Lets Play A Game

A word associated game...
1st Name your favorite color then 3 adjectives why:
2nd Your favorite animal then 3 adjectives why:
3rd your favorite body of water (ocean, waterfall, tub etc..) 3 adjectives why:
4th If you were trapped in a all white room no door just a window that you can see entirety out of, name 3 adjectives on how you feel:
I will PM what the 4 questions relate too.
1st Name your favorite color then 3 adjectives why:
2nd Your favorite animal then 3 adjectives why:
3rd your favorite body of water (ocean, waterfall, tub etc..) 3 adjectives why:
4th If you were trapped in a all white room no door just a window that you can see entirety out of, name 3 adjectives on how you feel:
I will PM what the 4 questions relate too.
Tour with fucking NOFX