son + it's his birthday christmas day, so two lots
Nephew (my brothers son, once you have a kid, the kid gets the pressie)
Half brother (who I never actually see)
Nephew on hubbys side
Niece on hubbys side + her partner
6 friends
2 of 1 friends kids
Hubby's brothers step-son
Secret santa at work
Secret santa on here
2 friends also have birthdays in December
I'm usually seriously overdrawn at the bank for Jan & Feb.
Mum & Stepdad
Dad & Stepmum
My 3 brothers
Sis in law
5 nephews
2 nieces
Best friend (& her 2 boys)
And most importantly my 2 monkey kids
Shit thats quite a lot!! and only 2 pay days till xmas ahhhhhhhh
(Edit) Forgot 10C Secret Santa!
My wife
My two kids
God daughter ...
evryone else gets a hand shake ...
-My sister's godmother (my sorta "second mom")
-Girlfriend if I have one...which I don't so I guess I'll save on that this year.
-A wrestling DVD for my cousin who has Downs Syndrome. Got him Macho Man Randy Savage this year.
-Burn a Pearl Jam or other classic rock CD for my aunt.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
People at my office usually give small token gifts ($5-ish)...instead of doing that this year, I will make a donation in their names to Heifer Intl.
My family doesn't do Christmas, so that makes it very easy!
My gf gets the gifts for her family, and they are considered to be from both of us!
4 nieces
She buys.......
2 nephews
and hopefully me!!!!! hehehehehe
Plus her family does some grab bag game......Where you open a gift and you could either keep it....or exchange with someone else......I am sure most of you know what I am talking about.....
So we both have to drop $20 each on that too.........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
We have 3 young daughters....have to make sure all have the same amount of gifts to open. Stocking gifts and bigger gifts.
My Mom and Dad
My wife's Mom and Dad
My Niece and Nephew
I also buy a Nice Bottle of Wine for the 12 Department Heads who Report to me.
My Wife and I stopped doing presents for each other when we had kids. Christmas to us is all about making the kids happy. We started a tradition of Going out for a nice Steak Dinner on the 23rd..before the madness begins......
i remember those days...
and no, not that i have kids, but i remember my mom saying she ALWAYS did this, mostly b/c of my middle sister. and even with us all getting the exact same # of gifts, she always thought mine or my older sister's were "better"..... :roll: hahaha.
since i don't have kids, hubby and i usually do exchange, tho not every year....such as this year.
kinda happy to read that most don't have a crazy amount of people to shop for, way too much stress! i mean, i have 2 sisters, hubby has a sister and brother, add in significant others, any possible children....and it could all get outta hand fast. good to see most stay focused on kids and/or just the 'celebrating' part. really is the BEST part!
we go out for a nice meal christmas eve. we go out often, so it's not too different...but we still like it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
yeah, all in all we spend about 2 thousand at Christmas. 500 on each family, and 500 each ( give or take ) for each other.
last year, rocked ! I had so many great ideas for my GF and got so many great deals that i still had 100 bucks left a few days before christmas , so i just went out and bought her all kinds of really cool small things. that was so much fun for me.
the dogs, we spend about 100 bucks a dog. we wrap the treats up and let them rip them open !!
this will be our first Christmas with just the one dog.
I think we maybe getting a new pup for christmas this year.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
we used to spend that kinda cash as well when we bought for everyone.
we just bought a new imac for ourselves, and while in the store we said 'merry christmas to us!'
we don't normally spend anywhere near that amount on gifts anymore. i find that especially when you are buying only for adults, there really is not much point spedning too much. we pend, at most $100 per person, so roughly, $300. of course, for each other....depending what we want to do/give, it all varies wildly. this year, we'll just give sexual favors to each other i think.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
This year I am all done and the gifts wrapped. Went to the post office and sent the overseas gifts last Saturday.
I always aim to get it done in November to avoid the chaos and then enjoy the run up to x-mas and look forward to watching people open their gifts.
you sound like me...10 years ago.
i used to have all my shopping done, wrapped, cards written out and ready to be sent, all before thanskgiving. that was my cutoff date. nowadays, b/c there's so little to do, we now take the first week of december off together, have some fun, and do all our christmas stuff.
i'm starting to get into the whole spirit of the holidays - one more day - woooohooo!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I would buy these 32 people the cheapest, but nicest thing I could. Even if I found good deals, it was costly. I ended up hating Christmas.
If it were up to me, I wouldn't have anything to do with it, but my bf loves the decorations. Its funny. Its almost like he never had them as a kid. He acts like a kid.
So, I do decorate for him, but no gifts, even to each other.
1. family member
2. best friend
3/4. co-workers..I buy for the 2 people I work with in my dept.
5. co-worker in name drawing
the office usually gets gifts for the partners but I only have to worry about putting in my share of the money, someone else does the shopping
and I have the get a b-day gift for my sister whose b-day is right after christmas
--Or- if while I'm shopping I see something that I think is really cool that reminds me of a friend or relative, I'll pick it up. Those seem to always be the coolest gifts anyway.
Just wait til next year and you'll have a baby to spoil too!!!
I tried to stretch it last year but it just felt like some people didn't appreciate it or me.
So it makes it easier this year,
best friend, boy friend, mom and dad, brother, dog,
and of course maybe some little prezzies for some other friends.