in defense of the unenthusiastic concert goer

LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
edited November 2009 in Given To Fly (live)
i'm pretty sure it's not really the majority, but i get the vibe from a lot of posters on here that the quality of these shows depends in large part on the crowd, and they seem to have a problem with the crowd for every show. i've been to 15 pj shows including friday and saturday at the spectrum, and every show i've been to, the crowd has been more intense than for any other band i've ever seen live. the saturday show was the most intense pj crowd i've ever seen. i don't think this will ever change, the passion of the fans mixed with the style of music pj plays is a recipe for an energetic crowd. that said, you are also always gonna have people who want to sit from time to time, and people who don't dance, don't sing, don't wave their arms around etc. and what is wrong with that? why do some people think that there is a right and wrong way to see a show? i'm a huge fan, and i love going to shows, but i'm probably one of those people that some of you are complaining about. i sat during just breathe up until jeremy saturday night because i knew it was gonna be a long show and my legs were getting tired standing in one place. who gives a shit? do i really have to rock out to "low light" for you to have a good time? if we were all paying attention to the music and letting the music take over us in a natural way, no one would be paying attention to what other people are doing. i feel like some of you think that you have to act a certain way at a pj show and if you don't you are an outcast. some people don't feel comfortable dancing and singing and jumping up and down in a crowd of people. every hear of anxiety? some people may be able to pay better attention to the show without all of the unneccessary arm movements (which are cool to see from a big crowd, but we all don't need to do it) and jumping around. just because someone is standing there stairing at the stage the whole time doesn't mean that they aren't having a good time. maybe they are just in awe? anyway, i just don't think it's fair to single people out for the way they conduct themselves at a concert. there are reasons for everything. everyone paid to see the same show and should be allowed to enjoy it in their own way. probably starting to blab here, just felt the need to rant.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    do i really have to rock out to "low light" for you to have a good time?
    yep :P

    well put post, by the way.
  • Well said. I like to sing along and then somethimes I like to look around and soak up the feeling. I really don't give a shit who sits, who stands, who sings, who sleeps or whatever because I am there for my enjoyment. I sat down during a few songs because my back was killing me. I was up and singing 90% of the time. I know I had a great time and to me that's what matters.
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Way to go... ruin the show for me by not acting the way I expect you and everyone else to act... like a fucking idiot... like me... a fucking idiot... that thinks everyone around me should hear my voice... screaming out the lyrics... or, at least reasonable facsmile of the lyrics i think of... and getting excited seeing me 'Go apeshit'... because I'm a REAL FAN... who goes Apeshit... so everyone will see me... and everyone will know I'm a REAL FAN... who deserves to be in the front row... so Eddie can see me... going apeshit... and being a REAL FAN... because i go apeshit... so Eddie can see me... going apeshit... like a REAL FAN.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    I never care what the people around me do- well except the EV concert In Milwaukee when in the balcony people kept getting up and going out- I mean alot- that was very distracting and sort of rude- if really not into it then maybe don't come to your seats.
    At PJ it doesn't matter though if people want to sit or not sing or whatever- I don't think we should judge how a person enjoys just cause its not like we enjoy. I've certainly learned to party by myself!
  • I couldnt agree more. By saturday i was so exhasuted from the previous shows and the phillies game on wednesday and basically operating on little or no sleep that over the course of a 3 and a half hour show my voice was ruined, my feet were killing me and i was pushing a 102 temp by the time i got home. Forgive me for needing to take a seat for a few songs. Apparently I'm not a real fan because i didnt rock out for the entirity.
  • JL19851JL19851 Posts: 209
    This is the first time I am posting here, but I think this is such a valid point, and I think it brings up something very interesting.

    I think it is honestly time for some fans to hang it up and stop going. Not fans who "aren't enthusiastic". Fans who are simply not enjoying themselves at the shows anymore. When I came here to look around and see what people thought, I saw a ton on complaints about the Philly 4 setlist from people who were there (complaints of repeats, not enough obscure songs, etc.). I mean, when you hit the point where they play 41 songs, 3 hours and 40 minutes, and basically play their hearts out the whole time, and you have have a bone to pick about setlist selection, just hang it up, man. You've been to too many shows. I've been to a lot of them, and have seen Even Flow at almost all of them, and yet, when those opening chords blare out of those amps, I still get excited. Every time. Pearl Jam shows are supposed to be fun, and entertaining, and uplifting, and all that fun stuff that I still get out of seeing them every time. When you start treating it like a math equation (what ratio are they playing this song) and/or treating hit songs like you are taking lumps for the greater personal good of just maybe seeing a couple of songs you haven't already seen...just seems a little unhealthy.

    I've been feeling this way for about 3 or 4 years...Pearl Jam fans have always seemed so great, and friendly, and make for the most phenomenal atmosphere (whether standing, sitting, or dancing), but the last few tours have been very strange. The band seemed to expand the number of songs they play on tour because the fans eat up rarely played songs, but at the same token, seems like a lot of people are going in the hopes that they will only play unreleased tracks. It got to the point last year where I had more fun in the non-10 Club seats because those fans seemed more appreciative of the band and what they do night in and night out.

    So my plea is appreciate it. They just played a 3.5 hour, 41 song set. Stop splitting hairs on what was a landmark show in this band's career. Their energy was great, the crowd's energy was great, and the whole concert was simply out of this world phenomenal. And most of all, thank you Pearl Jam for doing what you do, night in and night out.
  • all great points in this thread.
    i think all of *this*...the bitching, the comparing, the endless minute critiques....all thanks to the internet. it's just so EASY for people to do here. i try to just avoid/diisregard the negativity and focus on all the POSITIVES people share here. thank bejeebus, there still IS a lot of positivitiy here. and no, i am not suggesting for the reverse/extreme of shiny, happy people just worshipping at the altar, but yes....we can respect each other, the band, have a great time....and still express dissenting opinions too.

    as to the OP, i LOVE checking out the crowds at various points in the show. i LOVE feeling the *energy*....i love seeing people clearly having a blast, dancing/singing/hugging.....and i love to also see that silent fan, just fully engrossed in the music. it's ALL good. 8-)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • 8181 Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
    it's a rock concert, get off your ass and act like you are at one.

    nearly everyone in my section was sitting sat night for 75% of the show. the only time i sat was after coming back with my beer at the first intermission. holy fuck, them stairs are killer. took me a few minutes to cool off and get my legs back under me. mid thru the 1st encore i was back up and only sat during the second encore break.

    by the end of the night, my legs were barely there. my whole body felt like jello. it was awesome.
    81 is now off the air

  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Wholeheartedly agree with Tiki Barber!!!

    People need to chill and not worry about what others are doing, unless of course they being assholes in your space!!
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    A 40+ song setlist... over a 3 1/2 hour span... and the night is ruined because the people around you 'aren't into it' as much as you think they should be.
    Who really has the problem here... the people who sat back and enjoyed the show... or the guy who spent the night worrying about the people sitting in their seats?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • i took a moment to pause and reflect during better man on halloween...

    i had a view from the 300 section of the whole arena bowl, basked in blue light, everyone singing and waving their arms. amazing. made me smile...

    if there is any problem with the "unenthusiastic" concert goer, it's only when they give you a dirty look for standing when they choose to sit. (speaking in general terms, not at all my experience at that show).
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Sung to Santa Clause is coming to town:

    You better rock out,
    You better not sit,
    You better sing right I’m tellin’ you why,
    Concert cops are watching your aaasssss!!!

    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    In the span of a 2-3 hour concert, noticing the crowd, taking it all in for 5-10 minutes total is not exactly blasphemy, sheesh. From small clubs to arenas, we know bands feed or starve off the reaction of the crowd. So what I'm getting at is, completely legit to notice and comment on the crowd. Saw some comments in the other thread as to why anybody would notice. Please. "Worrying about it," is another issue....

    As much as I'd like to have them play in my living room, I'm at a shared experience -- massive gatherings of humans are just neat, fascinating. The dynamic of large crowds. "You're soaking in it now!"

    I also find it fascinating to hear from folks who have seen audiences across the nation and around the world. While the whole "we're better" can get tiresome, I do hear the "we're just different" and that's legit. Good insight that a GA show will get all the spaz's to the floor and that seats will then be used as such.

    I've been in just about every concert situation imaginable, really, and I like GA the best -- but sitting back with a good buzz 10-20 rows up the side watchin Clapton and Winwood do there thing is every bit of heaven as standing on the edge of the pit or clinging to a rail and fighting for your life during Metallica.

    It's just the TENSION between sitters and standers that can suck. Folks get nasty. Everyone paid the same price, right to enjoy it how the wanna and appreciate you not ruining it for them by sitting behind them steaming or standing in front of them flailing. No good solutions there.... But GA floor with reserved seating around the edges makes good sense most of the time!
    [sic] happens
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    Lizard wrote:
    Sung to Santa Clause is coming to town:

    You better rock out,
    You better not sit,
    You better sing right I’m tellin’ you why,
    Concert cops are watching your aaasssss!!!

  • It is a rock show, so the general expectations are that people should at least look like they are having a good time. Also remember that every tenclub member has to buy two tickets, the person they take with them may not be a big Pearl Jam fan, and may not be into the concert as much as the tenclub member......

    I also sat during the "string section" because I had seen it the previous shows and those songs are slower and a good time for a break.

    However, it be annoying when you are singing along to a song and you can hear your own voice, (because nobody else around you is singing along) instead of that collective crowd voice.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    i feel like some of you think that you have to act a certain way at a pj show and if you don't you are an outcast. some people don't feel comfortable dancing and singing and jumping up and down in a crowd of people. every hear of anxiety? some people may be able to pay better attention to the show without all of the unneccessary arm movements (which are cool to see from a big crowd, but we all don't need to do it) and jumping around. just because someone is standing there stairing at the stage the whole time doesn't mean that they aren't having a good time. maybe they are just in awe? anyway, i just don't think it's fair to single people out for the way they conduct themselves at a concert. there are reasons for everything. everyone paid to see the same show and should be allowed to enjoy it in their own way. probably starting to blab here, just felt the need to rant.

    i agree with this...back in march i saw dmb in vegas and a few rows down from me was this girl who was dancing...jumping around, flaying her arms is dancing i guess...anyway normally i don't notice what the crowd is doing but her movements kept catching my eye and the only thing i wondered "is she even watching the show?" i mean, the band is performing and you're there to watch and listen to the band so how can she if she's jumping around like she's a gnat on a coke bender? but if that's the way she enjoys a show, more power to her...i enjoy a show by watching the band and listening to the music...yeah i'm moving...bobbing my head, singing as loud as my neighbor will allow ;) but i am enjoying the show whether the small minded crowd watchers think i am or not

    and as for sitting, i have chronic pain so standing in one place for longer than 5 minutes is pure torture...yet if the crowd is standing, i will stand but please allow me to sit during the encore's not much, but it is a welcome relief
  • norm wrote:
    i feel like some of you think that you have to act a certain way at a pj show and if you don't you are an outcast. some people don't feel comfortable dancing and singing and jumping up and down in a crowd of people. every hear of anxiety? some people may be able to pay better attention to the show without all of the unneccessary arm movements (which are cool to see from a big crowd, but we all don't need to do it) and jumping around. just because someone is standing there stairing at the stage the whole time doesn't mean that they aren't having a good time. maybe they are just in awe? anyway, i just don't think it's fair to single people out for the way they conduct themselves at a concert. there are reasons for everything. everyone paid to see the same show and should be allowed to enjoy it in their own way. probably starting to blab here, just felt the need to rant.

    i agree with this...back in march i saw dmb in vegas and a few rows down from me was this girl who was dancing...jumping around, flaying her arms is dancing i guess...anyway normally i don't notice what the crowd is doing but her movements kept catching my eye and the only thing i wondered "is she even watching the show?" i mean, the band is performing and you're there to watch and listen to the band so how can she if she's jumping around like she's a gnat on a coke bender? but if that's the way she enjoys a show, more power to her...i enjoy a show by watching the band and listening to the music...yeah i'm moving...bobbing my head, singing as loud as my neighbor will allow ;) but i am enjoying the show whether the small minded crowd watchers think i am or not

    and as for sitting, i have chronic pain so standing in one place for longer than 5 minutes is pure torture...yet if the crowd is standing, i will stand but please allow me to sit during the encore's not much, but it is a welcome relief

    didn't realize anyone noticed me...

    seriously, that made me laugh.

    btw - a wee bit off-topic but this thread, especially it's title....reminds me of an article i've read recently, and enjoyed/laughed at...entitled...."in defense of vanilla sex." hahahaha.

    carry on...
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    Cosmo wrote:
    A 40+ song setlist... over a 3 1/2 hour span... and the night is ruined because the people around you 'aren't into it' as much as you think they should be.
    Who really has the problem here... the people who sat back and enjoyed the show... or the guy who spent the night worrying about the people sitting in their seats?

    Winner right here.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • Complaining about people who are unenthusiastic is stupid. I can accept complaints about people who are so over the top it's intrusive though.
    |11.6.00Seattle|6.6.03Vegas|6.7.03PHX|5.25.06Boston|7.22.06Gorge|7.23.06Gorge|9.21.09Seattle|9.22.09Seattle |10.6.09LA|11.19.13PHX|11.29.13Portland|12.6.13Seattle |10.22.14Denver| 8.8.18 Seattle | 8.10.18 Seattle

    EV Solo |7.15.11 Benaroya|7.16.11 Benaroya|4.13.12PHX|10.30.14Redmond|
    TOTD 11.11.16 San Fran
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Complaining about people who are unenthusiastic is stupid. I can accept complaints about people who are so over the top it's intrusive though.
    Ever been near the person whose singing talents rivals William Hung? And it's a gal... who thinks she's good... and has a loud voice?
    Yeah... kinda sucks.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • HinnHinn Posts: 1,517
    Complaining about people who are unenthusiastic is stupid. I can accept complaints about people who are so over the top it's intrusive though.
    Bring it! I can take anything! I can't help that the 10 year old kid behind me had no chance to see Mike all night while Fleur (101 row 8 inner aisle) and I (the yellow and black stripey blur right behind her) bounced all night long. When you're that little, the stands are a much easier place to take in a show!

    Gotta be annoying for the others who constantly had to make way for those who just kept streaming out for beer and toilet breaks. So glad I didn't had to do this even once. Or maybe I just didn't notice it.

    Kudos to dad, though, for not telling me once to stop bouncing so much.
    115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
  • Bird889Bird889 Posts: 423
    Cosmo wrote:
    Complaining about people who are unenthusiastic is stupid. I can accept complaints about people who are so over the top it's intrusive though.
    Ever been near the person whose singing talents rivals William Hung? And it's a gal... who thinks she's good... and has a loud voice?
    Yeah... kinda sucks.

    yep, thats me...I sing like sh*t. I still remember my 1st grade teacher asking me to lip sync during our christmas pagent. And that was 30 years ago!!!

    So if I sang out loud to every song like a TRUE FAN there would be 12 threads started about the jerk in section 213 that ruined their experience.

    Another thing, I went to all four shows with a slightly dislocated kneecap. I stood the entire time except for Just Breathe the last show.( I was pacing myself just incase they did play to 2 am) But I wasn't jumping up and down like a TRUE FAN or I would have not been able to walk. Although I did a good job of bobbing my head up and down.
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
    slide in sideways, BBQ sandwich in one hand, cold beer in the other,
    body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "Woo Hoo what a

  • it's funny, i thought more about this thread/topic...fuck if i know why :lol: and i realize that my husband would most definitely get labelled "unenthusiastic concert goer." i do not pogo, but i dance and sing and all....all night. hubby does not sing, doesn't really ever dance at shows. if we share a show he may sway a lot more b/c i am with him, etc. in fact, i remember in DC in 2008 was the first time he really seemed to get into it more than usual. thing is tho, he almost always gets into it, just in his own way. he is a musician, so he loves to truly watch them all play - particularly jeff since hubby is a bass player too. he likes to just LISTEN and ABSORB. sure, he applauds but i don't think i've ever heard him yell out at a show and he certainly never gets crazy. and ya know what? he is a rather quiet and chill person all the rest of his time too, so why would his personality suddenly change at a concert? people enjoy things - music included - in different ways. and sure, we make quite a pair. :D
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,526
    I really dont care how you choose to enjoy the show, sitting, squatting, sleeping whatever

    just dont intrude on my experience and the way I choose to enjoy the show and all is good

    Wed, there were these two dudes sitting next to me doing what I call the NYC jig-arms crossed, heads bobbing slowly-no sign of conversation or emotion the entire show
    when blood came on and I started to loose my shit, the guy next to me was like WTF is wrong with that dude? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  • norm wrote:
    i feel like some of you think that you have to act a certain way at a pj show and if you don't you are an outcast. some people don't feel comfortable dancing and singing and jumping up and down in a crowd of people. every hear of anxiety? some people may be able to pay better attention to the show without all of the unneccessary arm movements (which are cool to see from a big crowd, but we all don't need to do it) and jumping around. just because someone is standing there stairing at the stage the whole time doesn't mean that they aren't having a good time. maybe they are just in awe? anyway, i just don't think it's fair to single people out for the way they conduct themselves at a concert. there are reasons for everything. everyone paid to see the same show and should be allowed to enjoy it in their own way. probably starting to blab here, just felt the need to rant.

    i agree with this...back in march i saw dmb in vegas and a few rows down from me was this girl who was dancing...jumping around, flaying her arms is dancing i guess...anyway normally i don't notice what the crowd is doing but her movements kept catching my eye and the only thing i wondered "is she even watching the show?" i mean, the band is performing and you're there to watch and listen to the band so how can she if she's jumping around like she's a gnat on a coke bender? but if that's the way she enjoys a show, more power to her...i enjoy a show by watching the band and listening to the music...yeah i'm moving...bobbing my head, singing as loud as my neighbor will allow ;) but i am enjoying the show whether the small minded crowd watchers think i am or not

    and as for sitting, i have chronic pain so standing in one place for longer than 5 minutes is pure torture...yet if the crowd is standing, i will stand but please allow me to sit during the encore's not much, but it is a welcome relief

    I know how you feel. Not only am I old (50), but I have 11 screws holding my pelvis & hip together from a wall collapsing on me. I also need my rt knee replaced & have nerve damage down that leg. I "NEED" every break I can get. I "WANT" to stand & rock out as much as possible. I "KNOW" I will pay for it days after the show. PJ shows are 1 of the few things I'm willing to sacrifice my body for, I'll pay the price later :cry: . We're "ALL" different with different circumstances. To each his own on the way you want to "act" at a rock concert.
    So, What you Giving ?........ (Thanks Speedy, Alesek, & Arq+friends)
    What You Giving

    I suggest you step out on your Porch.
    Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    JL19851 wrote:
    This is the first time I am posting here, but I think this is such a valid point, and I think it brings up something very interesting.

    I think it is honestly time for some fans to hang it up and stop going. Not fans who "aren't enthusiastic". Fans who are simply not enjoying themselves at the shows anymore. When I came here to look around and see what people thought, I saw a ton on complaints about the Philly 4 setlist from people who were there (complaints of repeats, not enough obscure songs, etc.). I mean, when you hit the point where they play 41 songs, 3 hours and 40 minutes, and basically play their hearts out the whole time, and you have have a bone to pick about setlist selection, just hang it up, man. You've been to too many shows. I've been to a lot of them, and have seen Even Flow at almost all of them, and yet, when those opening chords blare out of those amps, I still get excited. Every time. Pearl Jam shows are supposed to be fun, and entertaining, and uplifting, and all that fun stuff that I still get out of seeing them every time. When you start treating it like a math equation (what ratio are they playing this song) and/or treating hit songs like you are taking lumps for the greater personal good of just maybe seeing a couple of songs you haven't already seen...just seems a little unhealthy.

    I've been feeling this way for about 3 or 4 years...Pearl Jam fans have always seemed so great, and friendly, and make for the most phenomenal atmosphere (whether standing, sitting, or dancing), but the last few tours have been very strange. The band seemed to expand the number of songs they play on tour because the fans eat up rarely played songs, but at the same token, seems like a lot of people are going in the hopes that they will only play unreleased tracks. It got to the point last year where I had more fun in the non-10 Club seats because those fans seemed more appreciative of the band and what they do night in and night out.

    So my plea is appreciate it. They just played a 3.5 hour, 41 song set. Stop splitting hairs on what was a landmark show in this band's career. Their energy was great, the crowd's energy was great, and the whole concert was simply out of this world phenomenal. And most of all, thank you Pearl Jam for doing what you do, night in and night out.

    Great first post, and welcome to the fray. It's bizarre how some people expect so much from a band that has already given much more than most bands, maybe more than any other rock band in history. Most bands will just play the same set every night, or maybe have some minor variations night by night. Pearl Jam will mix it up, and fuck it up, and recover, and exceed their own expectations... every night they play. And what they play is not easy. Unless people can do what they do, they shouldn't bitch.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Bird889 wrote:

    yep, thats me...I sing like sh*t. I still remember my 1st grade teacher asking me to lip sync during our christmas pagent. And that was 30 years ago!!!

    So if I sang out loud to every song like a TRUE FAN there would be 12 threads started about the jerk in section 213 that ruined their experience.

    Another thing, I went to all four shows with a slightly dislocated kneecap. I stood the entire time except for Just Breathe the last show.( I was pacing myself just incase they did play to 2 am) But I wasn't jumping up and down like a TRUE FAN or I would have not been able to walk. Although I did a good job of bobbing my head up and down.
    I am right there with you. I even had to quit singing in the shower because my singing was peeling the enamel off of the ceramic tiles. So... I do an Ashley Simpson and lip sync at the gigs. I can do the choruses where everyone else's voices drown me out... but, seriously, you really don't want to hear me sing.
    And the whole going apeshit thing... that's a crock of shit. It's usually the kook that's looking for attention... most likely from the band. Like, they think Eddie's going to think, "Wow... that guy is going apeshit. He MUST be a TRUE FAN... because no one else was going apeshit during 'Just Breathe'. Wow, I'm impressed... he has to be the bestest fan ever."
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    On Friday I rocked it with my cock out, and on Saturday I was more behaved taking everything in...
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • The Champ wrote:
    On Friday I rocked it with my cock out, and on Saturday I was more behaved taking everything in...

    well sure, cause you blew your load friday.
    glad pearl jam, the band, has more stamina than many of their fans...;)

    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    Interesting! Just why do people care what I do at a show? If they are paying attention to the show, what I do should be insignicant. I like to sit at certain points. I am getting older and my legs will hurt. Why does anyone else care?
    Save room for dessert!
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