Need to vent about my night Saturday 10/31......

Two guys directly behind me (Section 314a, 10c tickets) actually told me to sit down just before the first encore started.....which really caught me off guard....I declined, saying that I wanted to stand. They yelled back at me, and I quote, "dude, everyone is sitting!" At that point I bluntly told them Im not fucking sitting at a Pearl Jam concert (unless Ed himself asks me to). This wasn't a middle aged couple, these were two 20 something year old guys.....
They then proceeded to talk shit (yelling/swearing, calling me asshole, dickhead,etc...) and heckle me all throughout Just Breathe, The End, Low Light, and Speed of Sound. They finally stood up (along w/ the rest of the section) when the first notes of Jeremy hit....
Absolutely ruined the first encore for me.........not only was I fuming, but for the rest of the show I actually didn't feel even feel safe w/ having my back turned to these idiots. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but still......I was seriously bracing myself for a shove or punch to the back of the head.
Lost my good vibes for the rest of the show (same w/ my girlfriend), even though we tried to re-focus on the magic that was taking place. Just couldn't get it back again.
Both me and my girlfriend had already missed out on about 5-6 songs in the first set, between just trying to take a piss and then not being able to find our seats again (arena was very poorly lit / signed, ushers actually sent us to the wrong section more than twice, tons of people in the aisles).
On top of that, we both fell down the f'n stairs on separate occasions.
I'd give anything to have that night back..........Friday's show / atmosphere (Section 214) was honestly the best I have ever been a part of, and we were more excited than ever for Saturday's show.
I'm not just trying to bitch here (we all know we have enough of that going on already), as I'm still thrilled that we even made it in the building. Just a whole lot of stupid shit really detracted from a great show.
They then proceeded to talk shit (yelling/swearing, calling me asshole, dickhead,etc...) and heckle me all throughout Just Breathe, The End, Low Light, and Speed of Sound. They finally stood up (along w/ the rest of the section) when the first notes of Jeremy hit....
Absolutely ruined the first encore for me.........not only was I fuming, but for the rest of the show I actually didn't feel even feel safe w/ having my back turned to these idiots. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but still......I was seriously bracing myself for a shove or punch to the back of the head.
Lost my good vibes for the rest of the show (same w/ my girlfriend), even though we tried to re-focus on the magic that was taking place. Just couldn't get it back again.
Both me and my girlfriend had already missed out on about 5-6 songs in the first set, between just trying to take a piss and then not being able to find our seats again (arena was very poorly lit / signed, ushers actually sent us to the wrong section more than twice, tons of people in the aisles).
On top of that, we both fell down the f'n stairs on separate occasions.
I'd give anything to have that night back..........Friday's show / atmosphere (Section 214) was honestly the best I have ever been a part of, and we were more excited than ever for Saturday's show.
I'm not just trying to bitch here (we all know we have enough of that going on already), as I'm still thrilled that we even made it in the building. Just a whole lot of stupid shit really detracted from a great show.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sorry to hear that. I, too, had a problem finding seats Wednesday. My friend and I were on the floor, and the Spectrum seating chart showed 106 to be on Mike's side. After getting bad directions twice, we finally found the seats on Stone's side. I also had major problems navigating the steps, and several people bumped into me at the top of a 300 level for Friday (the seats were right near a 400-level exit).
Sucks that you had a crappy night because of a couple of assholes who thought they had the right to decide when people sit and when they stand :( :x :( Don't let it ruin your memories of an awesome show!
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
This really wasn't necessary. I hope you're kidding...or maybe you're one of the guys that the OP is talking about :?: :roll:
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
explain to me how what i said was wrong in any way?
Your observations seem harmless to me. I guess Tangerine must feel that that is info the OP didn't need to hear?
I don't know if I would want to know that, or if I would just be better off not knowing?
And to the OP. Sorry those jack asses brought your experience down.
to the OP if you were offended knowing what they did my bad. meant nothing by it other than to corroborate your characterization of them being dicks. i mean they took pictures in the dark of an ass with pants on. it's not something you should flip out over but it does go to show these guys have no class.
I just thought it was unnecessary to make someone feel even worse about their night. I didn't honestly think you were one of the guys. I would hope the majority of people on here have a little more class than that. Sorry if you were offended, but I think some things are better left unsaid.
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
at least no one fell on your head like that other poor guy
The guy behind was yelling "Lets go Yankees" in my ear the ENTIRE SHOW!!!!!!! :wtf: SOoooooo annoying!!!!!
When he wasnt yelling for the Yankees he was....
* asking everyone around him what the score was (wish he woulda just gone to the game!)
* sitting down YELL talking to his drunk girlfriend sitting next to him
* asking us who JEFF AMENT was when he took the mic :shock:
* only singing along to JEREMY (shocking I know!)
* PHYSICALLY pushing my hands down when they were up in the air rockin out.
* and finally, SPILLING BEER ALL OVER MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
Seriously! I have NEVER had that happen at a show before! I was pissed..,...and thats a hard way to get me...but this douche dude done did it...and at a PJ SHOW NO LESS! WTF??!?! I've heard people have their douche stories but I'd never experienced this first hand! I had no idea how to deal with it. You want so badly for it not to effect you, but I couldnt help it, he was making it PHYSICALLY impossible for me not to be effected!!!! Finally at one point I got in "FUCK IT" mode and decided to just tune him out. By this time my hair, my purse and my entire area was drenched in his beer anyways so SCREW IT!!!! I kept my distance and prayed that he didnt touch me one more time!! I would have had to start rocking out with some fists aimed in his direction1
Whew ok....that felt good.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
That said...with it being the last night...not sure they woulda done anything about it so I think you did the right thing Lydi. I'm glad you got to have a good time despite that asshole.
In another thread...the woman Ed handed his wine bottle to said she was physically assaulted outside the building after the show and had her wine bottle the dude who sat beside her and her friend in the front row!!!
She gave him sips during the show and everything and THIS is how that ASSHOLE repaid her!!
As for me...In the time between Bad Religion and PJ lazy bastards kept using my row as a through way even though there was people in it...cause they were too damn lazy to walk to their own section!! I was getting real pissed as the show got closer cause I was trying to mentally get into my zone and I was also trying to have a conversation with someone. I kept trying to tell people to go around but they wouldn't listen and the guy I was talking to I think hated that I got so upset. In hindsight I shoulda let it go...but I was going on VERY little sleep so my overtiredness too over. My apologies to those around me during that time.
A few mins before the band came on a dude (had a guest pass with booms name on it..and looked Samoan so was prob related to Boom) was joking with his friend and accidentally spilled beer all over the left side of my body and on the bag my poster was in (poster was fine). Sadly my camera was in my left hand and it got soaked...and didn't work the rest of the night :( (It was working fine during Bad Religion). The guy did a apologize profusely as did his wife. He and the guy I was talking to tried to help me clean up and clean my camera. I was good about it (didn't know the camera wasn't gonna work lol). The guys wife turned and handed me a Mike pick a little while later. (the new backspacer one) that was cool.
I managed to still rock out and have a good time even without a working camera.
I think someone is trying to tell me something. hehe Camera gets stolen in Toronto. I replace it with the same model..and it gets drenched in beer and stops working. Not meant to have this camera perhaps?!?! lol
There were lots of people in the aisles but security was pretty good in my section (216). They cleaned house a few times.
I almost got knocked down the stairs by some douchebag barreling down to his seats...thank God there was a guy standing in the aisle at that point cause he grabbed my elbows and pulled me back so I wouldn't fall. Good reflexes!! lol.
There were all kinds at the show.
Still managed to have a great time and got a setlist from a kind stagehand/roadie.
to the op, i would have done the same thing if someone behind me told me to sit at a PJ show.
if EV asks us to sit that is one thing, some D Bag sitting behind me... it ain't gonna happen. sorry.
to the other, if someone put their grubby paws on me to put my arms down, there would have been a problem for sure. If they would have done that to my GF , i probably would have spent the night in jail. you dont touch someone, plain and simple.
it sucks to hear these things.
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to not question your government is unpatriotic."
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