What has

Interestingly enough….
To say the least
Always quick to share
Things about myself
Yet I feel as if no one has ever
Truly, deeply, ever grasped what it is
To be me, to live this life
Never have given my soul to anyone
Sitting here, trying to protect it
From the wanted, and unwanted
Dregs on society
To unfurl all that is me
Can you handle it
Or the better question would be
Will you handle it
Of what I am
And what I will be
To love and care
For something so lost
Along the way of being
Help explain it all
So I don’t stand alone
I really don’t think it’s too hard
To ask of the world around
So here I am
All in a row of my mind
Sitting, thinking, that maybe
Just by some chance, I’m still just a lonely little boy
Waiting, wanting to be saved from the big bad dark abyss……
To say the least
Always quick to share
Things about myself
Yet I feel as if no one has ever
Truly, deeply, ever grasped what it is
To be me, to live this life
Never have given my soul to anyone
Sitting here, trying to protect it
From the wanted, and unwanted
Dregs on society
To unfurl all that is me
Can you handle it
Or the better question would be
Will you handle it
Of what I am
And what I will be
To love and care
For something so lost
Along the way of being
Help explain it all
So I don’t stand alone
I really don’t think it’s too hard
To ask of the world around
So here I am
All in a row of my mind
Sitting, thinking, that maybe
Just by some chance, I’m still just a lonely little boy
Waiting, wanting to be saved from the big bad dark abyss……