1 year ago from thursday (today)

InHiding19InHiding19 Posts: 2,385
edited August 2008 in The Porch
My white ass didn't get to go to the vic........man some of you fucks are lucky bastardos. Still regretting this one.
Out of the Blue and Into the Black................Uncle Neil Philly 08 here I come!!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Given to...Given to... Wyoming Posts: 4,997
    "...would you like some forks?" EV 12-02-06
  • CateetoCateeto Posts: 377
    It was a fun show! You should have been there :p
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    I still have a database error on my browser shortcut from trying to get tickets.

    I stood outside the venue for about 15 minutes before giving up and getting drunk with several banned members of this board. . . And I probably had more fun than I would have inside.

    Luckily Lollapalooza was a great time, and I forgot about the Vic quickly.
  • Surf RiderSurf Rider Posts: 813
    edited March 2009
    Post edited by Surf Rider on
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,311
    Yeah I stood outside for like 15 minutes, but then felt bad for my friends who wouldn't of got in anyway. We just came from Wrigley watching the Phils beat the crap out of the Cubs so we were pretty lit up. Did anyone actually score getting into this show by waiting outside?
    jaamfaan wrote:
    Aw man the memory of that and the tears just came rushing in! What a night that was trying to get tickets:( oh well lolla was a blast!
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    Yeah I stood outside for like 15 minutes, but then felt bad for my friends who wouldn't of got in anyway. We just came from Wrigley watching the Phils beat the crap out of the Cubs so we were pretty lit up. Did anyone actually score getting into this show by waiting outside?
    I don't know anyone who did. KDH12 waited outside all day and didn't find a thing :(
  • Surf RiderSurf Rider Posts: 813
    edited March 2009
    Post edited by Surf Rider on
  • P34RL J4MM3RP34RL J4MM3R Posts: 1,329
    I just want to relay my Vic experience. I got shut out of the on-line sale, but did score a ticket by waiting outside. A 10Clubber from Lousiana took me in for $200. I thought it was a pretty good deal. I never got his name, but we chatted a bit and he is a cool guy. If you are on this board, bro, Thanks, I really appreciate the reasonable ticket and getting me in this show. My buddy spent $400 on a ticket from a Lolla promoter who had extras. He is probably one of 20 people who have an actual ticket stub from the show....pretty cool. Of course the Vic doesn't scan the tickets, so they actually took half of it and gave him the stub. When was the last time you got a ticket torn? Been a while. We also hit the Cubs game and it was a blast, but it did suck that the Phillies killed them. All in all, probably one of the best weekends of my life, everything just seemed to work out perfectly all weekend long. AHHH...Memories.
    There's no need to say goodbye
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,311
    We also hit the Cubs game and it was a blast, but it did suck that the Phillies killed them. All in all, probably one of the best weekends of my life, everything just seemed to work out perfectly all weekend long. AHHH...Memories.

    Correct that - It was awesome that the Phillies killed them. By the way, I have to say Cubs fans are weak. I remember in the first inning when Soriano got GUNNED down trying to steal second we jumped up and started going nuts and no one told us to sit down or anything. I mean c'mon, gimme somethin.
  • nothing better than watching the phils kick ass, then drinking under el tracks before the show and rocking out all night into 3 glorious days at lolla!
    Small my table, seats just 3, its not crowded, its just lucky me
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,311
    Yeah, now I can say I've drank under two EL's..... Chi town is a sweet city though. Had a blast - probably my favorite city other than my own.
  • Oxxys wrote:
    My white ass didn't get to go to the vic........man some of you fucks are lucky bastardos. Still regretting this one.
    Me either! sucks big time.
    Here’s a question you might need to ask
    What’s self destruction and how can we last?

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    Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."

    McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
  • Local CrewLocal Crew Posts: 745
    i wish i could get in touch with the dude i gave my extra ticket too. he was a huge fan from chicago lived very close to wrigley. we downed a bottle of rum while in line, but dont tell that dude with with the pony tail, in combat boots, and wearing a shirt with peppers on it.
    Walk Tall, Kick Ass, Learn to Speak Arabic, Love Music, and Never Forget You Come From a Long Line of Truth Seekers, Lovers, and Warriors. HST

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