man, have fun...Im patiently waiting for them to come back and play somewhere near me. definitely a cant miss show
Have you heard their new album? I only got a chance to listen to it on their myspace. Sounds decent. Honestly, I don't think they can put out bad music - pretty basic, yet bad ass.
Comments ... orcatid=60
It's gonna get weird. Sweet.
Check it...
It indeed was fucking awesome. I dropped an E bomb during that shit. I think I was humping the walls.
Have you heard their new album? I only got a chance to listen to it on their myspace. Sounds decent. Honestly, I don't think they can put out bad music - pretty basic, yet bad ass.
Seattle, 12.7.93
Salt Lake, 6.21.98
Mountain View, 10.30.99
Mountain View, 10.31.99
Boise, 11.3.00
Portland, 9.26.09