scary to realize...

pickupyourwillpickupyourwill Posts: 3,135
edited April 2018 in The Porch
...that  cannibalism may be going on in this world, in 2018.   Its a very scary thought, even sadder that some may be getting enhanced abilities from it, better athletic skills ( so they can be "winners")  for example. Its sad to think some have reduced themselves to this, like the folk at beginning of season 2 of Fargo. They had a telepathic ability on that subway ride,  the couple that grinded up Rye. It seemed to me the ability came from eating him, that's how I took it anyway since no one else that season or era being represented displayed that ability in the other episodes.   I saw an episode like that on X-files and one on Supernatural, where an enhanced ability, be it telepathy or great strength and stamina for sports could come from cannibalism.  Given the Chainsaw massacre movies too being loosely based on true stories, one might wonder how many spurts of cannibalism have taken place throughout history.   It starts out small and harmless, but can start a war.   Maybe some of these evil patches of cannibalism throughout have started but then died out---the angels and demons having their behind the scenes effect on it.  God and the unseen are always watching these crimes of cannibalism unfold. The cannibals' karma will catch up with them eventually.   I advise them to repent and atone for their sins, while there is still time.
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