Former Miss California Update...

She's back... Miss Prejean has her new book on the shelves today.
It's probably best if she just shut up already and married some rich old guy for money... 'Values'... my ass. ... cnn_latest
It's probably best if she just shut up already and married some rich old guy for money... 'Values'... my ass. ... cnn_latest
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Hail, Hail!!!
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Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
If you ask me... if anything, Beauty Pagents are contributors to women being viewed as sexual object.
Also... anyone want to make odds on the male hairdressers, make-up artists and seamstresses that do her hair, make-up and evening gowns and costumes for those pagents being gay or straight? I'm placing my money on Gay... any takers?
I'm pretty sure she has worked close with them and relied on their work for her success... but, she doesn't want them to be able to marry?
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm hoping they show up on the Free porn websites... pretty soon. I hope that at least one of them involved a Sybian.
Hail, Hail!!!
All happens for the best I'm sure she will do fine- finer than being his Miss USA
hypocrisy is a big word for her...if one told her she was one, she'd cock her head like a confused dog and smoke would start coming out of her ears..and then she'd tell ya you were being inappropriate
Miss Prejean had a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Miss California Pageant. They fired her, not because of her feelings on Gay Marriage, but because of her failure to show up at pageant sponsored events (dinners, parades, etc...) and such... the Pageants make money and gain advertising from these events.
The Video Tapes surfaced in the negotiations with the lawyers. Once she found out that the lawyers found out about the tapes... she dropped her lawsuit. She knew about the tapes beforehand... yet, filed a lawsuit, in the hopes that they would never surface. The participants sign up for these pageants stating they have not and will not participate in porn.
All Larry King asked was 'what was the motivation of her dropping the lawsuit?' She deemed that question as inappropriate. Inappropriate because her motivation shows her as a money grubbing, sue-happy, self-tittled "victim".
Like I said.. I have no problem with her sexuality... of even her opinions... it's the whole, Family Values bullshit where I'm a bad guy because i like porn and I like banging girls i'm not married to. I don't care who doing who... not my job. Just, I feel that if you are going to condemn someone or something... it's best that you are not the thing you are condemning.
Hail, Hail!!!
you say that like womanizing is a bad thing.
would that i had the same effect on me... i'm not joking
Which is fine. I don't wish Miss Prejean any ill will. I just feel she needs to accept her loss and a loss... like any other pageant contestant that isn't crowned.
As I stated, the only problem i have with Miss Prejean is her credibility. She lost the Miss Universe Pageant and tried to blame in on her stance on Gay Marriage. Who know is that is the truth? Would she have still lost had she not made that statement? We don't know.
Then, she tried to parlay that into a political thing... and tried to sue, based on that. She sold herself as this righteous, vitruous Christian woman who got swept out the door by some sort of anti-Christian 'Gay Agenda'.
She knew about her past... the skeletons in her closet... yet, she STILL went through with her lawsuit. When she realized that the opposing lawyers knew her lawsuit was a sham and could prove it in court... she dropped it. Otherwise, she probably would have continued playing that role as a persecuted Christian victim thing towards a multi-million dollar payday.
Again, I have no problem with her... other than that. I may not agree with her opinions, but I respect them. And I am not making moral judgements against her... just pointing out her character and decision making. Nothing wrong with masterbation... everyone does it (and anyone who tells you they don't is either a liar or a Eunuch), I don't have a problem with her sending out her homemade videos or her sex life. That's all her call. If anything, I would think is less of so-called Christians that would abandon her because she made the sex tapes.
But, blaming porn for women's self-image problems, as stated in her book... from a beauty pageant contestant that makes porn videos... destroys her credibility. And that whole, Christian Family Values thing she was selling... that's fine, as long as Good Christian Family values includes making videos of yourself, strumming your banjo and having pre-marital sex.
As for Anna-Nicole Smith... that was a tragic story with a predictable ending.
Hail, Hail!!!
just because she believes they should not be allowed to marry does not mean she does not like them. :roll:
then why isnt this approach applied to homosexuality? maybe by trying to marry or pursue their relationship, they're keeping christ more in their hearts. why is it ok to break the rules of religion on sex if you're straight, but not if you're gay?
Personally I see both sides of the gay marriage issue and say let the the states decide. I think if you don't like what was decided in your state after the vote- move. But then I also think its a slow evolution of humanity to same sex eventually a no sex human race- not to bum anyone out. I believe if we are allowed to continue, which looks increasingly less likely, we will evolve into the best qualities of man and woman - made in the image of our maker God.
Its Evolution Baby!
Then, that same excuse can apply to the following statement, right?
"I don't think black people and white people should be able to marry because I don't believe in the mixing of the bloods. I am not against black people... i have some black employees and i like them. i just don't think they should be able to marry... inter-racially."
I know... race vs. sexual orientation... but the basic premise is the same. Liking a person and believing in what they can and can't do.
Hail, Hail!!!
I don't have any problems with her opinions on gay marriage. I don't care about pre-marital sex, who's doing what to who... or themselves.
The only problem I have... is when people, like Miss Prejean, says in her book stuff like porn is the reasons why our country is headed in the direction it is... while participating in it. I just have problems believing people that will claim to be one thing... and prove they are the thing that are against. She is also trying to blame her answer as to the reason WHY she lost te contest. Maybe the true answer is... the other contestant won. Simple as that.
Hail, Hail!!!
3rd question:
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me