PJ at Eastern Creek sydney

fanofedfanofed Mid North Coast Posts: 77
edited November 2009 in The Porch
Hello, is there anyone out there who was at this amazing concert? at Eastern Creek RacewayAustralia,? in or around 93-94 i still have my ticket somewhere,a band called the Meanies supported them.Our view was from afar and we could see the steam rising up off people in the mosh pit,the gig went for a hour or so but leaving the gig took longer there was only 1-2 gates and everone was trying to leave via them in there cars, people were being very patient & kept there cool as they were, on a high.Let me know if you were there? ;)
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  • threefish10threefish10 Posts: 7,392
    wasn't there but it was 1995
    condescending and sarcastic since 1980
  • ToneTone Posts: 1,206
    :wave: I was there! It was March 11, 1995... it is incorrectly listed as "Sydney Entertainment Centre" in the tour section (Syd Ent Cen was March 10, 1995). That was one crazy friggin concert... 42,000 people wedged in. I have never before (nor since) seen steam like that rising off the pit... you could barely see the band! I remember Ed stopping the show a few times cause people needed water and threatening to walk off the stage if security didn't start getting water to people immediately. For the rest of the show, all you saw were whole water bottles being thrown into the crowd.

    So, it was the Meanies and someone else also opened... was it the Hard Ons? I can't remember, I just remember the crowd getting very restless through the second support act and thousands of people flipping off the stage cause everyone just wanted PJ. Also, Ed wandered onto the stage around 4pm and said: "Wow, there's alot of you!" and did Throw Your Arms Around Me... just awesome! :D
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive.
  • What a day!! It was my first PJ concert and I thought at one stage it was going to be my last...ever. I've been in some intense mosh pits over the years but that took top prize. After getting to Eastern Creek early we were right up the front. My recollection is everyone going ####ing nuts, steaming bodies, crowd surfing, docs to the head, dehydatration, moving 10 metres without my feet touching the ground and I remember looking behind me at the second section barrier being pushed nearly over by thousands of maniacs with a army of security guards attempting to keep it upright. I thought if that barrier goes over we are sardines. Fortunately the barrier stayed up, the water came and PJ continued to go off big time. Awesome album...legendary gig.
  • ToneTone Posts: 1,206
    Yeah, it was completely bonkers... I couldn't handle that mosh at all, I tried but ultimately moved way back and would have been at least 150m from the stage and it was still completely insane.
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive.
  • I was sure it was The Cosmic Psychos that played there with them.
    A group of us girls went both nights, my gosh how different the two nights were.... Eastern Creek/Entertainment center!

    Eastern Creek WOW blown away, the sound was magic there it was perfect, great crowd... I remember thinking how muddy it was there, gosh I got that all wrong when we went back to eastern creek for Alternative Nation, man that was MUDDY!

    For the following night at the Entertainment Center we were seated & not very good seats at all, The guy I was sitting next to ( diddn't know him) just got up & said he was going to try & get onto the dance floor(GA).
    We said good luck with that :lol:
    Within ten mins he was up ON STAGE dancing with Eddie :shock: :o:D ..then taken off :( ... but what a champ , we could not believe that he mastered all that FREAK how awesome!
    Sydney ♥ March 10, 1995
    Sydney ♥ March 11, 1995
    Melbourne ♥ November 20, 2009
    To be continued... March 25, 2011 EV Solo Yeeeeeeeew!
  • ToneTone Posts: 1,206
    Actually, the Entertainment Centre show was the night before Eastern Creek... March 10th ;) Only the first 7 rows of seats were taken off the floor... my friends had row 6 seats and they snuck me down there :D Both shows were amazing!

    BTW, LMAO I went to Alternative Nation out there too... that was truly disgusting! Holy mud and rain. Gross!
    Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive.
  • Paddie12Paddie12 Posts: 22
    I went to both Sydney Shows! Eastern Creek was my favourite Australian concert out of every Aussie PJ tour. 
    I wasn’t in GA at Eastern Creek, but found myself right at the back of GA where security were randomly helping women that were struggling in the crowd. A couple of women were rescued and lifted over into GA section and sat next to security to get there breath back. I thought “This is my chance!” I performed my best acting roll to date. The security guard saw me struggling and lifted me over the barracade and sat me next to him. I thanks him. As soon as he looked away to help others. I got up and headed as far into GA crowd as possible. It was absolutely crazy! I could actually lift my feet off the ground and not fall down. The crowd would surge in different directions and you just had to go with it. I had the time of my life, no regrets at all
  • I was at Eastern Creek too! Didn't get to the Entertainment Centre that year unfortunately, but Eastern Creek was amazing. Some mates and I who were in Year 12 drove down from the Central Coast so was a pretty big day for us. To this day, one of the my all time highlights. Still vividly remember Jack kicking off Last Exit.
    Came across my ticket and this newspaper clipping recently:
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