Looking for ride to airport after tonight's show 10/31

Bdog10Bdog10 Boca Posts: 471
edited October 2009 in Given To Fly (live)
My buddy and I are looking for a ride to the airport after the show. After last night it was almost impossible to get a cab back to our hotel. And with the world series in town it will only be harder. We have a 6am flight so hopefully after the show ends at 2am we won't have that long of a wait. :D We will be glad to chip in for gas money. You can email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:richtan10@yahoo.com">richtan10@yahoo.com</a><!-- e -->. Thanks
"I want to go...but I don't want to go alone...With you I could never feel alone..."

Randall's Island 96 and haven't stopped since...
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