"Kirtik"- that wasnt cool what you did @ Spectrum 4

Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
edited November 2009 in All Encompassing Trip
After responding to my post about my extra fanclub ticket for sale,
we met at the pickup windows at Spectrum ..

Little did I know that you had your own agenda .

Still dont know exactly what happoened , but whatever.

We met as planned at 10C ticket windows.
You straightened out with me, and we both talked about how excited we were to be going to the show.

I told you I needed to go back to my car , to change and to take some medication.
We told each other we'd meet back at the seats. It was only about 7PM .

At 734 Pm you texted me
Despite being in a worse seat back here, I think I want to be with my friends . Would you mind if I traded the seat with the person next to them ?

I couldnt believe my eyes so I responded with Huh ?

741 pm

As i I give the seat you sold me to the person sitting next to my friends . Its way better so Im sure he/or she will accept ,...

I sent back a " ? "

then finally at 8pm:

I'm not certain by the way .They have to agree and might be good friends or a couple or something .Thanks tho, hope its cool ,...

I was at my seat by this time and was very happy with my seats.
I thought to myself how glad I was that I took seat 16 for myself, as it was indeed on the aisle .
I had given 15 to Kirtik , so he was one seat in the row.
About 815 pm a young man showed up at the seat, and he told me he had traded with Kirtik.
He did not use Kirtik by name , only " the guy you sold your ticket to" .
It was at this point the guy said how incredible these seats were, and how did I get them?
He then went on about how he was with his buddy, and it was his buddies first time to see Pearl Jam . He had the balls to ask me to deliver his ticket ( the very same ticket I had sold to Kirtik about an hour ago ) to his buddy waiting for him at the top of the long stairway up top, so that he could squeeze into our spot of 2 seats ( that wouldve been 3 in 2 seats ) I said sorry - I dont want any part of that .
So off he went .

Dont you know just a few short minutes later, the guy returns with his buddy, and they try to get away with jamming in there in our spot. I said hey man , wheres your seat ? He held up the ticket I had sold to Kirtik, and said right here.
I said look guys, theres 2 bodies here but only 1 ticket . One of you gotta take a walk .

The had a revolving door of people all night long, trying to maneuver and maniplaualte the situation. Maybe they thought I was consuming large quantities of alcohol or something ( I wasnt ) and wouldnt notice different faces.
The 10 Clubbers around me started getting pissed .
The couple beside us ( seats 13 and 14 ) said WTFs going on here, man ?
Even the man behind me commented, " You handled that alot better than I would have " ,...

The moral of the story is to be cautious who you sell your ticket to .
And even then , NOTHING IS FOR SURE.
I recovered all of my money, but that wasnt the most of it. The show was interupted constantly , and ruined parts of the show for that little section all night .

The money for the ticket isnt everything, but the show itself is .

"Kartik" , the fact that you texted me with the messages showed you felt some guilt or knew that it was totally not on the up and up .
Instant charmas gonna get you.

Next time, I think I'll be better off taking up the 2 seats I purchased on my own ,
then I can give up the seat to whomever I want , or not give them up to anyone if i feel so inclined.
I think i might be better off.

Be careful 10 Clubbers- there are alot of slugs out there.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
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  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    we're surrounded by assholes :twisted:
  • kirtik is an asshole
  • KartsKarts Posts: 120

    I am the one who you sold your ticket to.

    I did 12 shows this tour and get along real well with many people in the fan club. There are many who I've met who can vouch for me but I don't need to be defended because this has to be some misunderstanding.

    1. I messaged you asking for a ticket and a ride back to NY. You sold me the ticket and agreed to give me a ride. I said I'd chip in for gas and tolls.

    2. I met up with you and bought your ticket, and everything was cool.

    3. I meet up with my friends in a worse section (still 10c) at the back of the venue, and realize that I could sit next to them, trading my better ticket. I didn't have to ask you if that's cool, I had the ticket in hand. But I did, as you saw in the messages. I wasn't sure if people would agree to the trade as they may be a couple and it's only one ticket.

    4. The two on the right of my friends did not agree as they are a couple and I only had one ticket, they didn't want to be seperated. That is why I sent the follow up message saying I'm not certain.

    5. The two on the left of my friends came in and I asked them and one of them said yes, not a problem. We traded and his friend continued sitting next to me, as agreed.

    That's where this ends from my perspective. I traded with one person, story over. Now what it seems happened is that that 10c member gave the same ticket to others and got many in the row. I guess I can apologize for that and if it makes you feel better, I do. But I was completely removed at this point with my ticket at the back.

    Moreover, I didn't get a ride with you back to NY, but yesterday I sent you an email still offering to pay you for my share of gas and tolls as I had promised. Not much more I can do.

    Anyway, the show was great and I'm sorry you had to deal with a lot of people squeezing into your row based on what was originally my ticket. It wasn't my intention.

    Hope things are clear now.
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Crazy stories coming out EVERYWHERE.

    just want to say that if you ever do a deal with me for tix I AM TRUSTWORTHY!!!! :D
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    sounds like the stories match ... what it boils down to is he/she had to deal with some jerks because of the ticket sold to karts ... although - they aren't people you know - you obviously had reservations hence your texts ... well - what he/she is saying is that it wasn't cool ...

    so ... don't think it was a misunderstanding at all ... simply what one thinks their obligations are when purchasing a ticket ...
  • KartsKarts Posts: 120
    I don't understand that. My reservations came from me having some class and warning the person in advance not to expect me back at the seat. I am equally random to the person who sold me the ticket as the person I traded the ticket with. Any of the three of us could have been the asshole getting others into the same row. It's not like I was on a date with the guy who sold me my ticket and had obligations to sit next to him!

    Moreover, Bathgate66 has been sending me texts today seeming to infer that I actually gave the ticket to multiple people. So that is the misunderstanding I want to clear up. If anything, that is the only thing I could have done wrong here, which I did not. Please do let me know if you feel otherwise.

    Perhaps going forward, the way to do this is for me to have gone down with the person and spoken to the original ticket holder about the trade, just so that everyone is cool with it. I expected a text message to be enough but it apparently wasn't, or wasn't understood as intended.
  • Perhaps this is a problem to be taken to a private message?
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