The nerve of these guys! Karzai ‘wins’ anyway

Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
edited November 2009 in A Moving Train ... am-bowles/

The nerve of these guys! Karzai ‘wins’ anyway By William Bowles

4 November 2009

Have you ever seen anything more outrageous? Talk about double standards! For weeks the BBC bombarded us with outrage concerning the elections in Iran with wall-to-wall coverage of the protests and predicting some other kind of ‘colour’ revolution, a green one this time (what will USAID, NDI, Freedom House, George Soros et al do, when they run out of colours?).[1]

“Millions of Iranians simply did not believe the result. The main demand of the protesters has been an annulment of the result and an election re-run.” — ‘Q&A: Iran election aftermath’, BBC News, 22 June, 2009

Compare the BBC’s squeals of outrage over the Iranian elections with how the BBC ‘delicately’ deals with the Afghan elections. No wall-to-wall coverage of Afghan outrage over a stolen election. Instead,

“There was no further reference to fraud. It was pointed out that the figures were more or less in line with the opinion polls – President Karzai, the candidate of the majority Pashtun people, in the high 40s and Dr Abdullah in the low 30s.” — ‘Karzai back in favour – conditionally’, BBC News, 2 November, 2009

More or less? And pointed out by whom? Reading ‘between the lines’ here the BBC is actually telling its readers that Karzai is ‘our man in Kabul’ whether crooked or not. Then the BBC, ever faithful mouthpiece for the Empire informs us that the first ‘condition’,

“…is that the Afghan government has to start taking a lead in security operations. This was already one of the conditions attached to the British government’s decision in principle to increase its forces by 500 to 9,500.

“But it goes well beyond that into a strategic necessity. The international forces have to be seen as acting in support of the Afghan government and not the other way round.” — ibid

So, just like the ‘election’ it’s not the reality that counts but how things are seen as far as the BBC is concerned. Government? What government?

“The second is that there have to be moves to end corruption and get better government.” — ibid

Fat chance! The ‘election’ that got Karzai ‘elected’ in the first place was a fix. Corruption? Karzai’s brother is a high-up in in the opium trade, a trade worth around $65 billion a year (around 2% gets interdicted)! The CIA are up to their necks in opium and have been so since the days of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

“U.S. officials had refused to investigate charges of heroin dealing by its Afghan allies ‘because U.S. narcotics policy in Afghanistan has been subordinated to the war against Soviet influence there.’ In 1995, the former CIA director of the Afghan operation, Charles Cogan, admitted the CIA had indeed sacrificed the drug war to fight the Cold War. ‘Our main mission was to do as much damage as possible to the Soviets. We didn’t really have the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,’… ‘I don’t think that we need to apologize for this. Every situation has its fallout…. There was fallout in terms of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan.”[2]

The paradox of requesting a corrupt government to end its own corruption is of course studiously avoided. And what of the hated Taliban?

““US negotiators had offered the Taliban leadership through Mullah Wakil Ahmed Mutawakkil (former Taliban foreign minister) that if they accept the presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan, they would be given the governorship of six provinces in the south and northeast,” a senior Afghan Foreign Ministry official told requesting anonymity for not being authorized to talk about the sensitive issue with the media.”” — ‘US Offers Taliban 6 Provinces for 8 Bases’, Uruk Net 2 November, 2009

What is going on here!? On the one hand we have our glorious leader G Brown telling us that in slaughtering Afghanis and getting his troops killed, it’s all about stopping the Taliban/al-Qu’eda from taking over the UK, and on the other hand he’s trying to do deals with the (formerly hated?) Taliban, offering to swap bases for provinces like it’s a game of Monopoly!

And then in another story that reinforces the proffered deal it is clear that the US intend to stay in Afghanistan regardless of ‘elections’ fixed or otherwise.[3]

The BBC’s scandalous ‘news’ reports on events in Afghanistan are more of a coverup than coverage. But in a story today on the BBC Website we finally get to hear from Abdullah Abdullah, Karzai’s opponent in the fraudulent elections.

“Former Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah has said Hamid Karzai’s re-election is “illegal”.


“BBC correspondents say it is difficult to assess the motives for Dr Abdullah’s remarks at this point, or whether they might be seen as a call to action by his supporters.” — ‘Karzai poll victory ‘is illegal’’, BBC News, 4 November, 2009

Difficult to assess? But clearly the elections were fixed, of that there is no doubt, so why the difficulty? Amazing, when it comes to assessing motives in Iran the BBC is not short of words (or pictures) but in a country that has been invaded and thousands of its people slaughtered, allegedly to install ‘democracy’, the Beeb is suddenly bereft of explanations as to why Abdullah Abdullah says the elections were stolen.


1. For more on ‘colour revolutions’ see ‘Colour-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III Part 2’ By Andrew Gavin Marshall

2. See ‘War, the CIA and Narco-Trafficking Afghanistan, American Drug Colony’ By MIKE WHITNEY, Counterpunch, 8 September, 2004.

Chossudovsky, Michel. “Who Is Osama Bin Laden?”.

3. See ‘What’s the US objective in Afghanistan?’, “Pentagon officials are going public with a plan to set-up indefinitely in the region.” Real News Network, 3 November, 2009
don't compete; coexist

what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
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  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    you cant be surprised surely??
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    I can see Karzai becoming the Saddam Hussein of Afghanistan.
    For a country that calls itself the most advanced nation in the world... we are so fucking stupid at times. We constantly support these power hungry guys and wonder why it turns to shit on us. I believe we should cut our losses over there and bring our guys home.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can see Karzai becoming the Saddam Hussein of Afghanistan.
    For a country that calls itself the most advanced nation in the world... we are so fucking stupid at times. We constantly support these power hungry guys and wonder why it turns to shit on us. I believe we should cut our losses over there and bring our guys home.
    absolutely agreed.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Pepe, that makes for some good commentary on your part:) But yeah, this is ridiculous shit, and unfortunately not everyone sees it for what it truly is... Before Benazir Bhutto was shot in Pakistan, the Western media was so fuckin supportive of her, it was infuriating, cuz by then she was well infamous for having ripped the country off... but as she was female, and givin the US/UK all the love they needed, she was made into a fuckin martyr after her death when she was anythin but...
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can see Karzai becoming the Saddam Hussein of Afghanistan.
    For a country that calls itself the most advanced nation in the world... we are so fucking stupid at times. We constantly support these power hungry guys and wonder why it turns to shit on us. I believe we should cut our losses over there and bring our guys home.

    Don't disagree ... In fact, I think it might be too much to assume that people in these states are even capable of regulating themselves in a truly democratic fashion. Heck, politicians in WESTERN countries can't even keep their noses clean ... How is this going to happen in a place where the basic value of democracy doesn't even exist?
  • acrossssSsssshitttacrossssSsssshittt Posts: 1,014
    edited November 2009
    Cosmo wrote:
    I can see Karzai becoming the Saddam Hussein of Afghanistan.
    For a country that calls itself the most advanced nation in the world... we are so fucking stupid at times. We constantly support these power hungry guys and wonder why it turns to shit on us. I believe we should cut our losses over there and bring our guys home.

    Don't disagree ... In fact, I think it might be too much to assume that people in these states are even capable of regulating themselves in a truly democratic fashion. Heck, politicians in WESTERN countries can't even keep their noses clean ... How is this going to happen in a place where the basic value of democracy doesn't even exist?

    well, that's exactly why democracy is not the only known system of governance nor is it the only sound system of governance...fuckin far from it! If it works for some countries, fine, but it clearly ought not to be fuckin imposed on nations, parts of which or which entirely, are in a very different (and not necessarily backward) age, with different cultures... cuz its imposition is just madly ironic...and many of "the people in these states" are at least capable of thinking for themselves and revolting against their governments when they believe in their cause, or just generally expressing their opposition in a significant manner, as opposed to sittin quietly and takin all the shit, or not givin a shit, just because they're being run by a so called "democratic" government... the fact that Western politicians can;t keep their noses clean is hardly surprising... at the end of the day, they're all the fuckin same with a few exceptions...
    Post edited by acrossssSsssshittt on
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    well, that's exactly why democracy is not the only known system of governance nor is it the only sound system of governance...fuckin far from it! If it works for some countries, fine, but it clearly ought not to be fuckin imposed on nations, parts of which or which entirely, are in a very different (and not necessarily backward) age, with different cultures... cuz its imposition is just madly ironic...and many of "the people in these states" are at least capable of thinking for themselves and revolting against their governments when they believe in their cause as opposed to sittin quietly and takin all the shit, or not givin a shit, just because they're being run by a so called "democratic" government... the fact that Western politicians can;t keep their noses clean is hardly surprising... at the end of the day, they're all the fuckin same with a few exceptions...

    Well, basically I agree ... I think I'd take a stronger position on the value of democracy and say that its the best form of governance yet evolved by humankind ... IF its freely chosen and something that people believe in. It cannot be forced on people who have a different way of doing things that might work for them.
  • well, that's exactly why democracy is not the only known system of governance nor is it the only sound system of governance...fuckin far from it! If it works for some countries, fine, but it clearly ought not to be fuckin imposed on nations, parts of which or which entirely, are in a very different (and not necessarily backward) age, with different cultures... cuz its imposition is just madly ironic...and many of "the people in these states" are at least capable of thinking for themselves and revolting against their governments when they believe in their cause as opposed to sittin quietly and takin all the shit, or not givin a shit, just because they're being run by a so called "democratic" government... the fact that Western politicians can;t keep their noses clean is hardly surprising... at the end of the day, they're all the fuckin same with a few exceptions...

    Well, basically I agree ... I think I'd take a stronger position on the value of democracy and say that its the best form of governance yet evolved by humankind ... IF its freely chosen and something that people believe in. It cannot be forced on people who have a different way of doing things that might work for them.

    Fair enough... but i don't see real and genuine democracy being applied in practice in Western countries... i 've travelled to the US and many European countries, and don't get me wrong, i think they're great in many different respects... the people, the cultures, the struggles of the common man (which i've seen are just universal at the end of the day, no matter where you're from)etc... but as far as goverment goes, half of most 1st world populations (i.e those opposed to the incumbent govts, but not necessarily) are being ripped off, and being fed lies, just as much as the people of the 3rd world... only difference is, the "democratic" leaders tend to get away with a lot more under the guise of being such... and the i therefore pity the sufferers in the 1st world all the more... i'm talkin about different sections of society, from the common homeless guy, to the intellectual and hardcore opponent of the government...

    it goes beyond the mere right to vote... it's also about the electoral process, and what happens when the voted are in power, and then how accountable they are... i don;t mean any offence here, but it is no secret that among others, US presidents, UK prime ministers, etc , once in power often have the resources to play the system like there;s no tomorrow... not givin a rats ass about the concerns of large sections of their own people and silencing their opponents in all kinds of ways, whether it;s bribery or gettin people whacked or what not... that's all I'm saying... if you really dig into the politics of a western government, you;ll see that... as to the principle of democracy itself, well, principles are always something to be admired just like all religions... it's when the shit's applied in practice, that things usually fall apart...
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